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. Planning Commission Meeting
October 2, 1980
Chairman Johnson called t e meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roil call was taken:
Present: Antolik, Johnson Asmus, Rice, Harvey,. Enright. Absent: Geisness.
Others present: Roger Knu}sorr, City Attorney; Sid Miller,. City Building Inspector;
Frank Kriz, City Engi neer;~~;and Alan Brixius, Northwest. Associated Consultants, Inc a
The. Chairman called fora eview of the September 18, 1980 Planning Commission
minutes. Mr. Rice stated .that on page 9, Motion 80.168 should be changed to indicate
he voted no. Mr. Johnson stated that page 2, paragraph 8 should be changed to state
"if this includes more than ne grade of diesel".
80.170 Motion was made by Harve ,seconded by Rice to approve the minutes of the September
1$, 1980 Planning Commission mee#ing as revised.
Roll call was taken on the r`notion: Ayes: Unanimous
The Commission continued ifhe public hearing on the applications of Enggren's, Inc. and
Pump and Meter Service, I~hc. for a conditional use permit to install two 10,000 gallon
• underground storage tanks fpr gasoline or diesel fuel at 8333 210th Street W.
Mr. Brixius stated that upon review of the site plan, no complications were discovered,
however, some steps had to!be taken to ensure that the clerk's line of vision to the pumps
will not be obstructed. Th$ Planner's report suggests qn elevated walk in this parking area.
Dean Lewis, Pump and Meter Service, Minneapolis, Minnesota, stated that the elevated
walk would be a hinderanc~ to the traffic circulation and suggested painting the area and
using signs. Mr. Johnson s#ated that snow cover would hide the paint. Mr. Lewis suggested
portable signs be used during the winter months. Mr. Kriz agreed that portable signs would
work. Mr. Harvey asked if1 these signs could be used year round and moved inside. after
closing. Mr. Lewis felt thcjt permanent signs on the posts in front of the store would
prevent parking in this area'I.
Mr. Kriz stated that the cu b on the south side of the lot must be retained to direct traffic
flow. With .the curb ample turning radius is sti I I avai Fable .
80.171 Motion was made by Asmus,~l, seconded by Rice to recommend approval of the conditional
use permit contingent upon }adequate parking signing being provided which would prohibit
parking in the cashier's line of sight to the pumps. Sid Miller should give some attention
to this item to insure conformance .
Roll cal) was taken on the nhotion: Ayes: Unanimous
City of Lakeville
P{arming Commission Meeting •
October 2, 1980
Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing on the application of Sue Birkholz fora ,
conditional use permit and variance to construct a new house on lot 1 of Arland Park
Addition within 1,000 feet of Orchard Lake.
Mr. Knutson stated the meeting had been duly advertised.
Sid Miller recommended approval of the conditional use permit and variance contingent
upon the applicant i nstal I i ng a below grade pump to pump sewage from basement bathroom
Mr. Johnson asked for comments from the audience . No comments were made .
80.172 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Rice to close the public hearing.
Mr. Asmus said the home would be an improvement to the area. Mr. Harvey asked if it
would be in order to require the owner to install a sewer pump. Mr. Knutson responded
that it would be i m order .
80.173 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by;Enright to recommerxl approval of-the conditional
use permit and variance contingent upon the owner installing a sewage pump on the lower
level of the house, and precaution being taken to reduce erosion during construction due
to the site proximity to the lake.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
The application will be before the City Council on October 6, 1980.
Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing on the application of James A. Buck for a
conditional use permit to construct a new house on lots 27 and 28, block 3, Liberty
Heights Addition within 1,000 feet of Orchard Lake.
Mr. Knutson stated the hearing was duly advertised.
Mr. Miller stated that no survey had been submitted, and due to the lack of adequate
information no review could be done.
Mr. Asmus recommended that the Commission wait for the needed information and review
by the Building Inspector prior to making a decision.
James Buck stated that his home was being financed through FHA. The site he is building
on is below the required minimum lot size.
Mr. Knutson stated that the applicant would require a variance or request an ordinance
City of Lakeville
jPlanning Commission Meeting..
• October 2, 1980
Mr. Buck stated that he sho Id be granted a variance because he couldn't afford a
larger lot. Mr. Miller repl~ed that the lot must have a physical hardship that prevents
compliance with. the ordina ce .
Terry Stratton,. 426 E. lots ,Bloomington, stated that he owns lot 26 which abuts Mr.
Buck's property.. He heard (that the Gity was proposing to build a lift station. on lot 25
which leaves him with an u~hdevelopable lot if Mr. Buck is allowed to build. Mr.
Stratton stated that it was unfair to pay. taxes on a lot that is undevelopable.
Mr . Knutson stated that Mr's Stratton would be allowed to remodel .the existing structure .
Mr . S#ratton asked i f he could increase the size of the structure . Mr . Knutson stated the
square footage of the structure must remain the same .
Mr. Kriz stated that no liftjstation is planned for that property.
80.174 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Rice to table the request until the Building..
Inspector can conduct a sit review.
Rol I cal I was taken on the I otion: Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Johnson opened t e pubfis hearing on the application of the Lakeville School
District for a conditional use permit to construct a new elementary school at the northwest
corner of 175th and lpava Avenue .
Mr. Knutson stated that the meeting was duly advertised .
80.175 Motion was made by Asmus,l seconded by Rice to table the request until the next Planning
Commission meeting.
RoII call was taken on the otion: Ayes: Unanimous
Mr . Harvey .asked. i f the fut re publ is hearing would need to be advertised . Mr . Knutson
stated it would not have to ~e advertised because it will be a continuation of the hearing.
80.176 Motion was made by Asmus,~l,' seconded by Harvey to allow the School District to present
their request . I
Roll call was taken on the rrhotion: Ayes: Unanimous
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
October 2, 1.980 •
Don McGuire, School Superintendent, Lakeville, stated that the Schoo{ District
purchased the property one month ago. In selecting the site they wanted to serve a
large population, decrease busing and be serviced by municipal services. The Bond
election Cannot be done until the Minnesota Department of Education review and
evaluation is completed. This will take place after the City takes action on the request.
The preliminary plans illustrate the floor layout. The layout displays 20 classrooms and
room for expansion. The facility should serve 550 students and another 250 to 300 students
could be accommodated with expansion. The School District is interested in cooperating
with the Park and Recreation Commission to determine the best recreational use for the
Mr. Johnson asked what sites were considered. Mr. McGuire stated that it was between
the site being proposed and another site further north on Ipava Avenue. The proposed site
has better access. to a greater number of preschool youngsters and municipal sewer and
Mr. Johnson asked if the site would be strictly elementary. Mr. McGuire replied that
it would, a building slightly larger than Orchard Lake elementary school,
Mr`: Johnson asked, if the classroom sizes. were standard size. Mr. McGuire .responded, •
yes they would be standard with relocatable walls to reduce classroom sizes if necessary,
Al Wegleither, Architect, stated that the building was energy efficient, using passive
solar units, minimum outside walls and improved installation. He continued by saying. the
20 acres would provide a large area for future athletic activities. The area in front of the
school would serve a duel function as a bus unloading area and a paved recreation area for
the lower classes. An outlane to Ipava has been shown for future implementation..
Ron Robinson, Lakeville, asked if anything was being done to protect pedestrian traffic
to the site. Mr. McGuire. stated that a bicycle and walking path was being planned along
175th Street, and control led crosswalks were to be uti (ized .
Bob Nelson, Lakeville, asked how the school. was proposing to layout the playground.
Mr, Wegleither replied that the playground would be divided paved areas at the rear of the
school . The Park and Recreation Commission is currently evaluating the community's needs
to determine the best use for the remainder of the site .
Mr. Nelson stated that this would be a good opportunity through a joint powers agreement
between I.S.Q, and the City to combine the property with a park south of 175th Street for
a larger park .
City of Lakeville.
Planning Commission Meeting
• October 2, 1980
Mr. Glen Watts, 110980 18th Street West, asked if the school would be designed to
serve the handicapped as specified by state law. Mr. Wegliether stated that the facility
was designed for use by ha?-~dicapped and elderly as specified by federal law. Mr.
McGuire added that the facility would provide special education classes.
80.177 Motion was made by Asmus,i seconded by Rice to table the request until the next Planning
Commission meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Johnson opened tl~e public hearing on the application of Loken and Spande for
a preliminary plat of Oak Sores 10th Addition, rezoning of lots 1 through 7 from R-2,
Single .Family, to R-4, Single and Two Family Residence, and for a variance in the length
of the cu(-de-sac.
Mr. Knutson stated that he ,had not received a file, however, thought that the hearing
had been duly advertised .
Mr. Brixius stated that the ~pplicant had not submitted sufficient information to make a
• thorough review and recomr>5ended the item be tabled until the time ghat. site review can.
be completed by the Planner and Engineer.
Dennis GensoPe, 1155 Ipavcp Avenue, stated that surrounding the ponds in that area with
multiple family units wouldjcause possible deterioration of the. natural terrain caused by
stormwater runoff. Mr. Kri~ responded that the ponds would be maintained.. The ponds
are to be included i n the st~rmwater drai Wage system .
80.178 Motion was made by Harveyi, seconded by Rice to table the request until the. next Planning
Commission meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Johnson opened tl~e public hearing on the application of Lakeville. Parking, Inc.
to rezone lots 1 through 5, block 8, Berres Addition and lot 12, block 14, Original Town
of Fairfield Addition from R~5, Multiple Residential, to CBD-C, Central Business District-
Commercial .
Mr. Knutson stated that the hearing had been duly advertised.
Mr. Dick Callow, Route 1, Lakeville, introduced Mr. Francis Shake the project Architect.
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
October 2, 1980
Mr. Shake stated that the request would extend the CBC-C zone to the east of the existing
CBD. The Comprehensive Plan states that CBD expansion should be in an east and west
direction. The building design is in nature a transitional zone. The parking lot would hold
50 cars as required by the CBD parking requirements. The setbacks are 51 feet on the east,
58 feet on the north, 30 feet on the west, and $0 feet on the south. The building would
have a residential character, and proper buffering would be utilized on the east side of
the building.
Mrs. Bunkers, 20715 Hoflands Avenue, asked if the use would increase traffic flow and
noise on the site. Couldn't an earth berm with pine trees bevsed to buffer the east side
of the site. Mr. Shake responded that the traffic flow will be from Holyoke and Holt
Avenues and from Enggrens and Gepharts. Noise barriers and sight vision fences would
be utilized on the east side of the site. The driveway on the east side of the building is a
circulator and will have minimal traffic, however, steps can be taken to restrict traffic
i n the back of the bui Idi ng .
Mr. Brixius stated that while the comprehensive plan encourages commercial- expansion in
the CBD core, the #ransitional zone that exists between the CBD and the residential zone
would be lost. In order to retain this transitional zone, we recommend a rezoning to RB •
which would permit office use and some retail use and would 'give the City the control to
ensure proper transition.
Mrs. Bunker asked could a liquor store be developed in this area. Mr. Brixius stated that
under aCBD-C zoning a liquor store would be a permitted use and under an RB zoning a
liquor store would not be allowed.
Earl Larson, Lakeville, asked would the main access be on the west and if the jog that
existed would be used for plantings. Mr. Shake stated that it would.
Nick Rinel, 201 207th Avenue, asked why not develop commercial land instead of residential
land? .Why not use the retail space in Gepharts mall. Mr. Gephart responded that he has
a household business and requires a five year lease, so he looks for renters that have businesses
directly related to his household business.
Mr. Callow stated that they had no immediate plans for the area, they are just requesting
the rezoning .
Arelene Helkin, 10634 176th Street, asked if the fence between the properties could be
put up immediately. Mr. Callow stated that currently he is only interested in cleaning
up the site.
Mr. Rinel asked who determines what is an appropriate barrier. Mr. Knutson stated the .
ordinance establishes screening requirements.
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
• October 2, 1980
Mr. Shake suggested rezon~ng the eastern half of the block to a RB zone to provide a
transitional zone .
Ace Butrick, 7300 Edina, Mated that review of the Council minutes of 22 July 1974 states
that the CBD expansion shduld go in an east and west direction and denial of the request
would be denying the appli'cant's right to due process. Mr. Knutson responded that the
stopall doesn't apply, the ~upreme Court places no vested interest in the reliance of zoning
Mrs. Bunker asked why not~'~,leave it zoned as it is. Mr. Brixius stated that the applicant
filed for a rezoning request and we reviewed the request to determine the appropriate option
to assist the applicant with~ut disturbing the neighborhood.
Ms . Anne Bronken, Northv,~est Associated Consultants, stated thaf the RB District is a
residential district and no commercial uses are permitted without a conditional use.
Wes McGa I l as, 2005 Hol t, I asked i f each bui Id i ng was 4, 800 square feet . Mr . Shake stated
that the outside dimensionsl~of the buildings were: 54',x$6' providing.4644 square feet.
• Mr. Gephart stated that sml II s ecialt stores would be in the nature of the Cit The
restrictions being imposed c~re a barrier to economic development.
Mr. Rinel stated that the r~zoning does not require the applicant to commit to the existing
plans.. ~
Mr. Asmus asked if the RB done would limit the types of commercial uses. Mr. Knutson
replied that the RB zoning yvould limit retail to 15 percent of the building space. Mr. Rice
asked if there. was any way to get around this requirement. Mr. Knutson responded that
it would. require a rezoning or an ordinance amendment.
Mr. Rinel stated that the entire site would be covered with asphalt or concrete. Mr.
Shakes stated that there are ways to alleviate that problem. Grass on the east side of
the building would be acceptable.
Mr. Johnson stated that the RB zone would perform as a transition zone. Mrs. Bunker
asked i f .the R-5 zone wasn't a buffer zone .
Mr. Rinel asked if the area{wouldn't be better suited for elderly housing. Mr. Callow
stated that elderly housing ~omplex is being pl-armed with. the Tax .Increment District.
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting •
October 2, 1980
Mr. John Enggren, Lakeville, stated that they need more retail than 15 percent of the
building. The small businesses proposed for this building would be conforming with
adjacent areas. The planners said the CBD should expand east and west, we want to
do that. The houses existing on the site are in terrible condition and we want to make
things better. Thus far all the city parking is provided by the City Center with no
expense going to the City. The area will be an asset to the community.
$0.179 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Asmus to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
Mrs. Enright stated that she would like to review the minutes of the 22 July 1974 Council
meeting prior to making a decision.
80.180 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Antolik to table the request until the next
Planning Commission meeting. The minutes of the 22 July 1974 Council meeting should
be provided .for review by the Commission and Planner.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous •
Chairman Johnson opened the final plat approval for the Meadows Second Addition located
north of the First Addition, north of 208th Street West and between Jacquard Avenue
and Italy Avenue .
Mr. Jack Lankas stated that he would like the City to approve Jacquard and allow the
elimination of sidewalks on 207th Street to allow him to start developing the property.
Mr. Knutson stated that he .had discussed the sidewalks with Mr. McGarvey. Mr. lankas
stated that he was willing to cooperate with the City. He had no objections to the storm-
sewer charges and the installation of the street lights. Mr. Antolik agrees with the need
for street I fights .
Mr. Harvey said he was not sorry to see Mr. Lankas take over as the developer of this
Mr . Lankas stated he was wi I I i ng to sod the yards i f the sidewalks were eliminated .
He felt that it would be more beneficial to the property owners, these people can afford
to sod the yard after purchasing the house .
~ ~ i
City of Lakeville
Panning Commission Meeting.
• October 2, 1980
Mr. Knutson stated that the Commission should make a decision on the final plat and the
sidewalks should be covered in the developer's contract.
Mr. Lankas stated that he ~rould like the Commission to go on record.
Mr. Kriz stated that no decision should be made on the sidewalks because the, park is
still tentative, Mr. Lankas stated #hat he would provide sidewalks. to the park and along
Jacquard, but he wants to ~I iminate the sidewalks on the side streets .
Mr. Kriz. stated the park is';just on the preliminary plat, hold off until the park issue is
Ron Mino, 2098 Italy,_asked if the City is proposing to change the park. Mr. Lankas said
that Mr, McGarvey would ~ike to enlarge the park and locate it west of Jacquard Avenue.
Mr. Harvey stated that at tie May 1, 1978 City Council meeting, item 78.188, a recom-
mendation to advise the pollice chief to prohibit. he truck traffic through the Meadows
was made. No actions were taken. Motion 78.190 directed the City to evaluate the traffic
analysis for all phases of al~ additions and present to the Council before presentation of
• the 2nd Addition.
Mr. Kriz stated thatthe traffic flow for Jacquard Avenue is currently being done.
Mr. Johnson asked if .Italyvenue would be extended to 205th Street. Mr. Kriz stated
that he had no idea .
Mr . Antolik asked the cost pf installing the sidewalks . Mr . Lankas said sidewcrl ks for 27
lots would be $16,000. Mr:. Antolik said the improvement would increase the value of
the property, however, the''~cost would be passed on to the homebuyer.
Mr. Kriz said the Planning (Commission may recommend that the sidewalks be eliminated,
however, they should delay''this decision until the park issue is settled.
Mr. Harvey stated that the citizens out there have no more patience for the park land
issue .
Mr. Lankas stated that he needs help to provide housing near downtown Lakeville. The
housing costs are becoming kxorbitant. He asked the Commission to take action.
Mr. Johnson stated that the'~developer's agreement with the 1st Addition was to provide
the area residents with park land and the ..park land wasn't provided,. He is against-the
development of the park in ~ny other area than the current location. The City Administrator
and Park and Recreation Commission have. deprived the citizenry of this area from park land
the City Council agreed to ~n the developer's contract.
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting .
October 2, 1980
Mr. Johnson complimented the developer for his past work.
Mr. Mino stated that if the City attempts to take this park land out of the neighborhood,
he will get involved in this one also.
Mr. Harvey asked if the developer installed the drainage and is still paying the storm-
water assessment.
Mr. Bradley Lathrop, 10125 Bloomington, stated that they were, however they were to
receive credit for the stormwater pipes.
Mr. Johnson asked if the land was dedicated for park land, could it be used for anything
else? Mr. Rice stated that it couldn't. Mr. Knutson said the City usually receives a
warranty deed for land dedications and there are no strings attached.
Mr. Knutson stated that the City Council could undo whatever the Planning Commission
decides . `
Mr. Harvey stated that Mr. Lankas has done a fine job.
80.181 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Asmus to recommend approval of the final plat
contingent on past developer's agreements regarding park land be complied with, and they
recommended the elimination of sidewalks on 207th Street and Iteri Street and permit the
30 foot. right-of-way on fhe east side of Jacpuard .
Mr. Kriz stated that the 1st Addition in 1978 seta 30 foot right-of-way precedent and the
30 foot right-of-way should remain.
Rol I cal I was taken on the motion: Ayes: Antolik, Johnson, Asmus, Enright, Harvey
Nays: Rice.- he is .against the elimination of sidewalks on Iteri.
80.182 Motion was made by Antolik, seconded by Harvey to extend the Planning Commission
meeting .
Rol( call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous.
Chairman Johnson opened the final plat approval for McNearney First Addition located on
the west side of Iberia Avenue, west of the Lamplighter Apartments.
80.1$3 Motion was made by Antolik, seconded by Enright to recommend approval of the final plat.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
October 2, 1980
Mr. Johnson asked if the Engineer would inform the Commission on sewer projects at
the next meeting . -
Mr. Antolik stated that tha area north of Woodridge already has street cuts and curve
markers with no permits for excavating or mining and no preliminary plat, and. Mc Garvey
knows about i t .
Mr. Miller stated that no ibermits had been issued and thought Mr. Grohoski was going
to file a preliminary plat gfter the roads were cut.
Mr. Antolik noted Motion'.80.44 that stated extension of the sewer at two locations.
Where are the locations? ',Mr. Kriz responded the storm sewer is located between Nelson's
and Sebel's properties and with a good price they could include sanitary sewer there also.
Mr. Antolik stated that Sppnde made the motion to approve the sewer installation and that
this is a conflict of interest because his father owns the properties.
Mr. Rice stated that the Plaanning Commission should attend the City Council meeting to
voice their opinion on Meddows 2nd Addition park land.
.184 Motion was made by Antol~k, seconded by Rice to ad'ourn the meetin .
Voice vote was taken on tlje motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick Harvey, Acting Secretary
C arles Johnson, ha n