HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 07June 2, 2011 Item No. JUNE 6, 2011 CITY COUNCIL MEETING LAKEVILLE COMMERCE CENTER 3 ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the preliminary plat of Lakeville Commerce Center 3rd Addition subject to the 10 stipulations recommended by the Planning Commission. Adoption of this motion will approve the preliminary plat of one commercial lot and one outlot. Overview Kimley -Horn & Associates representing Walmart Real Estate Business Trust has submitted a preliminary and final plat of one commercial lot and one outlot to be known as Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition for the construction of a proposed Walmart store. The developer has also submitted an application to vacate existing drainage and utility easements within the site. The proposed preliminary and final plat and easement vacation are located on 15.94 acres on the east side of Keokuk Avenue, south of 205 Street, north of 210 Street (CSAH 70) and west of Interstate 35. At their May 19, 2011 meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the preliminary and final plat and easement vacation request. There was one adjacent resident in attendance that addressed the Planning Commission with a question regarding the lighting for the site. Staff reviewed the photometric plan for the site in response to the question. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the preliminary and final plat and the easement vacation request contingent on the stipulations listed in the May 12, 2011 Planning Report as amended. Primary Issues to Consider Why has the applicant requested that City Council only consider the preliminary plat at this time? • In an effort to expedite the review process staff provided the applicant with the option to combine the preliminary and final plat and easement vacation review. The applicant chose this option for the Planning Commission review but has requested that only the preliminary plat be reviewed by the City Council at this time to give them an opportunity to finalize the development contract as well as revise the final site, grading and stormwater management plans as needed. The applicant is anticipating that the final plat, easement vacation and development contract will be brought before the City Council in July. Have the photometric plan and the comprehensive sign plan been revised to address the conditions listed in the May 12, 2011 Planning Report and as recommended by the Planning Commission at the May 19 meeting? • The applicant has indicated that prior to final plat approval the photometric plan will be revised to show the light pole to be a maximum height of 35 feet and the comprehensive sign plan will be revised to show a brick wrap around the metal support pole for the monument sign. Supporting Information • May 19, 2011 Draft Planning Commission meeting minutes. • May 18, 2011 Draft Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting minutes. • May 12, 2011 Planning and Engineering Reports. May 26, 2011 Letter from Walmart representative. 6 Ally uennen, Associate Planner Financial Impact: $ None Budgeted: Y/N Source: Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):Zoninq and Subdivision Ordinances Notes: The May 19, 2011 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Davis in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. Flag pledge and roll call of members: Present: Chair Davis Vice Chair Lillehei Commissioner Boerschel Commissioner Drotning Commissioner Grenz Alternate Commissioner Blee Absent: Secretary Adler Commissioner Maguire Ex- officio Fitzhenry Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; David Olson, Community & Economic Development Director; Allyn Kuennen, Associate Planner; Zach Johnson, Assistant City, Engine Andrea Poehler, Assistant City Attorney; and Per* Brevi Recording .Secretary. ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: The May 5, 2011; Planning Commission; meeting minutes were approved as presented. CITY OF LAKEVILLE Planning Commission Meeting Minutes MAY 19, 2011 Mr.' Morey stated that;. the following items were distributed to the Planning Commi at tonight' meeting:'' 1. Draft.. minute: from the May 18, 2011 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resour ,Committee meeting regarding the Lakeville Commerce Center 3rd Addition: 2. Letter from Dale Properties, who own land north of the proposed Walmart site, in support of the proposed Walmart. ITEM 5. LAKEVILLE COMMERCE CENTER 3RD ADDITION (WALMART) Chair Davis opened the public hearing to consider the application of Kimley -Horn & Associates for the following, located south of 205th Street, east of Keokuk Avenue, north of 210th Street (CSAH 70) and west of Interstate 35: A. Preliminary and final plat of one commercial lot and one outlot to be known as Lakeville Commerce Center 3rd Addition for the construction of a proposed Walmart store; tvb. Planning Commission Meeting May 19, 2011 Page 2 and B. Vacation of public drainage and utility easements. The Recording Secretary attested that the legal notice had been duly published in accordance with State Statutes and City Code. William D. Matzek, from Kimley -Horn & Associates and Jackolyn A. Cook - Haxby, with SAIC Company, presented an overview of their request. Mr. Matzek stated that Kimley -Horn & Associates are representing Walmart and have submitted a preliminary and final plat for one commercial lot and one outlot for the construction of a proposed Walmart store. They, have also submitted an application to vacate existing drainage and utility easements, within the site Mr. Matzek reviewed the preliminary and final plat and discussed the details of the site, grading, utility and landscape plans.,Mr Matzek also reviewed the easement vacation request and the dedication of the area to the City within' Outlot A. Ms. Cook -Haxby presented the details regarding'the exterior building materials of the store and the general architecture' of.. the building ,including the sight line study to insure the roof top mechanical s; will not be visible', from I -35 or from Keokuk Avenue. She also discussed some of Walmart's energy e conservation and recycling policies during the construction process as Well as on -going programs within the store after it has opened: Associate Planner -Allyn Kuennen presented the planning report. Mr. Kuennen indicated that Walmart is.; tie:& : first : site'., to be reviewed under the updated landscapin.and exterior;.; building standards as adopted by the City Council in 2010. .4 , 4ated •that, Walia.rt does comply with the updated exterior building and landscaping standar4..as Welt as all the other performance standards required for development in the C- 3'?General District. Mr. Kuennen indicated that Walmartias submitted' a: comprehensive sign plan for the site, which also complies with the Zanng Ordinance requirements. Mr. Kuennen further stated the City required a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) be completed for this'` proposed Walmart development to determine if any improvements to the transportation system are needed. The TIA that was prepared by Kimley -Horn and Associates and was reviewed by SRF, the City's transportation consultant, and they confirmed Kimley -Horns findings as outlined in the Engineering staff report dated May 12, 2011. The developer has agreed to post a $75,000 cash escrow with the City toward future roadway improvements at the intersection of Kenrick Avenue and 205th Street. Mr. Kuennen stated that should the Planning Commission recommend approval of the preliminary and final plat and easement vacation, Planning Department staff recommends approval subject to the 10 stipulations listed in the May 12, 2011 planning report. Chair Davis opened the hearing to the public for comment. Robert Powell, 11774 205t Street W. Mr. Powell asked about the parking lot lighting. Todd Bornhauser, Executive Director of the Chamberof Mr. Bornhauser commented that the chamber, while not specificafly, supporting Walmart, is in support of commercial development.. m general within. the City. With the interchange improvements at Courity'.Roa4"70 Bornhauser stated that this type of development is exactly what the Cl amber was hoping for. 11.26 Motion was made and seconded to ; -close the public hear ing at 6:21 p.m. Ayes: Boerschel, Lillehei, Davis, nee, Grenz, Drotnin Nays: 0 Planning Commission Meeting May 19, 2011 Page 3 In response to Mr Powell's question Mr c presented the photometric plan which was submitted by the Applicant. He stated that stipulation 6 listed in the Planning Departmerit:..staff-:.report; Vindicates':: that the photometric plan must be revised to reduce the overall height of'ie,.light poles in the parking lot from 40 feet to 35 feet than this revision, the photometric plan for the site meets the requirements of tlte .Ordinance. Chair Davis asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points were: • Commissianer; ` B oerschel commented that the exterior of the Walmart building looks ` great. However, he questioned the construction of the brick planter at the base of the sign and asked if the pole of the sign could be wrapped in brick in lieu of the brick planted at the base. Ms. Cook -Haxby agreed to designing a brick pole to hold the monument sign rather than installing the plantings and brick base at the base of the pole. • Commissioner Grenz commented on the articles he saw in the newspaper regarding the wetlands located on the subject site. Assistant City Engineer Zach Johnson stated that a wetland delineation was prepared by the applicant in conjunction with the proposed development of the property. The wetland replacement plan was approved by City Council on March 7, 2011. Mr. Johnson indicated that a detailed review of the wetland replacement application is included in the May 12, 2011 Engineering report. • Commissioner Grenz confirmed with Mr. Johnson that the Lakeville Theatre parking lot drains into the same wetland as the Walmart parking lot. • Commissioner Blee asked the applicant to comment on the parking lot and egress /ingress locations. Mr. Matzek stated that it has all been designed to meet Zoning Ordinance standards, including the drive and parking stall dimensions. He indicated that there will be turn lanes constructed on Keokuk Avenue for all three entrances. • Commissioner Lillehei commented on the new LED: style lighting for the parking lot. He asked if they are shielded the same way es traditional lights. Mr. Matzek indicated that the exterior, lighting is downcast and designed not to exceed the one foot candle li g h t3'. P l� intensity at the ro er line. The .,� t3' lights can be shielded in the future if ,needed. • Commission Lilkhei confirmed that ' . dip pylon 'sigri will be positioned to be seen from I -35. Planning Commission Meeting May 19, 2011 Page 4 11.27 Motion was made and seconded = to„ recommend to City Council approval of the Lakeville Commerce Center 3rd Addition preliminary a d final plat and easement vacation, subject to the.foilowing 10 stipulations: 1. The recommendations outlined in the May 12, 2011 Engineering report. 2. The recommendations,;::. -of the Park, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee. 3. The site shall be developed according to the plans approved by the City �Co uncil."" _ .... 4 security in the amount of $200,000 is to be submitted prior to the release of e final plat mylars to guarantee the installation of the landscaping per the apprcved plan. 5. A sign permit mu.4 be obtained prior to the installation of any signage. 6. The phOt9rnet*. must be revised to reduce the overall height of the light pole :t6 351eet or less. 7. Snow storage:must be accommodated in the green space areas around - the perimeter of the property, or must be taken off site. 8. The developer must submit a $2,500 security for tree preservation within Lot 1 and Outlot A. 9. A $75,000 cash escrow must be submitted to the City for the future construction of a round-about at 205th Street and Kenrick Avenue. 10. An eight-foot wide concrete sidewalk must be constructed at the developer's expense on the east side of Keokuk Avenue and connect to the trail on the south side of 205th Street. Ayes: Lillehei, Davis, Blee, Grenz, Drotning, Boerschel. Nays: 0 Planning Commission Meeting May 19, 2011 Page 5 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:33 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary 6/02/11 ATTEST: Bart Davis, Chair 6/02/11 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS, RECREATION & NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes for May 18, 2011 ITEM 1 Call to order Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. ITEM 4 Citizen comments There no citizens present. DRAFT ITEM 2 Roll call of members Present: Tom Goodwin, Scott Kelly, Howard Lovelace, Jeanne Peterson, Bob Swan Judy Hayes Absent: Matt Dinslage, Jerry Zell Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director Steve Michaud, Recording Secretary Patty Ruedy ITEM 3 Approval of the May 4, 2011 meeting minutes The Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting minutes were approved with amendment to Item #9- Rinks. Kelly voted nay because he thought committee had enough information to make a decision. ITEM 5 Staff Report Staff referred to the report in the committee packet. Goodwin inquired about street sweeping at Orchard Lake. Staff replied that the City does not use sand anymore so it may not be as much of an issue in sensitive areas. Streets Department staff confirmed this and will be sweeping around Orchard Lake within the next two weeks. ITEM 6 Ice rinks Staff responded to several additional items concerning skating season operations: 1. Rink cost: When operating at full capacity, meaning 11 rink sites, the average cost per site with a permanent building is approximately $7,700. To operate a rink with a rented portable shelter, the cost is approximately $8,700. 2. How attendance is taken at each site: Our process for counting has been the same for several years. Each warming house attendant takes a headcount at the top of each hour during a given shift. At the end of the shift the accumulated number is the estimated count for the day. 3. How much hockey play is scheduled at the existing indoor arenas and the outdoor ice rinks: The indoor arenas are booked solid throughout the regular hockey season. It appears from our records that approximately 64% of the time available for outdoor hockey practices are used by Lakeville hockey teams. Usage is not available for Farmington and Apple Valley. Staff recommends rink locations currently open are still the optimal sites to remain open based on location and usage. Goodwin wants City Council to be aware that there are less people using rinks since we closed five sites in 2009 -2010. (11.11) Motion made by Goodwin, seconded by Lovelace to suggest to City Council to consider reopening Cherryview and Highview Heights rinks for the 2011 -2012 season to accommodate more skaters. Ayes -5 Nays -0 ITEM 7 Lakeville Commerce Center 3 Addition (Walmart) preliminary and final plat Walmart Real Estate Business Trust has submitted a preliminary and final plat for one commercial lot and one outlot to be known as Lakeville Commerce Center 3rd Addition. The proposal recommends Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, May 18, 2011 Page 2 the construction of a single Walmart store at this site. The site is located along Keokuk Ave., south of 205 Street, and directly east of the existing Mann Theaters parking lot. The original Lakeville Commerce Center consisting of several outlots paid 100% of their park dedication requirement several years ago. In consideration of this, there is no park dedication required of this project. Goodwin inquired about an underwater storm water system. It will be the same system used at Cub. (11.12) Motion made by Goodwin, seconded by Peterson to recommend City Council consider approval of the preliminary and final plat of one commercial lot known as Lakeville Commercial Center 3 Addition for the construction of a proposed Walmart store which includes construction of a standard 8' concrete sidewalk along the entire length of the project property, including the portion between the northwest comer of Walmart's property to 205 Street where existing trails are located. Finally, the developer is required to follow other recommendations outlined in the Planning and Engineering reports as they pertain to this plat. The developer is also required to follow the natural resources requirement detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage, and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable. Ayes -5 Nays -0 ITEM 8 Unfinished business • Ribbon- cutting for wayfinding system: Staff reported that the Pedal the Parks group is planning their event on Saturday, September 24. Tentatively, Antlers Park has been chosen as the location of their event which could coincide with a ribbon - cutting ceremony for the wayfinding systems in Lakeville. Staff will provide more details to the committee as they become available. • Free wireless Internet: Staff contacted SORR member cities and inquired about wifi at their park facilities. General consensus was no one offered wifi in their park buildings. Staff also contacted major athletic organizations and confirmed that they do not need hard lines into park buildings. Based on this information and upon a staff review of phone system, staff is considering adjusting phone service in park buildings. Judy Hayes arrived at 6 :32 p.m. • Pickle ball: Staff reported that Bunker Hill Park and East Community Parks will be striped for pickle ball as maintenance staff schedules permit. Staff is also looking into the possibility of a pickle ball tournament in the fall with other SORR cities. Apple Valley and Burnsville currently have pickle ball courts. ITEM 9 New business There were no items to discuss. ITEM 10 Announcements Next Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting, June 1, 2011 ITEM 11 Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ATTEST: Patty Ruedy, Recording Secretary Scott Kelly, Chair Memorandum BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Exhibit A — Location and Zoning Map Exhibit B — Demolition Plan /Existing Conditions Exhibit C — Preliminary Plat Exhibit D — Final Plat Exhibit E — Site Plan Exhibit F — Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan Exhibit G — Utility Plan Exhibit H — Landscape Plan Exhibit I — Tree Preservation Plan Exhibit J — Photometric Plan Exhibit K — Building Elevation Plans Exhibit L — Easement Vacation Plans tem No. City of Lakeville Planning Department To: I/ Planning Commission From: 6 G • Allyn Kuennen, AICP Associate Planner Date: May 12, 2011. Subject: Packet Material for the May 19, 2011 Planning Commission Meeting. Agenda Item: Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition. Application Deadline: August 8, 2011 Kimley -Horn & Associates representing Walmart Real Estate Business Trust has submitted a preliminary and final plat of one commercial lot and one outlot to be known as Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition for the construction of a proposed Walmart store. The developer has also submitted an application to vacate existing drainage and utility easements within the site. The proposed preliminary and final plat and easement vacation are located on 15.94 acres on the east side of Keokuk Avenue, south of 205 Street, north of 210 Street (CSAH 70) and west of Interstate 35. The proposed 152,000 square foot Walmart store will be located along the north side of the property with the parking lot located towards the south. Access for the property will be from three points along Keokuk Avenue. The exterior construction of the store will be a combination of brick, EFIS, glass and steel. The store will include general merchandise and groceries but will not include a garden center, auto center or drive -up pharmacy. The Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition plans have been distributed to Engineering Department staff and the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee for their review and comment. The following exhibits are attached for your review: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Commercial C -3, General Commercial Office Building South Commercial C -3, General Commercial Restaurant East Commercial C -3, General Commercial 1 -35 and Undeveloped Movie Theater West Commercial C -3, General Commercial Yard Front Side Rear Parking (front) Parking (side /rear) Setback 30' 10' 10' 15' 5' Project Analysis: Existing Conditions. The parcel was previously rough graded and was platted as Outlot B with the Lakeville Commerce Center 2 Addition plat. Outlot B includes several drainage and utility easements around the perimeter that are proposed to be vacated. The property includes a delineated wetland area along the east and south property line with a scattering of trees throughout the site. The property is also adjacent to a regional storm water basin along the north property line. Comprehensive Plan. The 2008 Comprehensive Land Use Plan guides this area to be developed as Commercial. The proposed Walmart store is consistent with District 6 recommendations of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Zoning. The property is zoned C -3, General Commercial District. A retail use such as the proposed Walmart retail store is a permitted use within the C -3 District. MUSA. The proposed preliminary and final plat for Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition is within the current MUSA and can be serviced with existing utilities. Surrounding Land Uses. The table below identifies planned and existing uses adjacent to the proposed development: Premature Subdivision Criteria. A preliminary and /or final plat may be deemed premature if any of the criteria listed in Chapter 10 -2 -4 -1 of the Subdivision Ordinance exist. Five criteria pertain to a lack of adequate: drainage, water, streets, sanitary sewer, and public service capacity (schools, police, fire protection). The other pertinent criteria pertain to inconsistencies with the City Comprehensive Land Use and Capital Improvement Plans. Staff review of the preliminary and final plat against these criteria finds that it is not a premature subdivision. Lot Requirements. Lots within the C -3 District must have a minimum area of 20,000 square feet and 100 feet of lot width as measured at the front setback line. The overall lot size of Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition is 15.94 acres. The lot width at the front setback line along Keokuk Avenue is over 1,300 feet. The preliminary and final plats exceed the requirements for lot area and width. Outlots. The preliminary and final plat proposes Outlot A which includes the wetland area along the east and south property line that is being dedicated to the City. Setbacks. Setbacks for buildings and parking within the C -3, General Commercial District are: The building and parking comply with the setback standards. 2 Building Design /Height. The exterior construction of the building includes brick, EFIS, metal and glass materials in an earth tone color pallet that will compliment existing buildings adjacent to the site. The architecture of the building will include glass and metal atriums at the entrances and exits to the store as well as prefinished black awning accents above the adjacent windows. The front of the store will also include brick planter boxes and an area for bicycle parking. The mechanical equipment located on the west side of the building and along the rear of the building will be screened with brick walls and metal mesh screening that compliments the exterior construction of the building. The building elevation drawings also show the location of all rooftop mechanicals which are screened from view from the right of way and adjacent property. The overall height of the building is approximately 31 feet which meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed exterior building materials meet all the commercial exterior finish requirements of the Zoning Ordinance update. Landscaping. An extensive landscape plan has been submitted for the site that includes a mix of deciduous trees with a row of bushes along Keokuk Avenue adjacent to the parking lot. The landscape plan also shows trees and shrubs installed within the parking lot islands and within the wetland area of Outlot A. The applicant is also proposing to install a mixture of deciduous and evergreen trees around the storm water basin along the north property line and adjacent to the loading dock area at the rear of the store to screen this area from view from Keokuk Avenue. A $200,000 financial guarantee must be submitted prior to release of the final plat mylars to guarantee installation of the landscaping. Streets. The site is adjacent to Keokuk Avenue which is classified as a major collector roadway. Keokuk Avenue is constructed as a 44 -foot wide, undivided urban roadway and is striped as a three lane section with one through lane in each direction and a center continuous two way left turn lane. There are dedicated right and left turn lanes on Keokuk Avenue at the intersections with 205th Street and 210th Street (CSAH 70). Keokuk Avenue is within an 80 -foot right -of -way with concrete sidewalk located on the west side of the street. The applicant is proposing right turn lane improvements on Keokuk Avenue at each access point into the Walmart site. Access. The applicant is proposing three access points from Keokuk Avenue. The main access to the parking lot will aligned with 207 Street on the west side of Keokuk Avenue a second access to the parking lot will be located along the south property line. The third access is located at the rear of the store to be used for semi truck deliveries, waste removal and Fire Department access around the perimeter of the building. All access points meet the minimum spacing standards of the Zoning Ordinance. Traffic Study. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was completed by the Developer and was reviewed by the City's traffic consultant SRF Consulting Group, Inc. for potential adverse impacts to critical intersections near the proposed plat. The TIA considered current, 2013, and future build out traffic conditions for the Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition as well as future development in the surrounding area and identified the required intersection geometrics for each condition. The TIA does not identify the need for improvements to the Keokuk Avenue /205th Street intersection due to the development of the Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition. The intersection will continue to be monitored and evaluated by the City. It is anticipated that as the area to the south develops the intersection will meet warrants for additional intersection control such as an all way stop. The TIA indicates that the development of Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition does not in itself necessitate the need for any improvement to the intersection of Kenrick Avenue and 205th Street under any of the proposed traffic conditions. However, as the surrounding areas develop, improvements to the intersection control for the Kenrick Avenue /205th Street intersection will likely be required. 3 Floor Area Use Parking Spaces Re • uired Total Area SF Area with 10% Reduction Required Parkin • Spaces Storage (Warehouse) 1 Space /1,000 SF 16,391 SF - 16 Retail Commercial Use 5 Spaces /1,000 SF 133,444 SF 121,306 SF 600 Restaurant, Drive -in or Convenience 1 Space /40 SF 1,340 SF 1,206 SF 30 TOTAL 151,175 - 646 Sign Location Square Ft. 298 Walmart w/ Spark Wall Sign Front Elevation - South Side of Building Walmart w/ Spark Wall Sign Rear Elevation - North Side of Building 120.68 Market Wall Sign Front Elevation - Southwest Corner of Building 28.23 Home & Pharmacy Wall Sign Front Elevation - Southeast Corner of Building 97.53 Walmart w/ Spark 40' Tall Monument Sign Southeast Corner of Property 98 TOTAL 642.34 The current draft of the City's capital improvement plan indicates a round -a -bout at this intersection to address the intersection control issues identified with future developments. The Developer has agreed to post a $75,000 cash escrow with the City toward the future round-a- bout construction cost at this intersection. The details regarding the cash escrow are outlined in the attached May 12, 2011 Engineering Report. Off- Street Parking. The Zoning Ordinance requires the development to meet the following parking requirements: The developer will construct 650 total parking spaces exceeding the minimum number required by the Zoning Ordinance. The layout of the parking includes 70 degree angled parking within the center of the parking field with 90 degree parking along the perimeter of the site. All parking spaces and drive aisles are shown in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance with 70 degree parking spaces stripped at 9.5 x 21.25 feet with drive aisles at 18.5 feet wide and all 90 degree parking spaces stripped at 9 x 20 feet with drive aisles at 24 feet wide. All parking complies with the required 15 foot setback from Keokuk Avenue and 5 foot setback from the south, east and north property lines. Snow Storage: Snow storage must be accommodated in the green space areas around the perimeter of the property, or must be taken off site. Signs. The Walmart building elevation plans include a comprehensive sign plan showing the following signage: The number and size of the proposed exterior wall signs and monument sign as shown on the building elevation plans meet the minimum performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance. A permit must be obtained from the City prior to the installation of any signage. Trash Enclosure and Loading Area. The applicant has identified that a dumpster area, organic storage area, bale and a pallet storage area will be located at the rear of the building. The enclosure for this multi -use area is proposed to be constructed out of the same exterior construction materials as the building and enclosed with maintenance free gates for access. 4 The rear of the building also includes the loading docks and recycling compactor. The multi -use area, loading docks and recycling compactor are being screened from view from Keokuk Avenue and from the adjacent properties with a double row of evergreen trees along the loading area adjacent to Keokuk Avenue and a second double row of evergreen trees along the north property line. Trails and Sidewalks. The applicant is proposing to construct an 8 foot wide concrete sidewalk along the entire length of the Walmart property on the east side of Keokuk Avenue with the construction of the building. The applicant will extend the 8 foot wide concrete sidewalk from the Walmart property off their site to the north to provide a connection to an existing trail along 205 Street. The applicant will pay for all costs associated with the construction of the sidewalk. Park Dedication. The park dedication requirement for the property was satisfied through a cash contribution paid in 1997. Easements. The Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition preliminary plat identifies existing public drainage and utility easements previously established with the parent parcel, as depicted on the Lakeville Commerce Center 2nd Addition plat. An easement vacation application has been submitted to eliminate these existing public drainage and utility easements. The developer is also coordinating the vacation of an existing off -take ditch easement in favor of MnDOT. The Lakeville Commerce Center 3 Addition preliminary and final plat reestablishes all required perimeter and drainage and utility easements as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. Tree Preservation. A tree preservation plan has been submitted with the preliminary and final plat. The plan identifies a total of 26 significant trees located within the Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition area. The tree preservation plan identifies 22 significant trees for removal for the reconstruction of the channel within the wetland area. The tree preservation plan satisfies City requirements. All "save" trees that are damaged or removed will require replacement at a ratio of 2:1 as per the Lakeville Subdivision Ordinance. All tree preservation items must be completed as outlined in the attached May 12, 2011 Engineering Report. Wetlands. The wetland delineation for the site was conducted on September 30, 2010 by Kimley -Horn and Associates and was field reviewed by staff from the City of Lakeville and Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) on October 15, 2010. Four areas were delineated on the project site for a total of 1.36 acres. All wetland delineation and mitigation items must be completed as outlined in the attached May 12, 2011 Engineering Report. Grading & Utility Plans. Grading, drainage, erosion control and utility plans have been submitted to the Engineering Department for review. All grading, drainage and erosion control items must be completed as outlined in the attached May 12, 2011 Engineering Report. Overhead Utilities. An overhead utility line crosses the northeast corner of the plat. The utility line is a major electrical transmission line. Typically the developer is required to install all existing overhead utilities underground adjacent to their development. However, the City Code provides for an exception if the overhead utility is a major transmission line. The overhead utility meets the requirement for the exception and will not be required to be buried underground. However, the applicant is proposing to relocate the poles and guide wires as required for the construction of the Walmart store. The applicant will coordinate with Xcel Energy for all modifications to the poles and guide wires. Site Lighting: Site lighting will include twenty -four 39 foot tall light poles throughout the site. The lighting and photometric plan indicates that the site lighting will meet the requirements of 5 the Zoning Ordinance for one foot - candle lighting intensity or less at the property line. However the height of the light pole exceeds the 35 foot height limit. The photometric plan must be revised to reduce the overall height of the light poles to 35 feet or less. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Lakeville Commerce Center 3 Addition preliminary and final plat and easement vacation subject to the following stipulations: 1. The recommendations outlined in the May 12, 2011 Engineering Report. 2. The recommendations of the Park, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee. 3. The site shall be developed according to the plans approved by the City Council. 4. A security in the amount of $200,000 is to be submitted prior to the release of the final plat mylars to guarantee the installation of the landscaping per the approved plan. 5. A sign permit must be obtained prior to the installation of any signage. 6. The photometric plan must be revised to reduce the overall height of the light poles to 35 feet or less. 7. Snow storage must be accommodated in the green space areas around the perimeter of the property, or must be taken off site. 8. The developer must submit a $2,500 security for tree preservation within Lot 1 and Outlot A. 9. A $75,000 cash escrow must be submitted to the City for the future construction of a round- about at 205 Street and Kenrick Avenue. 10. An eight -foot wide concrete sidewalk must be constructed at the developer's expense on the east side of Keokuk Avenue and connect to the trail on the south side of 205 Street. 6 C -3' General ommerci airs. UD, anned Unit evelopment C -3, General Commercial District Lakeville Commerc Center 3r Addition (Walmart RM -1, Medium Density Residential miry- i L -�1 wads !Iu WENN Tr it 1!i r -- EMI, IF gra3011 iv N City of Lakeville Location & Zoning Map Lakeville Commerce Center 3rd Addition (Walmart) Preliminary Plat, Final Plat and Easement Vacation EXHIBIT A Drawing name K \ TWC_LDEV \WALMART \LAKEVILLE \CADD \PLAN SHEETS \6030 DEMOLITION PLAN DWG 6061 May 09, 2011 2 53pm by colleen torts I m I s documml, togelhef with the concepts and designs prevented her es an !aetrumant of sew ea, ie Intended only for the spec fie purpose and client Ipr xFi<M1 t x s prepared Reuse of and Improper rNimce o and I I I I I I I l m A " ` m O8 �td \ a a 0 0 / agg o x °O di I o I G 3 agog mR < x A 'o g 0 a Walmart* LAKEVILLE, MN KEOKUK AVE AND CSAH 70 STORE # 5992 -00 DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA m' ^ liguP - om'm^$> » F Fm n go,S�D�s2i p8�m 8 >m Q g sw," ■ v ° o I \ 0 0 r 4, C € L T ) ------- ;II 1 9 c- I rig :gg m 2 is AT N � 80 °8 32s g 20 �m ; m i 3 g O. 2992 A 9 z3 Fa p,8 m DI 8 O DEMOLITION PLAN 9 9 g2' Am t g$ 6 SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED BY CPL DRAWN BY CPL CHECKED BY WDM 0 "err— ;if 133MLS r J I th I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME 0R UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DRILY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF 106 STATE CF MINNESOTA. WILLIAM 0. MATZEK, P E DATE 05/09/2011 MN UC NO 45790 A . E 0 1 1 / , yam" a .� m • ` ° "I C -6 - m -r-° —L °' —t $ m m ,� z m ^„ °pm m �Z obi ° S'- - :g '' '^F $ '' m °fim r In g 0653 Y ° $ ; A m � a , tg.,$8 "$g = ''''' h2=g a Amg 22 BRgo m8 822 o ° >$ m <m'gX�z goo 2za 6 F210 pg°'F °p '"3; $�omS2 m, F 210 99 5F 4 °°,mF °- 8g 0.-m. m 94$$ 51 - °ms yi�^ym m ps g" $N _ �° - m 2 Czym Si > ag_9gg 8N ° ^ p <m op m Pi In Sleep —Morn and Associates, Inc shall Se out IWee to ley—Horn and Associates. r,c ❑ -❑ sal AnocNM., mo °Naa we -4110 CO °2 2 D \ � m A °o s O -9 0 °g 0 T8 X A. $8 O F J F REVISIONS D m m z 0 0 "b 7d M 0 2 DATE BY Drowing name K \TWC_LOEV \WALMART \LAKEVILLE \CADD \PLAN SHEETS \6000 PRELIMINARY PLAT DWG 6011 May 09, 2011 3 04pm by colleen Ions Ie document, fagot M1r witp tae cancep 1 1 and desiana presented M1rMn, as Walmart* LAKEVILLE, MN KEOKUK AVE AND CSAH 70 STORE # 5992 -00 DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA netrumenl of service. Is intended rani y for the aped% purpose and client Iw which it woe prepared Reuse el and na....•..,emaaeKHm. � �.- -Po' _ rQt \ 1 � m T I � ;f—" L' r .. > ` y ° >$ 1 4 / rn5 , >g P2 '8 \ \/ a ��_l I si °n m 'CIS s,s s,T!�p °.g''° °�� \ M O n ^oNx> Iii 1� =\ AA . ggp m R6 g y gy � ° m me \ \� \'\ y ° S y I y tI 0 i U- �irnA, Icy �A > ° n o a z o$ m \ \ \ \ i I I 1 f"n P's m P �` " „„ o r� A Y sg , „ I z3F > I P I ° m7 F u p v � 'i of y //f re' 'M.r`. II `~ 5 I 1 �s =s' �m a Ci t I I I I p� n� - ; c- 11� 1// o 2 II - - ° ,� , f / _ om �..� ii �X =1 Ds tl� vwvw c I f ` Lc—Z sI�•IB sm., (� 29 982 _ r 1 iT p1 P � 79 1m' i zPI It OO OLL (R) j.10.9 {.iSt2DOl) TOO.OE [S = / t 8 Y L A _ Z REM .4,,\ y + \ � 7 M E g ° \ Trzi I s a. �� `__ I� `;' / a e V I i aim ' I _ qt -- __ E 8 €! n II AWERSTAX hYQW040 M2 35 A c Tr. — -' � v B � a = :rte HO -d liV •) 11 g 5 E c ° — ° oN ACM°4 ■ ��4p> IV glt M2 i oi m �m 8 PRELIMINARY PLAT LAKEVILLE COMMERCE CENTER, 3RD ADDITION 0 1 T SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED BY CPL DRAWN BY CPL CHECKED BY WDM mprape AAAi € 6 MI 8 22M 1 99. 4'a 8 EE ' K PP P 1 reliance en tn. document Mout mien aulllonzatbn and adaptation by Kimley - Horn end Aewaiatm. Inc Nall be wllM1OUt daap,ly to Kim - Ham and A Nate. Inc yom q m 0 0 C7 m s oyp c w T'.L 1• \ �► - - "" = .:a.n I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN. SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT 1 AM A DULY UCENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF 1HE STATE OF MNNESOTA. WILLIAM MA D. TZ, P E. DATE 05/09/2011 MN UC. No EK 45790 9 B 9 gi 0 o:❑ :�°�” ° lakaIra zew wwl3 mar. atH v�l N D7 1 REVISIONS gn #144 .15 1 — .J D DATE BY tim itt1 Co 0 01 0 D z 0 ▪ O - x2 z z Z y m O A y 2> SK m N O to o = r ] RR m r zo 5 n O0 7 a 0 m n 0 mm ; w° a n 3 v a e .°. 3 ID A g O S � p ;1: 0 a .0 0 0 j N N n av'» o woi _ n a 1 o 145;91n O N a O v E 0 9-gig o m 0 00�•Qc - o3 n Q O m m = Q O j O m 3 �-5 0' f 5 a 5.3 2 O mom = n 1 0 .. 5N_3• ms 0 D ° m 0 uc Qr _ nwm vc m in m nD r F a a o '33�c 0 ai m g oo0 f N � = any o 'A o m a co D 31 0 3 5 m S fog op 5 . O N 8. O 4 o n _a 3Q -• o 0 0 I ° 9 0 ] n 0 i r ' 0 S. r a cn > 0 0 co V= m' N 0 a ] '0 o m s 17, N 18 m a , 3 O = S ,< 1 m 0 °., 5. o m 3� m i la r m g a 1 �° r m 0 n on ✓ 24.5 4,3-. , O Q . < a a 0 ✓ gw O w s 12; 4 rm i v ' o O K 2 s = m I m 0 3 z -. y a A v o _ j A o a a I 0 ti O ° w Z n ° 0 ] C a n a m 0 w m S m S a a a f . z =m 0 3a 2v w a o a o n Tn n g. ° ij 00= n = o O <n' 00 ww g N N 0 s O 1 0 m z I otti 0 0 0 0 i .,- ▪ — — \ T DRAINAGE AN UTILITY EASE 0 • ▪ o> 4 y Q 7 r 44, .,a \ \ fi r w. t , 41x' ..- \\w y� �• ,i \ \ g o / i 1 . > i \ FUND /RUN y ,:\ \ L PCS /6741 � � \ Z tI \!gyl ,mss RP, 7' � a ° �� 1 w �n ti D MENT CT %D � 0 \_ \ \ \ /�\ \iB m, _ DRAINAGE AN \� i ;7 UTILITY EASEMD ENT \ \ DRA A ND i UTI TY EASEMENT DRAINAGE AND /7 UTILITY EASEMENT / N89 ° 57'04"W 4/3.08 L.' J / L_l// / 1., S25'36' 35'E -------- 54.17 - XCEL ENERGY TRANSMISSI LINE EASEMENT PER DOC. N0. 314663, - 8K 76 MISC, PG 450, PARTIALLY RELEASED BY DOC. NO. 337921, BK 81 MISC, PG 389 4 cr In S 80 O • N • Cal. RC E CENTER 2N,9 ADD// &W PDYND IRON , - PLS /41376 •• N87 ° 40'58 "E [ _v /'ir STREET W. C 5 > �Il C) J r'i P1 (3 P1 ri T.5 .0 1 6 0'3,O g 9N 248.30 ---- PIANO //2" OPEN /RCN -, - - -80- ` -FOG IRON 1 ILLEGIBLE CAP NU I A 1(r - \ / 1 I I \ L_ V I L.L.L_ - 5 LINE OF I SEC. 25 I A i� r - 1 /II I r / \/'\A Al, Ar'L) / \ r - ( \r - �IT'I E) \L_V I L _ L _ L _ v J l V I l V I L _ I \ .' L _ vL_IV I L_I\ N i 0 0 N89 445.10 / \ An Ar [) \r- / \r I\ITr'I) / 6 vIJIVIIVIL_I \vL_ vL_IN I L_I\ 643.8 f FOLNO CAST - - IRON MONUMENT 1 1 1 'P __ 414.85 '11 p`O. O a < 7. C5 -FIXMO IRON PLS /6743 - - 184 - -- -FOUND CAST - - - -_,:� I /ROY MONUA Yr 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 O 7 G TOTAL I 161,176BF illi RETAIL COMMERCIAL UBEB (OTHER) I) FLOOR AREA USE PARKING REQUIREMEN' 1 BTALLMO BF I SPACER/1,600 BF 18PAOEO,000 BF 1,340 BF 133,414 BF 16$1 BF h Y 131,30BBF 1 1113 e $ 16 ifi Drawing come K C_LDEV \WALMART \LAKEVILLE \CADD \PLAN SHEETS \6040 SITE PLAN DWG 6040 Moy 09. 2011 2 52prn by colleen loris ent, eager er In the [couple and a o A Cr) C m Q r � O gna ems tea nere! as an mst..mat .t Is Intended ante for the epee°. purpose and Gient for which It was n ..nw� on this document without written autnwtr.e.n and adaptallon mice -Ham as A o sha0 be wit t uot. r o aml.r-Nor..m Alg z yo °9 2 Walmart:;: LAKEVILLE, MN KEOKUK AVE AND CSAH 70 STORE # 5992 -00 DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA N > ,� \ p 61 . i i a w _ & min m '�o$ ;°§i x 1 GG II "'rr f of of aI'` II 1 I IS1 V 1011110 .b e es N SITE PLAN e Qc xxx)b0 0 0` ec)0 ® s SCALE AS NOTED DESIGNED BY ATB DRAWN BY BRE CHECKED BY WDM clA I HEREBY CERTIFY 1HAT THIS PLAN. SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT 1 AM A DULY UCENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. WILLIAM D. MATZEK, P.E. DATE 05/09/2011 MN UC NO 45790 M1332aS HLLOZ 0 0 4 0 0 3 NO }n. tn'& lea h'r.PO og &.mE con andiardwomzei ms u,rw�a� 1e xI CO ®® N r m 0 n 0 zz O ./ 51 REVISIONS D 96.> g g� $m DATE BY Na U CR V PROPOSED DETEC TABLE WARNING SURFACE Drawing name K \TWC_LDEV \WALMART \LAKEVILLE \CADD \PLAN SHEETS \6044 SITE DETAILS DWG 6044 May 09, 2011 12 09pm by Justin slrlord Ms document, together with the concepts and de9vns presented herein. as an mMoment of orKo. Is Into.. - z z Walmart LAKEVILLE, MN KEOKUK AVE AND CSAH 70 STORE # 5992 -00 DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA the spec purpose and client for .hick it woo prepared Reuse of and Improper reliance on Ors Cowmen) without written author...Ion and adaplalwn by meY —Horn and Aamewtes, Inc all be Mout iiob Y to Kole on and A»eclalaa. Mc SITE DETAILS 0) 1 m c 0 c A z c m II ;o- SCALE AS NOTED DESIGNED BY ATB DRAWN BY BRE CHECKED BY WDM 207TH STREET W. 1 I O 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICA11ON OR REPORT WAS PREPARED 90 ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT 1 AM A DULY UCENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STA OF MINNESOTA WILLIAM D. MATZEK, P.E. DATE. 05/09/2011 MN UC N0. 45790 n on❑ ilroaelee iTe aee w.mrnp,e wiaenyrmttm+ wis sn. 0 n 0 0 m REVISIONS D DATE BY BART \LAKEVILLE \CADD \PLAN SHEETS \6020 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION PLAN P1 DWG 6020 May 09, 2011 2 34pm by colleen Ions 0 VA $1 5 s 9. m0 0 8 0 8 0 8 8 0 8 0 8 9 0) o o En m 0 0 0 m z m r- 0 0 s document, loge tner x,th he oono pis an de»gn• ores led nerNn, as on 0 5 07 m 1• O D O z m F 0 Walmart* LAKEVILLE, MN KEOKUK AVE AND CSAH 70 STORE # 5992 -00 DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA S lor the spec purpose and Mani tor wFioh ,l x s prepared Reuse of and Improper rel D 11111 (1 ; ® 1 g ® ®00 ® 0001)00® g0 R 0 8 0 i 0 0 0 E A m 16 8 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION PLAN PHASE 1 SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED BY C DRAWN BY CHECKED BY m I m o CPL WDM _J p I 0 0 7 0 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1515 PLAN. SPEaFlCA1OR DR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME DR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERM01ON AND THAT 1 AM A DULY UCENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA WILLIAM D. MATZEK, P E DATE 05/09/2011 MN UC. NO 45790 end adoPtolwn FY y om and Aaaocroles. Inc sM1all be without hoblily to le Horn and Associates 0 II II L I � , I •. ;11 133a1S mizoe 0 9 0 B 0�❑ endAmockles,Irc. fro O Mwe s » -s�o-nn ).0 sal- e, >sns Mns No 1D 0 0 9 8 8 5 08 262 899 00 9 R 8 'C I 16 16 0 i REVISIONS 10 D DATE BY 0 FINISH GRADING LANDSCAPING/SEED/FINAL STABILIZATION NOU00eLSN00 ONICW18 / NOI1 ON00d S38D130d/5 10d1N00 1N3NVM013d STORM FACILITIES SITE CONSTRUCTOR STRIP & STOCKPILE TOPSOIL ROUGH GRADE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EXITS TEMPORARY CONTROL MEASURES SEDIMENT CONTROL BASINS SOIL EROSION /SEDIMENTATION CONTROL OPERATION TIME SCHEDULE MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME 1111111111111111111 MINIIIIIIIIIIIIMM IIIMMIIIMIIII 11111111111111111111M 11111111111111M 11111111 IIIMEMEMI11111111111 MIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TH THE :JULIAUGI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII 1111111111111111111111MME l■■■■■111I....■■■ INIIIIMIIIIIMMI BEIMIIIIIIIIIIM IIIIMMMMIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIBMMIIIIIII 1111111111111111111M MI MIIIII•I•l...uu. •uuu•.uiiiI♦I♦uu ■lIII ■ ■1111MI IRT \LAKEVILLE \CADD \PLAN SHEETS \6021 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION PLAN P2 DWG 6020 May 09, 2011 2:58pm by colleen Ions u2 8,1 3 92 09 29 9 299 282 494 FBF �?s g 9 8 9 n 9 9 10 9 4 8 K 5 4 9 >$ 9 9 8 0) N E C — m i 0 1 1 1 1 sedum presented herein, as an Instrument or sencs, Is Nlended only for the specific Purpose and client for which It nos prepared Reuse of and Improper reblce on this document without ..men math un and °daptatlen by KNMer —Hxn and As one Aae«,ate., Inc Nr gi 0- 9 Sel; 5 g 9 F F 2 9 2 9 9 2 Walmart ;; LAKEVILLE, MN KEOKUK AVE AND CSAH 70 STORE # 5992 -00 DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA m o � 8 ® ( 4 s OO ® oe ® ® e © O 4 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION PLAN PHASE 2 0 A SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED BY C DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CPL WON • I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN. SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WA5 PREPARED BY 1.40 OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY DCENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE 5TA OF MINNESOTA WIL D MAT P E. DATE 05/09/2011 MN uc. NO ZEK, 45790 0 2 9 8 n P 9 2 9 9 0 V9 9 N iy go 9.8e e RF• � G nu[ e1e am N m REVISIONS 5. DATE 0 m 0 m 0 01 m BY OFF-SITE MATERIAL AREMS) INFORMATION — PROPOSED DRAIN Eit.E (sEE DETAIL) 211101NO3 03S0d0Rd 3d 315 TOSOdSIO Drawing name K \TWC_LOEV \WALMART \LAKEVILLE \CADD \PLAN SHEETS \6060 UTILITY PLAN DWG 6060 May 09, 2011 3:OOpm by colleen Ions 19 Ms document, together with the concepts and Anne,. presented 19 19 ©o 00 0 ®® ag m ;pint! 0 mgQ�g1 ^� H I 4 li p . > g � m� m € gg n K maB � m ���5 9 p ��i �t � �� oe ��� o� � Ia = �� � @�� = p < % ^m z 19 g9 1 o 9 19 1 n 0.,'L < OO %9: €p 0919 -9 191 ;'-'h 0 og� :9 oo m -gm 2F Fsg ��i p ' 1 ^m g i m84o i' s Yy hp 0 1 r oD F� P' > " 99 9 z mg-. !43 o ^9 1 9 19 °1, > polKP, m $ m $� g m 191 8 a smp o .p ecigi >oP �$ l';ri $Fzl p >3 �m N;' gp sad> Walmart:;: LAKEVILLE, MN KEOKUK AVE AND CSAH 70 STORE # 5992 -00 DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA oe on mrtramenl of service, h Intended any for me spend purpose and Merit for UTILITY PLAN L7 SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED BY CPL DRAWN BY CPL CHECKED BY WDM wer reliance on this document without written authorisatan and adaptation by K,mley -Horn and Associot 133x5 /{LgOZ m I o I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN. SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROEES*ONAL ENGINEER UNDER 1HE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. WILLIAM D MATZEK, PE. DATE: 05/09/2011 MN UC NO. 45790 N 13321LS H[LOl 10 00th `" ens Inc enrol Pe without I,aha, 0 0 g g 19 o m co L 19 o ■ 19 . 26 REVISIONS o Kimley -Horn and Associates Inc 19 In A 6 D 19 6 E a X DATE BY N w O, co t0 0 N I ij i TOTAL PAVEMENTAREA: ►.: A 0 m SYMBOL PRELIMINARY PLANT SCHEDULE l 0 i t s et or( I INTNE WET 8lS3)MIX BLACK-EYED BMW KOBOID UATRO DAYLLY KARL FOERBfER I ; I MINT JULEP JUNIPER SPIRE 111 OWKNG ASPEN BIRCH (SINGLE STEM B CLUMP) IVORY BILK LILAC 111 SWAMP WHITE OAK COMMON NACICBERRY ACCOLADE ELM COMMON NAME I NATIVE WET SEED MIX RWBECIOAHMTA WORM 8PICATAIWBW.O WIWI 1 PINUS MORA PICEA OIAUG VAR OENBATA FIRMS REBNOBA / POPULUS UMW -WIDE& BEUA BYRNGA RETIMAATA IVORY BLK i 1 ULMIUSx•ACCOLADE ACERX FREEMAWI'AIJTIMN BLAME OUERCUB BICOLOR - - CELTS OCCIDENTALIB BOTANICAL NAME M (24 HT.) M Or MN HT.) BI p4'MM HT.) M (24 MN HT.) a 1 i;�.1 ! ' a a Z 't a WB'MN HT.) B6ISE MN NT.) S NT e 4 r CAL T CAL ?GL /BHT. 2 CAL 2T CAL [ r + ( +�+ Q f f Q 9 ( ; f' F SIZE Q iQypp eae 88B B&B B 8B w es ▪ 8B B BBB 68 I BBB R001 ; i i T TOTAL PAVEMENTAREA: :: . 2712708E 1 G LOT CAI ID BF 80 b 1 1 D no ✓C_LDEV \WALMAR MLLE \CADDY 101 LANDSCAPE PLAN dwg 6101 May 09, 2011 12 15pm by Justin sirjord fl�i ✓!ls✓!��l��A�lt�llltilllti� {�! 111 z — tag. !tn the concepts and ranted herein. as on instrument al service. is intended m Y for the meclac purpose and chant for nh,ch it .ae Pr spored Reuse of and ,mprmer .Mims. on this deoument •moue .alien sumwliatMn and od.tatlm by K1T a am and Aeweates, me shell be 0 Walmart* LAKEVILLE, MN KEOKUK AVE AND CSAH 70 STORE # 5992 -00 DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA x t LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 1 m SCALE AS NOTED DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY JLJ TPH e5 0 0 2 i C 5 A I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVIS ON AND THAT 1 AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS 06 THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. TODD P HALUNEN RLA DATE 05/09/2011 MN UC NO 24900 0 ❑�❑ ond "owe 11e N 0 REVISIONS DATE BY 10 SOD AU. OTHER AREAS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 9 SEED ALL LOW AREAS WITH NADVE WET MIX 643 644 641 642 639 640 637 638 631 632 627 628 613 620 606 607 I 604 605 603 OI ln • U N -• ITAGH BOXELDER BOXELDER BOXELDER BOXELDER I COTTONWOOD WILLOW I COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD WILLOW MALLOW ASH ASH COTTONWOOD WILLOW WILLOW WILLOW WILLOW WALLOW ELM WILLOW ASH ASH ELM ASH BOXELDER BOXELDER TREE SPECIES W A 9 11 14 15,18 23 21,27 7,10,11,12,15,17,19 4,10,12,13,14,14,14,15 4,6 4,5,5,6 A '2 V b 12 13,14 2,2,3,10 11 6 4,7 O� W J 58 IO MULTIPLE NUMBERS= MULTISTEM G TREE INF( SIZE INCHES DBH 01 G J+ A N (J GI (A N (4 4+ (A J+ 01 (A LA N N N W (A W GI A (n (A 1-DEAD, 2 -POOR, 3=FAIR, 4 =GOOD, 5= EXCELLENT REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE TO REMAIN REMOVE TO REMAIN TO REMAIN REMOVE TO REMAIN REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE k '.EE PRESERVATION PLAN dwg 6100 May 09, 2011 12 14pm by Justin sirlord s document, teoether wit he concepts and designs presented el, as an instrument of ser t 1 m o � o be¢b' 4 gigPA 1 1 11 ; 74. 1 bgg rfl � g e � N 9" • • 0 0 0 0 ° for II 7 T 2 5' 4 8" D 0 Z 0 0 0 -1 —I o - o o o Z o 0 m 03 ct, N CD N 6'2 ° oor -a 0_0 C) -, o Fri 5 • D 0 D o D CD OD O o() CD 0 Waimart:;: LAKEVILLE, MN KEOKUK AVE AND CSAH 70 STORE # 5992 -00 DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA IY (w the specific purpose one lent for wnkn It ros prepared Reese or and improper relimee en lnls de.rnent rMout 'Men author Ron end adaptation eY imleY -Hurn and Aamaotee, Inc Snell be without IraoGRy to Kimie 9 = 1 C) 1 0 o A KEOKUK AVENUE r 0 m Z 0 mf1DPSTA,F N/QYW6Y Ap .35 - -- inaersrA SA Y NQ TREE PRESERVATION PLAN SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED BY JL DRAWN BY JLJ CNECKED 8Y TPH 5 TODD P HALUNEN RLA DATE 05/09/2011 MN UC NO 24900 0 0 0 O m Do m 0 m < i 0 p o rNm z-1 m II 1 \ I£ i 1 1 II 1m I I I £ ''� I I 1 I 1 t �I \I\ I I I £E 1 1 li I1\ 1 11 \, M o . 1 I I. o m I 1 l £-,,,, V �AAJ.J../ W'�r•w2 - V. / .A -�" I i 1 1 1 II 11 1 oE" III � £ II L -1 m m ° I I l li 1111 I 5 11 $I 11l It I 1 1 \ I I I Ho-d X _ II 1 I P P-O-oHH H S 1 ,A £ I � . - !1111.1 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN. 5060810ATICN OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY UCENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 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SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA WILLIAM D. MATZEK, P E DATE. 05/09/2011 MN UC NO 45790 0 0 H D] H to cn to C) \ Tn 0 • 0 0 0 cT 0 0 E 0 _ t 4 H W 05 0 a° CO mr O E Y nY 1 � y \ L•) DI O C O 7D ro H H H • O x O co Tl ) co, co y H 0 ro eY n ❑ andkaodatesdne. nea w Dsn :rar �.. Al e..rw -r N m REVISIONS orn and Associates, Mc droll be witawt IIeD y e Nrmley -Horn and e»oc,olee, Ine 8 DATE BY N 0 O+ 0 0 0 0' w tri N N In u, u1 ch W W 0' 03 O 3 a 11 W 0 LJ W W NJ CO V1 W O O? O co co NJ O co OO V1 O O� 00 O O NJ 0 co O `G T = t, f4'• 4 4 0 N 0 11111 11111111M III ( 1 ,11111,1,01:010, 11 , 11,y , „ i rrr I " . V It v li - . 0.itimithYiii. .1.16.1 h.l. 3 IMF tAi 4141-ti /N7 ER S7 A TE' I V/CNN/1Y ' NO. 35 li m o 0 z I1 I I II I' I May 06, 2011 — 9:26am — USER nickelsanm 0: \62510 \WOlmort \51070 Lakeville_MN \20_DESGN \60_Design \Site line study \0000 — SIGHT LINE.dwg 2 V alli E.I I a V O o O LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA STORE NO.5992 JOB NUMBER: 6251051070 1 PROTO: 150 STIPULATION FOR REUSE THIS DRAWING SPEOFF1C STEPA T FOR WOU E. MN CONTEMPORANEOUSLY S w�SE o AND IT IS NOT SUITABLE LATER�TIIME. uOF T S MARINO FO 1HER PRORCT REWRES TB SERVICES or PROPERLY LICENSED REPRODUCTION D Cr THIIS FCR REUSE W ANOTHER PROACT rs NOT SD TO THE LAW. From Science to Salutlone SAJC OF MICHIGAN. INC 60 East Pleb Blvd. -Sub 300 0.Im Pad, MN 66017 Easement Vacation Sketch For: KIMLEY- -HORN cQ ASSOCIATES 1'- C LtJ CL F C L�J F- <C LIJ Lr_ - J - J :) a 20 5TH STREET ( CO RD. _ — — �, I ■ ) cS ) 2010 -289 808/25 T.114 R.21 S.25 & 26 SMT 2010289006- vacotion.dwg i . i E COMMERCE R CENTE err �vlu.� COMMERCE CENTER VV/ L. L// , . CENTER ....ir,�r,c ..c vGriC 64) 1 I I 1 i I 1 J PROPOSED EASEMENT VACATION DESCRIPTION All the drainage and utility easements dedicated in the plats of Lakeville Commerce Center and Lakeville Commerce Center 2nd Addition, lying within Outlot B, said Lakeville Commerce Center 2nd Addition, according to the recorded plats thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota, together with the Easement for off —take ditch purposes per Final Certificate Document No. 418361. MnDOT OFF -TAKE DITCH EASEMENT DOC. NO. 418361 kg I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or j report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Q Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of i.,(/) the State of Minnesota. L•< Dated this 8th day of April, 2011 NJ SUNDE LAND SURVEYING, LLC. By. Mark S. Hanson, P.L.S. Minn. Lic. No. 15480 SUNDE Mfi 9001 East Bloomington ain Free ay ( Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 -3435 35W) • Suite 118 LAND SURVEYING 952 -881 -2455 (Fax: 952- 888 -9526) North Office: www.sunde.com Brooklyn Park, Minn. 763 - 784 -9346 ■ EXHIBIT L PROPOSED EASEMENT VACATION DESCRIPTION All the drainage and utility easements dedicated in the plats of Lakeville Commerce Center and Lakeville Commerce Center 2nd Addition, lying within Outlot B, said Lakeville Commerce Center 2nd Addition, according to the recorded plats thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota, together with the Easement for off -take ditch purposes per Final Certificate Document No. 418361. Memorandum To: Allyn Kuennen, Associate Planner From: Mark DuChene, Development Design Engineer McKenzie Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager Copy: Dennis Feller, Finance Director Keith Nelson, City Engineer Steve Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director David Olson, Community & Economic Development Director Gene Abbott, Building Official Date: May 12, 2011 Subject: Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition • Preliminary Plat Review • Easement Vacation • Final Plat Review • Grading Plan Review • Tree Preservation Plan Review • Utility Plan Review • Site Plan Review BACKGROUND City of Lakeville Engineering Walmart has submitted a preliminary and final plat named Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition. The preliminary and final plat is a re -plat of Outlot B, Lakeville Commerce Center 2 Addition. The replat contains one developable lot and one outlot to be deeded to the City of Lakeville which contains wetlands and a drainage channel under the jurisdiction of the US Army Corps of Engineers. The proposed subdivision is located on land that is zoned C -3, General Commercial and is south of 205th Street, west of and adjacent to Interstate 35, north of 210 Street (CSAH 70) and east of and adjacent to Keokuk Avenue. The preliminary and final plat consists of one lot and one outlot on 15.94 acres. The outlot created with the preliminary and final plat has the following use: LAKEVILLE COMMERCE CENTER THIRD ADDITION MAY 12,2011 PAGE 2 OF 12 Outlot A: Wetlands and Drainage Channel to be Deeded to the City (1.40 acres) The proposed development will be completed by: Developer: Walmart Engineer: Kimley -Horn and Associates Surveyor: Sunde Land Surveying SITE CONDITIONS The site is vacant, undeveloped land that was previously mass graded as part of Lakeville Commerce Center improvements. The site contains existing wetlands, overhead power lines and trees. EASEMENT VACATION The Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition preliminary plat identifies existing public drainage and utility easements previously established with the parent parcel, as depicted on the Lakeville Commerce Center 2nd Addition plat. The existing easements will be vacated and re- platted with the Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition. In addition the Developer is coordinating the vacation of an existing off- take ditch easement in favor of MnDOT. STREET AND SITE LAYOUT Keokuk Avenue Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition is east of and adjacent to Keokuk Avenue, a major collector roadway as identified in the City's Transportation Plan. Keokuk Avenue is constructed as a 44 -foot wide, undivided urban roadway and is striped as a three lane section with one through lane in each direction and a center continuous two way left turn lane. There are dedicated right and left turn lanes on Keokuk Avenue at the intersections with 205 Street and 210 Street (CSAH 70). Keokuk Avenue is within an 80 -foot right -of -way with concrete sidewalk located on the west side of the street. Access to the site will be from three proposed driveways. The middle driveway will be aligned with 207 Street and the northern and southern driveways have been designed to meet access spacing requirements. The site plan indicates right turn lanes will be constructed on Keokuk Avenue by the Developer to access the proposed driveways. The Developer will construct an 8 -ft concrete sidewalk along Keokuk Avenue's east right -of -way from the plat's southern boundary to 205 Street to provide a LAKEVILLE COMMERCE CENTER THIRD ADDMON MAY 12, 2011 PAGE 3 OF 12 connected pedestrian path from the existing trail located on the south side of 205 Street. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was completed by the Developer and was reviewed by the City's traffic consultant SRF Consulting Group, Inc. for potential adverse impacts to critical intersections near the proposed plat. The TIA considered current, 2013, and future build out traffic conditions for the Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition as well as future development in the surrounding area and identified the required intersection geometrics for each condition. The TIA does not identify the need for improvements to the Keokuk Avenue /205 Street intersection due to the development of the Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition. The intersection will continue to be monitored and evaluated by the City. It is anticipated that as the area to the south develops the intersection will meet warrants for additional intersection control such as an all way stop. Kenrick Avenue /205 Street The TIA indicates that the development of Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition does not in itself necessitate the need for any improvement to the intersection of Kenrick Avenue and 205 Street under any of the proposed traffic conditions. However, as the surrounding areas develop, improvements to the intersection control for the Kenrick Avenue /205 Street intersection will likely be required. The current draft of the City's capital improvement plan indicates a round -a -bout at this intersection to address the intersection control issues identified with future developments. The Developer has agreed to post a $75,000 cash escrow with the City toward the future round -about construction cost at this intersection. The cash escrow will be refunded to the Developer if the round -about has not been constructed within two years from the opening of the store. If the round -about is constructed after two years but within five years of the opening of the store, the Developer has agreed to be assessed up to $75,000 for the intersection improvements. Site Plan Review The Developer proposes to construct a 151,175 sf commercial retail building. The building will contain the following: 16,691 sf of warehouse; 133,444 sf of retail space; and 1,340 sf of restaurant. Access to the building will be primarily from either of the two southerly proposed driveway entrances along Keokuk Avenue. The third northernmost driveway entrance will be primarily for trucks and deliveries. The driveway designs include a stop sign, stop bar, crosswalk striping and pedestrian curb ramps with truncated domes. Turning path movements demonstrating vehicle circulation are included on the site plan. LAKEVILLE COMMERCE CENTER THIRD ADDITION MAY 12, 2011 PAGE 4 OF 12 CONSTRUCTION ACCESS Construction traffic access and egress for grading, utility, parking lot and building construction is restricted to Keokuk Avenue via 210 Street (CSAH 70). PARKS AND TRAILS Development of Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition will not require public trail construction. The City's Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan does not designate any area within the proposed plat as future park land. The Park Dedication requirement was satisfied through a cash contribution paid in 1997. UTILITIES SANITARY SEWER Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition is located within sub - district SC -13400 of the South Creek sanitary sewer district as identified in the City's Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan. Wastewater will be conveyed via existing public sanitary sewer to the MCES Farmington /Lakeville Interceptor and continue to the Empire Wastewater Treatment Facility. The existing City -owned downstream facilities have sufficient capacity to serve the development. Development of Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition will not require public sanitary sewer construction. 8 -inch sanitary sewer will be extended from public sanitary sewer located in Keokuk Avenue to provide service to Lot 1. A 6 -inch sanitary sewer service will be extended from an existing 6 -inch sanitary sewer service stub as well. The services will be privately owned and maintained by the Developer. The Developer is proposing to abandon 3 existing sewer services that were installed previously and are no longer needed with the revised lot layout. All existing sanitary sewer services that are to be permanently abandoned must first be televised by the Developer for evidence of inflow and infiltration and a copy of the televising tape provided to the City. If the City's review of the televising suggests no inflow and infiltration, the sanitary sewer service may be abandoned in place. If the City's review of the televising suggests any inflow and infiltration, the sanitary sewer service must be plugged at the main by inserting a plug at the wye per the manufacturer's recommendations. In addition, any existing sanitary sewer service disturbed during water service construction must also be plugged. GPS coordinates must be provided per Lakeville Standard Plate LV- ST -12. All sanitary sewer service abandonment/removal work must be inspected by the City's utility department. All LAKEVILLE COMMERCE CENTER THIRD ADDITION MAY 12,2011 PAGE 5 OF 12 abandoned sanitary sewer services shall be identified on certificate of surveys submitted during the building permit process. The proposed sanitary sewer layout is in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan. Final locations and sizes of all sanitary sewer will be reviewed by City Staff with the final construction plans. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge has not been paid on the parent parcel and must be paid for Lot 1, with the building permit. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge is $307.00 per residential equivalent unit and shall be calculated when the M.C.E.S. SAC Units for the proposed building has been determined. WATERMAIN Development of Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition will not require public watermain construction. 8 -inch watermain will be extended from two existing 6 -inch watermain service stubs and looped around the proposed building. The Developer is proposing to abandon 2 existing water services that were installed previously and are no longer needed with the revised lot layout. For all existing water services that are to be permanently abandoned, a fee of $1000 /abandoned service shall be paid to the City for future maintenance related to the abandoned service repairs. GPS coordinates must be provided per Lakeville Standard Plate LV- ST-12. All water service abandonment /removal work must be inspected by the City's Utility Department. All abandoned water services shall be identified on the plans submitted during the building permit process. A certificate of occupancy will not be issued until water services have been appropriately abandoned and inspected. 2 x $1,000.00 /service = $2,000.00 Number of Water Fee per Service Total Services to be Abandoned Final locations and sizes of all sanitary sewer and watermain facilities shall be reviewed by City staff with the final building permit plans. In association with MnOPS requirements, utility hook -ups for buildings within Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition shall not be permitted until the as -built electronic files have been submitted and approved by City staff. DRAINAGE AND GRADING Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition is located within the Marion Lake drainage district as identified in the City's Water Resources Management Plan. The plat is located within sub - district ML -7 and stormwater runoff generated within the site currently drains overland to the existing drainage channel along the southern and LAKEVILLE COMMERCE CENTER THIRD ADDITION MAY 12, 2011 PAGE 6 OF 12 eastern parcel boundary and is conveyed to an existing wetland complex adjacent to Regional Stormwater Basin ML -7 -1. Regional Stormwater Basin ML -7 -1 and the existing wetland complex drain to the east via a 72 -inch culvert and eventually is conveyed by way of open - channel flow directly into Lake Marion. The site must be designed to pre -treat and infiltrate 0.5 inches of runoff from all impervious surfaces as well as match or reduce the peak runoff rates for the 1, 10 & 100 year storm events of the post development to pre development conditions. The Developer is proposing to meet these requirements by dividing the proposed site drainage into two drainage areas. The eastern drainage area will be collected via private storm sewer and directed to an underground stormwater treatment and filtration system. The underground stormwater system will be privately owned and maintained. The Developer is proposing a permanent public drainage easement over the underground stormwater system and recording said easement on the Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition plat. Complete construction and design detail must be submitted prior to building permit issuance. The system was designed according to the infiltration rate of the rock bed assumed to be 1 in /hour and must be able to infiltrate 0.5 inches of runoff from all contributing impervious surfaces within 48 hours. The Developer is proposing to pre -treat the runoff for sedimentation by using an isolator row as part of the underground system. The system must be bypassed during construction to ensure that sediments are not entering the system at the heavier loads during construction per the manufacturer's recommendations. The system will not be put on line until the site is fully stabilized. The system must be checked and cleaned as needed. Engineering recommends that the system be visually checked and inspected for sediment deposits twice a year following the Manufacturer's recommendations. A copy of the inspection and cleaning records must be submitted to the City. The western drainage area will be collected via private storm sewer and directed to an above ground filtration basin. The filtration basin will be privately owned and maintained. The Developer is proposing a permanent public drainage easement over the filtration basin and recording said easement on the Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition plat. The system was designed according to the infiltration rate of the basin bottom amended soil assumed to be 1 in /hour and must be able to infiltrate 0.5 inches of runoff from all contributing impervious surfaces within 48 hours. The Developer is proposing to pre -treat the runoff for sedimentation by using a mechanical sediment separator prior to entering the filtration basin. Both treatment systems will be routed to and have a structure to divert large flow events to a proposed dry rate control basin. The Developer is proposing a permanent public drainage easement over the basin and recording said easement on the Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition plat. The rate control basin will discharge into the existing wetland complex. LAKEVILLE COMMERCE CENTER THIRD ADDITION MAY 12, 2011 PAGE 7 OF 12 The grading specifications must indicate that all embankments meet FHA /HUD 79G specifications. The Developer shall certify to the City that all buildings with footings placed on fill material are appropriately constructed. Building permits shall not be issued until a building pad certification survey has been submitted and approved by City staff. A Final Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued until an as -built certified grading plan has been submitted and approved by City staff. The final grading plan must indicate any proposed borrow areas. Any borrow area locations must be approved by the City Engineer prior to the commencement of the borrow activity. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for construction activity is required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for areas exceeding one acre being disturbed by grading. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit Coverage must be submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA. RETAINING WALLS Development of Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition includes the construction of two retaining walls. The retaining walls vary in height ranging between 4 and 12 feet. The Developer is proposing a large block retaining wall along the eastern and northern portions of Lot 1 and a temporary sheet pile retaining wall around the overhead utility poles located within Outlot A. The temporary wall must be removed upon completion of the proposed free standing power pole structure and restoration of the ground must be completed including establishing vegetative cover and grading slopes not to exceed 3:1. All modular block walls constructed must meet Mn /DOT requirements. All modular block walls greater than four feet in height must be designed by a registered engineer and require a separate building permit from the City's Building Inspection Department. All modular block walls requiring a separate building permit from the City's Building Inspection Department must be inspected during construction and certified by the design engineer following construction. The Developer is proposing a 4 -ft tall black vinyl coated chain link fence along the top of the modular block retaining wall as well as a guard rail along the parking lot adjacent to the retaining wall areas. The retaining walls are all contained within Lot 1 and will be privately - owned and maintained by the Developer. STORM SEWER Development of Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition includes the construction of public and private storm sewer systems. The public storm sewer consists of the modification to the existing storm sewer in Keokuk Avenue due to the turn lane construction as well as the modification of the twin culverts that drain the storm sewer system from Keokuk Avenue to Regional Stormwater Basin ML -7 -1. The LAKEVILLE COMMERCE CENTER THIRD ADDITION MAY 12,2011 PAGE 8 OF 12 reconstructed public storm sewer will be located within public right -of -way and /or a permanent public drainage and utility easement, as shown on the plat, and maintained by the City. The privately -owned and maintained storm sewer will be located within Lot 1 and will collect and convey stormwater runoff generated from within the lot to the water quality and rate control basins. Any additional draintile construction, including perimeter draintile required for building footings, which is deemed necessary during construction, shall be the Developer's responsibility to install and finance. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge has not been collected on the parent parcel and must be paid with the final plat. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge is calculated as follows: WETLANDS 694,561 sf Gross area of Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition - 60,805 sf Area of Outlot A, Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition x $0.235/sf = $148,932.66 Area Charge Total The Developer is eligible for trunk storm sewer credits for conveying Outlot A to the City. The credit for the 1.40 acres of land is $7,700.00 and is calculated at the rate of $5,500.00 per acre, consistent with City policy. The delineation for the site was conducted on September 30, 2010 by Kimley -Horn and Associates and was field reviewed by staff from the City of Lakeville and Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) on October 15, 2010. Four areas were delineated on the project site for a total of 1.36 acres. The delineation was approved for this site on February 4, 2011. A Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) was held on January 18, 2011. Representatives were present from the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), Dakota County SWCD, MN Board of Soil and Water Resources (BWSR) and City Staff. The TEP discussed the delineation and other aspects of the potential development project. Based on the TEP findings, Kimley -Horn and Associates submitted a replacement plan on February 9, 2011 and included information suggested at the TEP meeting. The replacement plan indicates 0.97 acres of impact. The plan provides detailed information of the site alternatives and options looked at to avoid wetland impacts. The plan proposes to purchase 2:1 replacement (1.94 acres) via the Bachman wetland bank located in the same watershed. In addition to mitigating wetland impacts, the plan is to relocate and stabilize the existing channel /wetland. The wetland replacement plan was approved at the March 7, 2011 City Council meeting. LAKEVILLE COMMERCE CENTER THIRD ADDITION MAY 12,2011 PAGE 9 OF 12 Prior to the commencement of any site grading or improvements the channel relocation must be complete and vegetation re- established per the permit from the ACOE. No wetland impacts will occur until the City has received confirmation from BWSR that the required credits have been officially withdrawn from the wetland bank. TREE PRESERVATION A tree preservation plan has been submitted and reviewed. The plan identifies a total of 26 significant trees located within the Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition area. The tree preservation plan identifies 22 significant trees for removal for the reconstruction of the channel. The reconstructed channel will be stabilized with use of native trees, shrubs and seed mix. The developer will be responsible for maintenance of the channel until it is fully stabilized. EROSION CONTROL An erosion control plan has been submitted and includes the following: • A single rock construction entrance. • A seed and mulch specification that meets City requirements. • Inlet protection on all storm sewer structures. • Silt fence to protect offsite areas from sediment transport. • All 3:1 slopes must be seeded and stabilized with fiber blanket or sod. • Temporary sedimentation basins. • Rock checks in high flow areas. • All streets shall be cleared of debris at the end of each day as identified in the erosion control notes. Street sweeping shall be done weekly or more often as needed. Additional street sweeping shall be required during the hauling process. All streets shall be maintained to provide safe driving conditions. Erosion control blankets must be installed on all stormwater /infiltration basin slopes and slopes adjacent to wetland areas. The Developer shall install and maintain any additional erosion control measures deemed necessary during construction by City staff or the Dakota County Soil and Water District. SECURITIES The Developer shall provide a Letter of Credit as security for the Developer - installed improvements relating to Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition. Construction costs are based upon estimates submitted by the Developer's engineer on May 11, 2011. LAKEVILLE COMMERCE CENTER THIRD ADDITION MAY 12, 2011 PAGE 10 OF 12 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Sanitary Sewer Connection $ 9,186.00 Street 105,312.00 Storm Sewer 137,480.00 Site Grading, Erosion Control, Restoration and 99,000.00 Grading Certification Channel Re -Route 43,840.00 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION COSTS $ 394,818.00 OTHER COSTS Developer's Design (6.0 %) Developer's Construction Survey (2.5 %) City's Legal Expense (0.5 %) City Construction Observation (7.0 %) Developer's Record Drawing (0.5 %) Retaining Walls Onsite Private Signs /Pavement Markings Street Lights Landscaping Lot Corners SUBTOTAL - OTHER COSTS $ 23,689.08 9,870.45 1,974.09 27,637.26 1,974.09 600,000.00 5,000.00 3,600.00 200,000.00 200.00 $ 873,944.97 TOTAL PROJECT SECURITIES $ 1,268,762.97 The Developer shall post a security to ensure the final placement of iron monuments at property corners with the final plat. The security is $100.00 per lot and outlot for a total of $200.00. The City shall hold this security until the Developer's land surveyor certifies that all irons have been placed following site grading, utility and street construction. The streetlight security totals $3,600.00, which consists of three mast -arm streetlights at $1,200.00 each. The on -site signage and pavement markings associated with the development of Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition will be privately -owned and maintained by the Developer. The Developer shall post a $5,000.00 security to ensure that all signs and pavement markings are installed. A final Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued until the signs and pavement markings are installed. LAKEVILLE COMMERCE CENTER THIRD ADDITION MAY12,2011 PAGE 11 OF 12 CASH FEES The cash fee for street signs is $1,050.00 which consists of three right turn lane signs at $350.00 each. If the street posts are installed in frost conditions, the developer shall pay an additional $150.00 at each street post location. A cash fee for one -year of streetlight operating expenses for Lot 1 shall be paid with the final plat. Consistent with City policy, the streetlight operating fee is based on a commercial development so as to provide a more comparable rate to the anticipated usage. The cash fee is calculated as follows: 1,284.43 ff x $0.214/ff /qtr x 4 qtrs = $1,099.47 Keokuk Avenue Front Footage Streetlight Operating Rate Total A cash fee for one -year of surface water management expenses for Lot 1 shall be paid with the final plat and is calculated as follows: 14.54 Acres x 4.2 REU x $7.00 /unit/qtr x 4 qtrs = $1709.90 Lot 1 Area Residential Surface Water Total Equivalent Utility Management Fee Factor Rate A cash fee for the preparation of record construction drawings and for upgrading the City base map shall be paid with the final plat and is calculated as follows: 2 lots /outlots x $75.00/lot and outlot = $150.00 Lots and Outlots City Base Map Updating Rate Total The Developer shall submit the final plat and construction drawings in an electronic format. The electronic format shall be either a .dwg file (AutoCAD) or a .dxf file. The Developer shall pay a cash fee for City Engineering Administration. The fee for City Engineering Administration shall be based on three percent (3.00 %) of the estimated construction cost, or $11,844.54. CASH REQUIREMENTS Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge Streetlight Operating Fee Street Signs Surface Water Management Fee City Base Map Updating Fee City Engineering Administration (3.00 %) Kenrick Avenue /205 Street Intersection Improvements Water Service Abandonment Credit for Deeding Outlot A to City TOTAL CASH REQUIREMENT 148,932.66 1,099.47 1,050.00 1,709.90 150.00 11,844.54 75,000.00 2,000.00 (7,700.00) $ 234,086.57 LAKEVILLE COMMERCE CENTER THIRD ADDITION MAY12,2011 PAGE 12 OF 12 RECOMMENDATION Engineering recommends approval of the preliminary plat, easement vacation, final plat, grading plan, tree preservation plan, utility plan and site plan for Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition, subject to the comments within this report. • May 26,2011 VIA E -MAIL AND U.S. MAIL Mr. David Olson Community & Economic Development Director City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Re: Wal -Mart (5992) — Lakeville Commerce Center 3 Addition Final Plat Approval Dear Mr. Olson: Attorneys & Advisors main 612.492.7000 fax 612.492.7077 www.fredlaw.com MEMBER OF THE WORLD SERVICES GROUP Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 4000 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 -1425 OFFICES' Fredrikson & BYRON, P.A. Our client, Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust, respectfully requests that the Lakeville City Council delay consideration of Wal-Mart's pending application for Final Plat approval of Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition. We request that the City Council proceed with consideration of the Preliminary Plat scheduled for June 6, 2011. Preliminary and final plat approvals are frequently considered separately and Lakeville's Subdivision Ordinance anticipates a two -step process. We appreciate the City's willingness to consider preliminary and final plat approval at the same meeting, but now believe that our client will need additional time to finalize its plans and to approve the development agreement. We respect the City's preference that the developer sign and deliver the development agreement before the City Council will consider the final plat. To meet the City's request, we believe that delaying final plat approval will give us adequate time to finalize the lengthy development agreement for a relatively complicated project. In addition, we are concerned about meeting various timing requirements and deadlines set out in the development agreement, including the code requirement that the Final Plat be recorded within 100 days after City Council approval. If the City Council approves the Preliminary Plat on June 6 our client will have the assurances that it needs under Minnesota law to kick off its architects and engineers on preparing final building plans. Even though we are requesting a delay on final plat approval, we believe that our Lakeville project remains on schedule. We acknowledge the -Code requirement that an application for Final Plat approval be submitted within 100 days after receipt of Preliminary Plat approval. A Worldwide Network of Professronal Service Providers / Minneapolis / Bismarck / Des Moines / Fargo / Monterrey, Mexico / Shanghai Mr. David Olson May 26, 2011 Page 2 We want to thank you and your colleagues for your hard work and your efforts to keep our project moving forward on such a fast clip. Our client is very enthusiastic on its proposed Lakeville store and appreciates the City's support. Very truly yours, Susan D. Steinwall Attorney at Law Direct Dial: 612.492.7171 Email: ssteinwall @fredlaw.com SDS: 4934429_1.DOC cc: Will Matzek (via email) Luke Payne (via email) Mary Kendall, Esq. (via email) Erin O'Gara, Esq. (via email) T.R. Rose (via email) Mike Sims (via email) Jacki Cook -Haxby (via email) Lisa Nelson (via email)