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Lakeville, Minnesota
• Planning CammlSSlOn Meeting
' 4 December 19$0
Chairman Charles Johns~n called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Roll call of membership was taken. Present: Geisness; Antolik; Johnson; Asmus; Rice;
Enright. Absent: Harvey
Also present: Sid Millen, City Building Official; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Frank
Kriz and Darrell Schneider, City Engineers; David Licht, City Planner; Robert Nelson,
City Councilman.
The Chairman called for',a review of the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of
20 November 19$0. Mrs!. Johnson noted a correction to his statement on page 3 of the
minutes. The statement should read , .vacation of public dedicated land..."
c30.210 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Rice to approve the Planning Commission meeting
minutes of 20 November! 1980 as amended.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Antolik; Johnson; Asmus; Rice. Abstain: Enright;
• Mr . Harvey arrived at the meeting at 7:35 p . m .
The Chairman indicated ''that due to the large attendance for the Renaissance Festival
public hearing,. the Lightthouse Ministries request would be tabled until later in the
The Chairman opened the public hearing on the application of Mid-America Festivals
Corporation {Minnesota Renaissance Festival) to rezone from R-1 Low Density Single Family
Residential and R-7 .High Density Residential to P.U,D., Planned. Unit Development, a 156
acre parcel of land locafed near the northwest corner of Interstate 35 and Minnreg Road.
Mr. Knutson advised the Commission that the hearing was properly advertised and mail
notices sent. Mr. Knutson also outlined for the audience the PUD process and zoning.
Mr. Glenn Nord, representing the applicant, made a brief introductory statement, indi-
cating the concerns of the neighborhood were of primary interest to the applicant during
this informational presenltation. Mr. Nord stated that the applicant would provide copies
of the preliminary re port!, on the proposal and application to anyone requesting the infor-
mation. Mr. Don Hess, the project planner plus John Dickson, project hydrologist and
Mr. Glenn VanWormer, Ithe project traffic engineer made a presentation outlining and
detailing the proposed development canfiained in the preliminary project report. Mr.
Fred Corrigan, manager ~f the Renaissance Festival, presented a slide show of the festival
and its activities. The ~hairman then opened the floor to questions from the audience.
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
4 December 1980 •
Mrs. Airhart, 1919$ Judicial Road, stated she was against the project because of the traffic.
People attending will utilize Judicial Road which will change the area. Property values
in the neighborhood will be decreased. Mrs. Mallery, a boarding property owner to the
proposed project stated crime in the area will be increased and their property will be
degraded. Dick Watland, resident along Judicial Road, questioned what was the highest
and best use . He suggested single family homes and hobby farms as acceptable . He also
questioned the traffic planning aril the capacity of the street system. Finally, he stated
the festival will hurt business in the area. Mr. Schmidt, RR ~1 Prior Lake, questioned. the
tax to be paid on the use of the property and stated seasonal recreation use offered a poor
return to the City. Mr. Hess stated taxing of the property had not been determined. Mr.
Schmidt questioned if other activities would be scheduled. Mr. Corrigan stated no and
that this would be controlled by the City through a PUD agreement. The festival is working,
however, with the City for possible trails access to the site . He also stated someone would
be on the site at all times. An unidentified woman questioned if rock concerts would take
place on the site. Mr. Knutson stated the PUD contract agreement would control and limit
activity. Mr. Wally Hillgenberg, Judicial Road, stated that contrary to claims, traffic
would access the site from the west. Additionally, he indicated he believed there would
be problems with intoxicated individuals. Ne expressed a desire to maintain the peaceful
character of the area and a need to maintain safety for children in the neighborhood. Mr.
Carrigan stated off duty officers are always utilized both on ar~d off the grounds for proper
control and protection. Mr. Jim Huey, RR ~l, Prior Lake, expressed his objection to the •
festival and stated the long term suggested use should be developed now. Mrs. Hammer
stated she had contacted Mr. Gunnar {sberg, former County Planning Director and now
consu{ting planner. She stated it was Mr. Isberg's opinion that the proposed traffic concept
would not work and that property values would be decreased in the area. Mrs. Hammer also
questioned how access for the Queen Ann Mobile Home Court would be accommodated.
Mrs. Driver questioned the City staff if there were plans for opening or improving Judicial
Road. Mr. Knutson stated there were no such plans. She then asked if the weekends or
hours of the festival would be expanded. Mr. Corrigan stated they would not. She then
indicated there are present traffic 'hazards in the area which need correction. The President
of the Lake Marion Homeowners Association questioned why the Renaissance Festival was
leaving its present site. Mr. Corrigan stated that their lease expires in 1982. They are
consequently looking for a new site, but are also discussing a renewed lease of the present
location. The Lake Marion representative stated pollution of the lake is a major concern
and it was his feeling that the drainage question had not been adequately addressed. Steve
Sizer, 1$5th and Jaguard stated air quality would be a problem due to the increased traffic.
Mr. Watland appeared again and questioned the Renaissance interest in the Honeywell
Golf Course. Mr. Corrigan stated they have a purchase agreement on the site. The use is
not intended to change. Mr. Schmidt questioned what the festival paid for the site under
consideration. Mr. Corrigan declined comment. Mr. Hillgenberg questioned if there would
be over-night camping and if so objected to having people in the area. Mr. Corrigan
indicated faciPities were to be provided as participants remain in the area for protection of
their merchandise. Mr. Mallery stated he objected to the type of people the festiva! would
bring into the neighborhood . Penny Eckhart who operates Valley Oaks Stables stated that th
_ 2
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
4 December 1980
festival would conflict ' ith their operation and likely force them out of business. Mrs.
Hammer expressed the o inion that 99 percent of the people coming to the festival were
good, but the one pence t bad made the festival objectionable . .She also stated that
she felt business in the ity would not benefit from the project. Mr. J . Byron Watschke
of Fortune Realty indicated he had three concerns: (1) The compatibility of the festival
with surrounding use; (2 The level of noise generated and impacting neighboring properties;
and (3) the traffic prabl~ms which might be created. Mr. Ray Sharpe stated he had moved
to Lakeville to get away from City living. The festival will destroy the character of the
area and inconvenience jneighbors. Mr. .Eric Bartel staffed he was against the project.
The roads in the area ark hazardous now and the project will increase the problem.
80.211 Motion was made by Rich, seconded by Harvey to table further discussion and :continue the
public hearing on 8 Janyary 19$1 .
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Mr. Asmus requested the,; City Attorney to investigate the .City and County's liability if
the festival utilizes off dluty police and sheriff's deputies.
Mr. Harvey. requested th~t the City staff attempt to schedule the next Renaissance Festival
• hearing in larger quarters to accommodate the audience . The Chairman directed Mr. Licht
to follow-up on this matter.
The Chairman recessed the meeting at 10:00 p.m.
The Chairman reconvene¢l the meeting at 10:15 p.m.
The Chairman reopened Nhe continued public hearing an the application of Lighthouse
Ministries, Inc. for a conditional use permit fora church at 10670 W. 162nd Street in an
existing building. Mr. C~icht advised the Commission that the certificate of survey for
division of the property had not been filed. As a consequence, a subdivision is now required.
This ma#ter could be hanglled administratively except for the-July. 1.980 change in the zoning
ordinance which now req~~uires B-4 property to have a 100 foot frontage . The prior ordinance
required a 50 foot width J As a result, a variance approva{ is now required. Mr. Antolik
stated he wanted measurements of the buildings, fence and property lines verified. Additionally
the on-site well should bb checked. Mr. Miner stated that the plumbing inspector had
checked the property IasN winter, Mr. Antolik stated he also wanted documentation on
approval of the bu i Id i ngsl.
80.212 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Rice to continue the hearing until 18 December
Roll call was taken an the m ti
~ o on, Ayes: Unanimous.
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
4 December 1980 •
Chairman .lohnson reopened the continued public hearing on the application of the City
to vacate part of Walnut Street abutting lots 2, 3 and 4, block 1, as shown on the plat
of the Town of Fairfield . Mr . Kriz explained the background of the plat and the problem
created at the time of its approval in 1917. Mr. Knutson advised that all property affected
by the increased right-of-way width of Walnut Street would be considered at a public
hearing to be held in January. Mr. Rice questioned if this request could be delayed and
considered at the same time as the balance of the vacations. Mr, Kriz indicated that
the applicants .funds were being held in escrow pending resolution of this matter.
80.213 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Rice to close the pub{ie hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
80.214 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Harvey to recommend to the City Council the
approval of the request to vacate part of Walnut Street abutting lots 2, 3 and 4, block 1,
as shown on the p{at of the Town of Fairfield based upon the study conducted by the City
Attorney and City Engineer and contingent upon the absence of utility lines.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
80.215 Motion was made by Harve ,seconded by Asmus to extend the meeting beyond the •
established time of adjournment.
Roll call was. taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Mr. Antolik questioned a metal accessory building under construction at Highway. 50 and 18$th
Street. Mr. Antolik questioned this type of structure being built in residential areas of the
City. Mr. Miller indicated that the structure met square foot area requirements of the
ordinance and was a major improvement of the property in question. Due to a miscalculation
in the initial order, the building may, however, exceed the height limitation by one to
two feet .
Mr. Geisness questioned the street lighting standards and fixtures being installed by the
City. He indicated that in his area there are eight street lights which are extremely
bright and cast light into neighboring residential structures. Mr. Licht and Mr. Kriz
indicated that the electric companies install the street lights and the work is coordinated
by Jim Robinette. The staff will discuss the matter with Mr. Robinette and report back
to Mr. Geisness and the Commission.
Mr. Asmus questioned whether the Seagirt Inn could be closed due to structural corKiition.
Mr. Miller advised the Commission that the Seagirt operation is presently being looked into
by the City Council . After that action, the condition of the structure should possibly be .
pursued .
Lakeville, Minnesota
(Planning Commission Meeting
4 December 1980
Several of the Commissioners reported that the Power Center is again utilizing the portable
sign which Mr. Krause sgid would be discontinued and which the City had stipulated as
being discontinued as part of the conditional use permit for the expansion of the Power
Center operation. The s#aff indicated they were unaware of the violation.
Mr. Rice indicated that the would not be in attendance at the 18 December meeting.
80.216 Motion was made by Rich, seconded by Harvey to change the Commission's January 1981
meeting dates from the 1~t and the 15th to the 8th and 22nd .
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Antolik, Johnson, Rice, Enright, Harvey,
Geisness . Nays: Asmus .
Mr. Harvey questioned tie staff if there had been any discussions on replacement space for
the City Administrative ~ffices. The staff stated they were unaware of any such discussions
at the present time.
80.217 Motion was made by Asrrjus, seconded by Rice to adjourn the meeting.
• Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Chairman Johnson adjou ned the meeting at 11:10 p.m.
Respe tfully submitted,
M ruin Geisness, Secretary
Char es Johnson, a' an