HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-18-80 i City of Lakeville Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 1980 Chairman Johnson called he meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll call was taken: Present: Geisness, Enright, Antolik, Johnson, Asmus, Rice., Harvey. Also Present:. Sid Miller, City Building Official; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; David Licht, City Planner; Fran Kriz, City Engineer, and Alan Brixius of Northwest Associated Consultants. Review of the minutes frorh the Planning Commission meeting on September 4, 1980 was conducted . Chairman Johnson asked i~ there were any comments or changes to the minutes. There were no changes. 80.155 Motion was made by Asmus seconded by Antolik to approve the minutes of the September 4, 1980 Planning Commission meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Antolik, Johnson, Asmus, Rice, Harvey, Enright Abstain: Geisness • Chairman Johnson opened ~~Ithe public hearing on the applications of Enggren's Inc. and Pump and Meter Servrce, inc. for a conditional use permit to install two 10,000 gallon underground storage tanks ~tor gasoline or diesel fuel at 8333 210th Street West. I Mr. Knutson stated the pri~ter's affidavit was not filed, but felt the hearing had been properly advertised . j Dean Lewis, 2711 E. Franl~lin Avenue, Minneapolis, of Pump and Meter Service stated that there are two existi ng'I 10, 000 -gal Lon tanks existing on the site and they are proposing to install two additional 1(,000 gallon tanks and .extend the service isle. Mr. Harvey asked what is ~he driveway width? Mr. Lewis replied that the driveway width is 38 feet and the 24 foot service isle would permit four cars to be serviced at once. Mr. Johnson asked how deep the tanks would be buried? Mr. Lewis replied that .three feet of cover is required and that the area shall have a concrete surface. Mr. Johnson asked if the installation of the tanl~s and the extension of the isle present the only major changes, and if 10,000 gallon tanks are common size? Mr. Lewis stated that the 12,000 and 10,000 gallon tanks were not uncommon 'nd they represent the only major changes Mr. Harvey asked what th normal number of tanks for a convenience store was? Mr. Lewis stated. sometimes 2, someti es 4. a City of Lakeville Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 1980 Mr. Johnson asked can these tanks be compartmentalized into two tanks? Mr. Lewis said that they could not. Mr. Johnson asked for comments from the audience. No comments were made. 80.156 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Geisness to close the public hearing.. Roll call was taken an the motion: Ayes: Unanimous Mr. Johnson asked if the Engineer had reviewed this project. Nlr. Kriz stated they have made no review of the site plans . Mr. Licht stated that NAC was lead to believe that no changes to the site p{an were to occur. However, with the new changes recommends that the request be sent before the City Council with a staff report. John Enggren stated that the expansion of storage tank capacity will permit them to stay open during the tought times. The main reason for the request of the change is to increase service to four cars . The increased storage wi I I a Iso permit increased storage of gasoline • and other types of fuel. Mr. Johnson asked if this includes one grade of diesel? Mr. Enggren stated not at this time. Mr. Harvey asked why wasn't a staff report done? Mr. Licht stated that they were informed that no surfpce-changes were to take place. Mr. Harvey felt a staff review should be done prior to a recommendation. Mr. Asmus stated that since the site plans were so controversial the first time the Planning Commission reviewed them, a staff review should be conducted. Mr. Geisr~ess sees no problem with the site plan and feels that a staff report would be an added expense for the applicant. Mr. Harvey reiterated that the request may require more than reasonable care and a staff report is appropriate . Mr. Licht mentioned that there is a constant and frequent violation of an obstructed view of the fuel pumps. Increased traffic along with this violation make it necessary for a staff review. Mr. Asmus stated that the request is for an additional 20,000 gallons of gas. The Planning Commission has a duty to protect the safety of the City and that precautions to ensure that safety require a staff review to be conducted. 2 I ii i, City of Lakeville • I~ Planning Commission..Meeting September 18, 1980 Mr. Lewis stated the plans ~yvere approved by the State Fire Marshall . Weather problems after November lst may prollong installation. Mr. Licht stated that the Fire Marshal I doesn't review traffic circulation. Mr. Geisness asked if a sta~'f review would find any problems? Mr. Enggren stated they wi I I come to the same conclusions as we have . Mr. Antolik stated he felt t4~at a staff report was appropriate. 80.157 Motio» was made by Harvey, seconded by Antolik to table the request until the next Planning Commission meeting to permit staff review. Roll caul was taken on the ri{iotion: Ayes: Unanimous The request was tabled untill'I the Planning Commission meeting on October 2, 1980. Mr. Licht stated that the Pl~nning Commission may want to consider addressing Agenda Item No. 6 atthis time. I • Chairman Johnson opened. t e public hearing on the application of Nobert and Shirley Jensen for a conditional use permit to construct a storage building that would provide over 1,000 square feet of to al garage space at 20790 Dodd Boulevard.. Mr. Knutson stated .that the printer's affidavit is not in the file, however, thought the meeting was duly advertised. ~ , Mr. Licht stated the planne 's report is positive and recommended approval contingent on the structure not to be used ~or home occupancy. Mr. Johnson asked for comrr{ents from the audience. No comments were received. 80.158 Motion was made by Harvey,, seconded by Asmus to close the public hearing. Roll cal( was taken on the rnotion: Ayes: Unanimous Mr. Asmus asked if the builc~'ing meets all the codes. Mr. Miller said that it did. Mr. Rice asked if the metal siding meets code. Mr. Miller said it did. it 3 i 1. City of Lakevi I le Planning Commission Meeting • September 18, 1980 80.159 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Rice to recommend approval . Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous Request. will be before the City Council on October 6, 1980. Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing on the application of the City of Lakeville to rezone from CBD-C (Central Business District-Commercial) to CBD-I (Central Business District-Industrial) the city owned property at 8830 207th Street West, the present City Hall-Fire Station One. Mr. Knutson stated that the hearing was properly advertised. Mr. Licht summarized the planner's report. The Planning Commission initiated the application a month ago. The question being addressed is what type of land use is appropriate in accor- dance with the Comprehensive Plan. Industrial expansion in this area would increase employ- ment and increase the tax base. The expansion is endorsed by the City Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. The planner's report interprets the Comprehensive Plan as limiting • industrial development in the CBD, however, it also encourages improvement of community strong points. Based on location studies done for the fire station and City hall, these public uses are not appropriate for this area. The City has control over the industrial expansion. Site revision can be suggested to reduce use incompatibilities. Other uses that may be appropriate for the area are offices. Burnett Murphy, Lakevi I le, asked how the. Despatch project effected Searle Elevator operations . Mr. Licht introduced a letter from Searle Elevator that stated Searle Elevator has no objections. Ernst Stevervig, 20275 Holyoke Avenue, asked since the refusal of the City Hall, shouldn't the City Hall and Fire Station remain at their existing locations. Mr. Licht stated that the request is a land use and zoning question. A public hearing- will be held for the relocation of the police department and the City hall. The Fire Station will be paid for by Tax Increment and new taxes generated by expansion of Despatch Industries. The question regarding land use and zoning must be answered before the relocation of the Police Station and City Hall will be addressed. Mrs. Stevervig asked would this land have to be rezoned for office uses? Mr. Licht said no. Mr. Harvey asked if the disposition of the property would require a public hearing? Mr. Licht stated it does not and reiterated that the issue is whether or not to rezone the property. The entire project is a step-by-step process and each step is not finalized until the City . Council acceptance of the developer's agreement. 4 j I City of Lakeville • Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 1980 , Earl Whitney, Despatch. Industries, was available. to answer any .questions the- Commission may have. Mrs. George Spiker, 88308 108th Street, asked does the rezoning extend south to 208th access road of the railroad trlacks? Mr. Johnson responded the rezoning includes only the hockey rink, City Hall and Eire Station.. I 80.160 Motion was made by Rice, s~conded by Antolik to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the m~tion: Ayes: Unanimous Mr. Rice stated the City hasonly seven hockey rinks and their going to take one. Has the Park and Recreation Commission reviewed this lost and made provisions to correct it? Mr. Licht stated that he did~nof know. It is a legitimate question. Mr. Johnson asked where errpployee parking would be? Mr. Licht responded that this should be answered at a later date since no site plans are available, • Mr. Harvey asked if the area should be zoned PUD to provide the City more control? Mr. Licht stated that a tax increment ~roject provides the City with. control . Both .parties are under a binding contract. Mr. Harvey asked if the contract would include control over the archi- tectural. aspects of the proje' t? Mr . Licht. repl ied yes . Mr. Asmus asked if this coulld protectthe neighborhood from noise problems? Mr. Licht said yes . j Mr. Rice asked what Despatch Industries produces. Mr. Whitney stated that they produce commercial stoves and oven. 80.161 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Asmus to recommend approval of the request. Rol t cal I was taken on the rr~otion: Ayes: Antol ik, Johnson, Asmus, Harvey, Geisness, Enright. Nays: Rice - Me ~elt that in six months the motion will be reversed. Rezoning will be before the City Council on October 6, 1980. Chairman Johnson opened tl~e public hearing on the applications of the City of Lakeville to vacate Hughes south of 207th Street West to the former Milwaukee Railroad tracks. and east of Hughes Avenue approximately 140 feet. • Mr. Knutson stated that thelhearing was properly .advertised. 5 City of Lakeville Planning Commission Meeting • September 18, 1980 Mr. Licht described the street vacation to include 208th and mentioned that Searle Elevators had no objections . Mr. Kriz stated that 207th and 208th Streets accommodate the truck traffic and the project will keep this traffic within the industrial area. Bill Cook stated the vacation of the street without a provision for a street extension does not allow access to the Searle operation. Mr. Licht responded that the City intends to protect Searle. Plans are now being made to offer alternative access, however, no pro- . vision is currently available. Mr. Cook asked that the provision be included in the Commission°s recommendation. Ernst Stevervig asked can a street be reopened once vacated? Mr. Knutson replied that once vacated it can't be reopened, however, the street vacation will not take place until the agreement with Despatch is closed. 80.162 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Rice to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous • 80.163 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Asmus to recommend approval of the street vacation contingent on Despatch providing access to Searle and Darcy Grain Elevators across the railroad tracks. Mr. Whitney stated Despatch agreed to provide access to the elevators and the access would be maintained by Despatch. Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Geisness, Enright, Antol ik, Johnson, Asmus, Harvey. Nay: Rice - He feels that the decision will be reversed in six months. Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing on the application of the City of Lakeville to amend Ordinance No. 167, the Zoning Ordinance, section 27.4 pertaining to conditional uses in the R-2 residential zone. Mr. Knutson stated the hearing was properly advertised. Mr. Licht stated that the amendment is to correct a typing error which excluded conditional uses from the R-2 District. Ernst Stevervig asked what is the difference between the R-1 District and the R-2 District? Mr. Licht stated the R-1 District has 20,000 square foot lots and the R-2 has 11,000 square • foot lots. Mrs. Stevervig asked if the change effects them? Mr. Licht stated the R-2 allows the same conditional uses as in an R-1 District. 6 i City of Lakeville Planning Commission Meeting • September 18, 1980 I 80.164 Motion was made by Rice, (seconded by Antolik to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous 80.165 Motion was made by Asmus~, seconded by Enright to recommend approval of the zoning amendment. Roll call was taken on the imotion: Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Johnson opened }he public hearing on the application of the City of Lakeville for a conditional use permit tol build a new fire station at the northeast corner of Holyoke Avenue and 202nd Street West. Mr. Knutson stated the he4~ring was properly advertised. i Mr. Licht stated that there~l, are two conditional use permits being requested and the Commission should make approval contingent on the closing of the Despatch project. The first conditional . use is to permit building of~ the new fire station, the second is for the building to exceed the height requirement by one (foot. Based on location studies that have been prepared, the site at 202nd and Holyoke was (chosen because it has access to all the service areas of the City (i .e,, CBD, Airlake Industrial. Park, and the Highway 50-I-35 area). The site plans are being re~riewed by both the planner and engineer. The proposal and plan are being prepared by a cdnsultant other than those under retainer, to permit an objective review. I Mr, Kriz stated that there ~~shouldn't be any problem with sewer and water. Provision of the utilities in the intersectior~j should be completed by August 1, 1981 and the road .will be upgraded . Mr. Geisness asked if the ire hall. proposal fails, will the utilities be useless? Mr. Kriz replied that the fire hail hid no bearing on the utility extension. The extension was previously planned . Mr. Geisness asked what gas the review criteria? Mr. Licht stated that the criteria was I fisted on page 2 of the pla~iner's report . Mr. Harvey asked how did,~the fire hall get relocated across the street? Mr. Licht responded the cost was less. i Mr. Geisness asked was the Fire Chief consulted? Mr. Licht stated yes in the initial location studies. Mr. Kriz stated es in the site planning. 7 City of Lakeville Planning Commission Meeting • September 18, 1480 Mr. Johnson asked for comments from the audience. No comments were received . Mr. Johnson asked if access would be to the west on Holyoke? Mr. Licht stated yes it would, intersection redesign is also planned. Mr. Geisness asked who negotiates purchase of the land? Mr. Knutson responded that City Attorneys do, then best offers are presented to the City Council- which makes the ..final decision. 80.166 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Enright to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes:. Unanimous Mr. Harvey asked if the fire hall will have a six foot fence with vines and shrubbery? Mr. Licht stated it should be made a condition for permit. Mr. Rice feels that the fire station should be located in Fire Service Area Three since it is one of the fastest growing areas i n the City . Mr. Johnson stated that the relocation of the fire hall was contingent on the Despatch. • project. Mr. Geisness felt that it is a good opportunity to combine the public services together. Mr. Licht stated that Service Area Three does not contain the property value or people to pay for a fire station. Despatch Industries will pay for the fire hall . A City Hall cannot be financed through tax increment . Mr. Geisness agreed that this was a compelling argument.. Mr. Licht asked .the Commission to provide the staff with some direction for the project. Mr. Asmus stated the station must be centrally located. Mr. Johnson asked if the City had an option on the Land. Mr. Knutson replied no. Mr. Licht stated that the conditional use permit expires after one year so if the City does not relocate the fire station the permit will just expire. 80.167 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Enright to recommend .approval of the conditional use permit to build the fire station. Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Asmus, Harvey, Geisness, Antolik, Enright. • Nays: Rice - He feels the decision will be reversed in six months. 8 r • ' City of Lakeville Planning Commission Meeting • September 18, 1980 80.168 Motion was made by Asmus~ seconded by Geisness to recommend approval to permit the fire station to exceed the h~ight requirement by one foot. Roll call was taken on the rjiotion: Ayes: Harvey, Geisness, Enright, Johnson, Antolik, Asmus. Ayes: Rice - He feels the decision will reverse itself in six months. 30.169 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Antolik to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote was taken on th motion: Ayes: Unanimous . The Chairman adjourned th meeting at 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, c c I -t- . I rvi n P . Geisness, Secretary ATTEST: C ar es o nson, man I I • q