HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-06-80 • Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting j 6 November 1980 Chairman Charles Johnsjon called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll call of members wajs taken. Present: Geisness; Antolik; Johnson; Rice; Enright; Harvey. Absenf: Asmujs Also present: Roger-Knutson, City Attorney; Sid Miller, City Building .Official; Frank Kriz, City Engin~er; David Licht, City Planner. The Chairman called fo}- a review of the meeting minutes of lb October 1980. Mr. Antolik stated that the clarification of the minutes of 2 October was incorrect. He stated that .the project he referred to was a storm sewer not sanitary sewer praject. His comment was that Mlr. Spande had initiated the motion for extension of storm sewer to the Oakshores':lOth Addition and that this was a conflict of interest in his opinion as Mr. Spande'j; father has interest in the benefitti.ng property. 80.199 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Anto1 ik to approve the 16 October 1980 Planning. Commission minutes as amended . Roll call was taken on ijhe motion. Ayes: Antolik; Johnson; Rice; Geisness. .Abstain: Enright; Harvey. The. Chairman acknowlgdged receipt and opened discussion on the Redevelopment Plan No. 1 and Tax Increment Project No. 1 for the central business district area of Lakeville from the Lakeville Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Mr. Licht briefly outlined the content of the two ulocuments. Subsequently, a lengthy discussion took place by the Commission and stal•f. In summary, the points made against .the project were: 1 . The people had voted down the City Hall project and should be given a voice in the matter. 2. There is a lack o~ public understanding that the project will not pay the entire cost of the new fire station. 3. The new fire station. is too expensive. Points made in support ~f the project were: 1 . Despatch Industries is a complement to the community and contribute greatly to the tax and errhployment base and their need for additional space should i be accommodated . Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting 6 November 1980 • 2. The approval being requested is part of a long decision-making process with which the Commission has agreed to todate. 3. The cost of the fire station is not an item with which the Commission should be concerned . ' ~ ~ l~ 4. .The City is competing with other units of government for development and the project is needed if Despatch is to remain in L'tsk~eville.~ , 80.200 Commissioner Enright moved and Commissioner Antol ik seconded the resolution determining the redevelopment plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 consistent with the Comprehensive Development Plan of the City. BE IT RESOLVED by the P{arming Commission of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, as follows; - _ Section i . Recitals. 1 .O1 . It has been proposed by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Lakeville (the Authority} that the City approve a proposed Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 in the City (the Redevelop- ment Project) and a Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 (the District) located within the Redevelopment Project. 1 .02. The property proposed to be included in the Redevelopment Project is generally that property bounded on the West by the M. N . 8~ S . R . R . right-of-way from 210th Street W. to Bee Street, Bee Street to Dodd Boulevard, Dodd Boulevard to M . N . 8~ S . R . R . right-of-way/Kenwood Trai I , then north easterly to Dodd Boulevard and continuing North 500 feet; and on the North by a line running approximately from 1,320 feet North of 202nd Street W. from Dodd Boulevard to Holyoke Avenue, then south approximately 1,040 feet, then east 380 feet, then south 280 feet to 202nd Street W. on 202nd Street W. to Highview, then South on Highview to 205th Street W. then east to Hamburg Avenue, then south approximately 1,500 feet to 210th Street W., then west approximately 1,980 feet to the corner of 210th Street W. and Holyoke Avenue, then south 363 feet, then west 132 feet, then north 3b3 feet to 210th Street W., then west 330 feet to the M.N. 8 S.R.R., and is more specifically described in the proposed Redevelopment Plan. 2 Lakeville, Minnesota • Planning. Commission Meeting 6 November 1980 1 .03. The Distri t consists of two noncontiguous tracts of land within the. Re- development Project ar a. One parcel is approximately three acres and is located at the intersection of HolY~oke Avenue and 202nd Street West (the Fire Station Site). The other tract consistslof a 39,633 square foot parcel upon which the present fire station-city hall facility of the City is located (the City Site), a 6,000 square foot parcel ,(the Access Site, thgt portion,o,f,Mughes Avenue lying between 207th Street South and 208th Stregt'South; and threes parcels upon which the present Despatch Industries, lnc. facilit}r is located (the Despatch Site), all as more specifically described in the Tax tn~rement Financing Plan. 7 .04. The City ~f Lakeville has established a Comprehensive Plan for redevelop- . ment, development andl land uses within the City (the Comprehensive Plan). ] .05. This Commission has reviewed the Redevelapme~t Plan end the Tax Increment Financing Plan to determine consistency with the Compreh~ens.ive P-Ian, the Zoning Ordinance of tMe City and the development goals of the City. Section 2. Findi}ng. This Commission finds that the Redevelopment Plan and the Tax Increment Financing Plan are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and ',the development goals of the City and recommends approval of the Redevelopment Plan to the City Council. I Roll call was taken on }he Resolution. Ayes: .l ohnson; Enright; Geisness; Antolik. Nays: Rice; Harvey. Mr. Rice stated he tho~Vght Despatch Industries was gaol for the community, but does not agree with the financing approach and tax burden being placed on the community. Chairman Johnson indicated that Mr. Kriz's presentation of City i.mlarovement projects would take place folloyving adjournment of the meeting. Mr. Harvey questioned Mr. Knutson on the status of the Speedy Market lawsuit. Mr. Knutson stated nothing was presently taking place as there had been a change in attorneys. The Commission discussed a letter from Steve Michaud inviting the Plarming Commission to attend a Park and Relcreation Committee meeting far a review of parks planning. Mr. Licht was directed,'to contact Mr. Michaud and inform him that i9 November presented a schedule conflict for too many members and that. the Commission would attempt to identify anolther meeting date cat the 20 November meeting. Mr. Licht • was also instructed to inquire about the status of the Park Plan being revised. 3 80.201 Motion was made by Antolik, seconded by Geisness to adjourn the meeting. • Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. Chairman Johnson adjourned the meeting at 10;10 p.m. Respectfu ly submitted, G~T2~/2"1 arvin P. Geisness, Secretary ATTEST: Charles Jo nson, Chai n • 4