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Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
lb October 1980.
The meeting was called td order at 7.:45 p.m. by Chairman Charles Johnson.
Roll call of members. was oaken. Present: Antolik; Johnson; Rice; Geisness. Absent;
Enright; Asmus; Harvey '
Also present: Sid Miller,', City Building Official; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Frank
Kriz, City Engineer; Davild Licht, Ci y Planner.
The Chairman called for d review of the meeting minutes of 2 October 1980. Mr, Geisness
stated corrections of address and names were needed on page 5. Mr. Watts address is
"11098 168th Street". Mr. Guentzel's name is also misspelled and his address is "16115 Jampica
Awenue West". Mr. Rice stated that on page b, Mr. Nick Mahowald of 875 206th Street
name and address was list~d wrong. Mr. Riee also pointed out that on page 7, Mr. Ace
Butrick's address needed correction to "7300 France Avenue South, Edina". Mr. Johnson
stated that o•n page 9, Mr,..Nenough's name was misspel-led and his address is 20898 Italy
Avenue. Mr. Antolik wished to clarify his statemen# with regard to Mr. Spande initiating
a motion on the installation of sewer between the Nelson's and Sebel's proper#y. The
point to be made is thpt hie was questioning the ac#ion taken by Mr. Spdnde.
80.185 Motion was made by Ricey seconded by Antolik to approve the Planning Commission meeting
• minutes of 2 October as amended .
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Johnson; Rice; Antolik. Abstain: Geisness
(due to his absence from tie meeting)
The Chairman reopened- tfle continued public hearing on the applications of Lakeville
Parking, lnc. to .rezone lots 1 through 5, block Berres Addition and lot 12, block 14,
Original Town of Fairfielal Addition from R-5, multiple residentipi, to CBD-C, Central
Business District-Commerdial . The residents of the area presented the original of a formal
petition requesting that. the City move to deny the request.
$0.196 Mr. Antolik moved and IV~Ir. Geisness seconded a motion to formally accept and record the
petition from the resident$ of the area.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. John Lewis, resident'of the area, stated he and his neighbors were opposed to high
density business next to I¢w density residential . Mrs. -Fred Harris stated there are currently
major problems with access onto Holyoke from 207th and that no more traffic is needed..
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Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
• 16 October 1980
80.187 Motion was made by Ricer seconded by Antolik to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. Knutson distributed a fetter dated 16 October 1980 commenting that on July 1974 the
City Council only accepted a concept plan which was later refined through detailed studies
in 1976 and 1979 which called for the area in question to be medium to high density
residential . The Chairmaln read the letter aloud to the audience.
80.188 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Antolik to recommend to th.e City Council to deny
the requested rezoning of Lakeville Parking, Inc. and to leave the property as presently
zoned .
Roll call was taken on thej motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairrrian Johnson reopened the continued public hearing on the applications of Loken and
Spande for a preliminary flat of Oak Shores 10th Addition, rezoning of lots 1 through 7
from R-2, single family, to R-4, single and two family residence, and for a variance in
the length of the cul-de-sac. Mr. Licht advised that the applicants had been advised by
• staff of a number of problems and questions regarding the plat, as well as a suggested re-
design of the layout. Mr Kriz stated that he has discussed these matters with the applicant
and that he is moving to resolve the issues .
80.189 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Rice to continue the public hearing indefinitely
until the applicant submits revised plans.
Roll call was taken on thee... motion. Ayes: Unanimous '
Mr. Len Nelson advised. that he was within 350 feet of the property, but had not received
notice. Mr. Knutson reviewed the file containing notices and advised the Commission
that notification had beer mailed to Mr. Nelson at his former Bloomington address.:
Mr. Geisness stated no rezoning sign had been placed on the property and requested that
action be taken to provide a sign as soon as possible.
The Chairman reopened thle continued public hearing on the application of James A. Buck
for a conditional use permiit to construct a new house on lots 27 and 28, block 3, Liberty
Heights Addition within 1.1000 feet of Orchard Lake. Mr. Miller advised that no additional
information. had been received despite continued attempts by staff.
L 2
Lakevi I le, Mi nneso#a
Planning Commission h/leeting
• 16 October 1.980
80.190 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Antolik to continue the public hearing on
Mr. James A. Buck's request. indefinitely until sufficient information is received by
staff .
Roll call was taken on thq motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Johnson openedlthe public hearing on the application of Central Telephone
Company for a c.anditiona~ use permit to bury an underground gasoline tank to supply fuel
for an emergency generatdr at 20715 Howland Avenue. Mr. Knutson advised that the
hearing had been duly published and notices provided . A representative of Central
Telephone appeared and seated they were agreeable with the planner's report and con-
ditions for development. He indicated further that the current request is a temporary
measure and that a larger evelopment is planned by 1982. These plans wil ( be submitted
to the City 'for review andl approval . Mr. Miller advised that the plumbing inspector had
reviewed the plans and fo+~nd no problems.
80.191 Motion was made by Rice,; seconded by Geisness to c lose fihe public hearing.
Rol( call was taken on the' motion. Ayes: Unanimous
.192 Motion was made by Geisrhess, seconded by Johnson to recommend to the Cit Council
approval of Central Telephone's conditiona! use permit request subject to the conditions
outlined in the City Planner's report.
Rol I call was taken on the' motion. Ayes: Unanimous
The applicant's representative was advised that the matter will come before the City Council
at their 3 November 1980 meeting.
The Chairman opened the ublic hearing on the application of Denny Lunski for a conditional
use permit to build a hous~within 1,000 feet of Orchard Lake to 17298 Kodiak Avenue, lot
6, Block 4, Ken Con Estat'les. Mr. Knutson indicated that proper notice had been given.
Mr. Miller stated that his review of the request suggested no problems. Mr. Johnson asked
Mr. Kriz if,there are plans for sewer and water in this area. Mr. Kriz stated that there are
no plans at `present.
80.193 Motion was made by Geisrjess, seconded by Rice to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the Imotion. Ayes: Unanimous
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
• ' 16 October 1980
$0.194 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Rice to recommend to the City Council the
approval of the Lunski co~hditional use .permit request subject to the stipulations in the
City Building Official's Otter dated 10 October 1980.
Roll call• was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
The applicant was advised that his request would be considered for action by the City
Council at their 20 October meeting.
Chairman Johnson opened discussion on the application of Steve Sizer to replat lots 3 and
4, block 1, Oak Hills Fiat Addition, located on the south side of the service road on the
south side of 175th Street { Mr. Sizer appeared before the Commission and stated that the
reasoning for the 'need for',a southerly access to the property resulted from his desire to
build an earth sheltered house, equipped with solar heating. Topography therefore dictated
the positioning of the structure. Mr. Licht stated a major concern was the applicant's
knowledge that building placement could preclude future resubdivision of the lot. Mr.
Sizer stated his only difficulty with the staff recommendations was obtaining a certificate
of survey of the property prior to the staking of the proposed house. Mr. Kriz and Mr. Licht
stated the survey was accdptable at any time prior to the granting of a building permit..
0.195 Notion was made by Rice,' seconded b Antolik to recommend to the Cit Council the
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approval of Mr. Sizer's dejvelopment and lot split subject to the conditions outlined irrthe
City Engineer's and City Manner's reports.
Roll call was taken on thelmotion. Ayes: Unanimous
Mr . Sizer was. advised tha} the City Counci ( will consider his proposed lot spl i t and hold a
public hearing on the required vacation of easements at their meeting on 3 November.
Mr. Licht advised the Commission that there are a number of changes anticipated in the
calculations and figures contained in the Redevelopment District Plan No. 1 and the
Tax Increment Project Noa 1 reports.
80.196 Motion was made by Geisrress, seconded by Rice to table discussion of the reports and
project until the next meeting.
Roll calf was taken on the',motion. Ayes: Unanimous
The Chairman opened the eview of an ordinance amending Title 10 of the Lakeville City
Code, being the subdivisi n ordinance of the City of Lakeville pertaining to the conveyance
of land by metes and bou s, and limitation thereon. Mr. Knutson explained this section
was being amended to com ly with State Legislature directed ordinance requirements.
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Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
• I 16 October 1980
80.197 Motion was made by Ricer seconded by Geisness to recommend to the City Council
approval of the proposed dmendment to the subdivision ordinance.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. Kriz distributed a report on recent assessments in the City. Chairman Johnson stated
he wished to delay discus ion of current engineering projects until more members of the
Commission were present.
80.198 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Antol ik to adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on he motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfu ly Submitted,
Ma i n P . Geisness, Secretary
Charles Johnson, ai n
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