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' Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
20 November 1980
Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Rol I cal l of members was taken: Present: Antol ik, Johnson, Asmus, Rice, Harvey
Absent: Geisness, Enright
Also present: Roger Kryutson, City Attorney; Sid Miller, City Building Officio{;
Frank Kriz, City Engineer; Alan Brixius of Northwest Associated Consultants.
Chairman Johnson called for the review of the meeting minutes of 6 November 1980.
No comments were made .
80.202 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Rice to approve the 6 November 1980
Planning Commission minutes.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Antolik, Johnson, Rice, Harvey.
Abstain: Asmus .
Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing on the application of Central Telephone.
Company for a conditional use permit For outside storage at 7965 - 215th Street West.
Mr. Knutson stated the hearing had been duly advertised.
Sid Miller stated the re uest was for outside storage. Central Telephone has gone
through each of the ne essary procedures and has been very cooperative. Mr. Miller
noted that there are at least six areas in Lakeville that have outside storage without
the necessary permit. 1~he largest violator being the City itself.
Mr. Johnson asked if tf{is was the fenced in narrow strip of land on the corner and if
the company had purch~sed it? Mr. Miller replied that it was, and thought that
Central Telephone had a long term .lease on the land.
Mr. Johnson asked. how', they could fence it in prior to the conditional use permit
being approved? Mr. (Knutson responded that a fence permit could be granted without
the conditional. use permit.
80.203 Mofion was made by As~nus, seconded by Harvey to close the public hearing.
Roll. call was taken on tihe motion.. Ayes: Unanimous
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
20 November 1980
80.204 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Asmus to recommend approval of the con-
ditional use permit to allow outside storage at 7965 215th Street West within the
currently fenced in area.
Roll call wos taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
The request will be before the City Council on December 1, 1980.
Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing on the application of Lighthouse
Ministries, Inc. for a conditional use permit for a church at 10670 W. 162nd Street
in an existing building.
Mr. Knutson stated the hearing has been duly advertised.
Larry Goergan and Pastor Shoemacher were present to present the request. Pastor
Shoemacher explained that the building was 40 feet by 90 feet and had a seating
capacity of 260 in the main sanctuary. The zoning ordinance requires 1 parking space
for every 4 seats. This would require 65 parking spaces. Through joint use of parking
facilities with surrounding properties, they can provide 81 parking spaces.
Mr. Asmus asked how long the surrounding businesses `would go along with joint use
.arrangements? Would parking be available as long as they were there?
Mr. Knutson stated the Commission could recommend approval of the request contingent
on the applicant providing sufficient parking for as long as they are in operation.
Sid Miller stated that the building was constructed for office use and may not meet the
building design requirements for a church.
Mr. Asmus asked if the lot had been subdivided. He did not recall that the subdivision
was ever before the Planning Commission. He felt that this should be investigated.
80.205 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Harvey that the request he tabled until the
attorney could confirm that the property had been subdivided, the Building Inspector
could inspect the building to insure the building requirements are met, and the
applicant submitting a site plan indicating parking locations and building location
for planner's review.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Lakeville, Minnesota.
Planning Commission Meeting
• 20 November 1980
Chairman Johnson open~d the public hearing on the application of the City to vacate
part of a utility easement between lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Oak Hills First Addition.
Mr . Knutson stated the (hearing had been duly advertised .
Mr . Knutson stated the applicant wants to rearrange the property I fines and wants to
vacate some utility easements to do so. The applicant will provide new utility
easements. This was be~,fore the Planning Commission once before.
$0.206 Motion was made by Ha'~rvey, seconded by Rice to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on tlhe motion. Ayes: Unanimous
80.207 Motion was made. by Asmus, seconded by Antolik to recommend approval of the conditional
use permit contingent ot~ applicant providing new utility easements..
Roli call was taken on.tlhe motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing on the application of the City to vacate
• part. of Walnvt Street aklutting (ots.2, 3 and.4, block 1, as shown on the plat of the
Town of Fairfield .
Mr. Knutson stated the fearing had been duly advertised .
Mr. Knutson stated the ity initiated the application to vacate 20 feet of Walnut Street
along Block 1 . The req'~est was brought to the City's attention by Brad Johnson's
secretary. They stated the street should have been vacated seventy years ago. Mr.
Knutson suggested approval contingent on not vacating any utility easements.
Mr. Harvey stated that (the City may need to widen Walnut Street and the vacation
.should be further studied.
Mr. Johnson stated that' the vacation of public land was difficult. Why is the street
vacation so easy? Mr.'~,Knutson replied that it is difficult to vacate park land, however,
the City has a specific Statute to vacate streets.
Mr. Asmus stated that i~ the request is for Block 1, why not include the entire street?
Mr. Kriz stated the pro~berty owner is escrowing money on this property, that is why
action on the request should be done .
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
20 November 1980
Mr . Asmus asked what would occur i f they had to t;pgrade Holt . Mr . Kriz stated
that Walnut Street had always been monumented as a 60 foot right-of-way, and
the property owners have a deed from 1917 supporting the request .
Mr. Knutson stated the deed without vacating the street is not valid.
Mr. Harvey stated that they should clean up the vacation for all the property owners
along Walnut Street at once .
80.208 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Harvey to table .the request until all of the
legal questions can be cleared up and the entire area can be more thoroughly reviewed
so that the entire street may be included in the vacation.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Future Agenda Items:
Mr. Knutson stated that the Renaissance Festival Project would be on the agenda on
December 4, 1980, asking for a rezoning to PUD.. However, .they must go through
several hoops - EAW, PCA permit, Federal EIS. They will be making the project •
presentation then.
Mr. Harvey asked why a use with no significant buildings and only active for 20 days
a year would need an Environmenta{ {mpact Statement.
Mr. Knutson stated the festival generates 1,200 to 1.,300 vehieles a day and would
require change to a ramp on 35W.
Mr. Asmus stated that the festival would bring. no benefit to the City, no business
would be generated, and they destroy a potential housing development area.
Other Business:
Mr. Asmus noted that his term of office expires in December and requests not to be
reappointed .
Mr. Antolik stated that he thought pole buildings were only permitted in agricultural
Mr. Miller stated that the zoning ordinance does not make that restriction.
Lakeville Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
20 November 1980
II r filler said es.
Mr. Asmus asked if all buildings require foundations. M M y
Mr. Antolik stated the new ordinance opened the construction of corrigated sheet
metal buildings anywhere in the City.
Mr. Miller stated that III buildings larger than one hundred (100) square feet must
meet all building requirements. Sheds smaller than 100 square feet do not require
permits, however, theycannot be placed on a utility easement.
Mr. Harvey stated that !his shed has a foundation and a building permit.
80.209 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Rice to adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Johnson adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick Harvey, Acting Secretar
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Charles Johnson, Ch an
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