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MAY 7, 2007
Mayor Dahl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Attendance was noted. Present: Council Members Bellows, Wulff, Rieb,
Luick; and Mayor Dahl.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; S. Mielke, City Administrator; K.
Nelson, City Engineer; D. Olson, Community & Economic Development
Director; D. Morey, Planning. Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; S.
Michaud, .Parks 8~ Recreation Director; T. Vonhof, Police Chief; B.
Anderson, Assistant to City Administrator; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
The City Administrator announced that Mr. Volk would not be available
this evening to present the Operations & Maintenance Department
monthly report.
• Presentations/Introductions
Economic Development Commission member Barry Pogatchnik
presented the Spotlight on Business, Holiday Inn 8~ Suites, and introduced
General Manager Larry LaMont.
Representing the Lakeville Rotary Club, Kerrin Swecker and David Oswald
provided information regarding the upcoming Taste of Lakeville event,
scheduled to be held at the Lakeville Area Arts Center on May 24, 2007.
Mr. Michaud presented the Governor's Fit City Award, which was
presented by the State Finance Commissioner to the Parks; Recreation
.Natural Resources Committee. He explained that the Governor's Fit City
Program recognizes cities that are committed to creating and
maintaining a city environment supportive of active living.
Chief Nelson presented the Fire Department 2007 1 sr Quarter Report.
Chief Vonhof presented the Police Department March/April monthly
i Citizens' Comments None.
MAY7, 2007
• PAGE 2
Consent Agenda
Mr. Mielke highlighted consent agenda items j and n and also provided
.revised minutes of the April 23 Council work session..
07.39 Motion was made and seconded to approve the consent agenda items.
a follows:
a. Approve claims for payment.
b. Approve minutes of the April 16, 2007 City Council meeting and the
..April 23, 2007 Council work session.
c. .Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee, April. 18, 2007
Economic Development Commission, April 24, 2007
Lakeville Area Arts Center Board, April 12, 2007
. Lakeville Arenas Board, April 18, 2007
d. Resolution No. 07-73 approving Restated Bylaws and Articles of
Incorporation of the Lakeville ,Fire Relief Association.
e. Resolution No. 07-74 authorizing the sale of a forfeited vehicle.
f. Acceptance of improvements and final payment to Pdrk
Construction Company for 185t" Street/Dodd Boulevard
reconstruction, Improvement Project 04-07.
g. Resolution No. 07-75 receiving bids and awarding contract for CSAH
70/Highview Avenue turn lane construction, Improvement Project
h. Agreement with Dow Artists, Inc. for a performance by InPulse at
the Lakeville Area Arts Center.
i. Farm lease agreement with Miller Farms for Outlots B and D of King
Creek Greenway Addition.
• j. Resolution No. 07-76 accepting donation from McDonald's to the
Lakeville Senior Center.
MAY7, 2007
k. Agreement with South Forty Archers for youth archery lessons.
L Agreement with Alissa .Jorgensen for sound and lighting at the
Lakeville Area Arts Center.
m. Resolution No. 07-77 amending the membership requirements for
the Lakeville Area Arts Center Board.
n. Resolution No. 07-78 accepting donation from Mifls Fleet Farm for
Fourth of July fireworks.
o. Renewal of tree service operator license for Tree Masters.
p. Revised Joint Powers Agreement for development of Optical Fiber
q. Three year special home occupation permit extension for Lorene
Erickson to operate a massage therapy business at 17187 Jordan
r. Morgan Square 3rd Addition preliminary plat extension.
s. Resolution No. 07-79 authorizing the Lakeville Police Department to
participate in a grant agreement with the Minnesota Department
of Public Safety for traffic enforcement.
t. Agreement with Springsted, Inc. for completion of an Economic
Impact Study.
u. Resolution No. 07-80 accepting donation .from Residential Mortgage
Group to the Fire Department.
v. Resolution No. 07-81 accepting donation from Leah and Douglas
Mickschl to the Fire Department.
w. Set a Council work session for Monday, May 21 S?, at 5:30 p.m.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
MAY7, 2007
Item 7
City Engineer Keith Nelson introduced Brian Sorenson of Dakota County,
who presented the Dakota County State Aid Highway 31 (Pilot Knob
Road) Corridor Transportation Study. Mr. Sorenson explained that the
.primary purpose of this corridor study is to identify along-term access
strategy for athree-mile segment of Pilot Knob Road from 180th. Street in
Lakeville to 150th Street (CSAH 42) in Apple Valley. Although current
guidelines for Pilot Knob Road call. for'/2 mile spacing for full access,
.several existing full access points at'/4 mile are recommended to stay in
place. By accepting the study, the City agrees to restrict some accesses
in the. future when needed to increase mobility.
07.40 Motion was made and seconded to accept the Dakota County CSAH 31
(Pilot Knob- Road) Corridor Transportation Study Draft Report and
recommendations dated March 28, 2007.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
. Announcements
The City Administrator announced the following:
? Odd/even and time of day watering restrictions are in place from May
1 to September 30.
? Household hazardous waste collection took place this past weekend
? Police Department Bike Rodeo is on Saturday, May 12th, at City Halle
? Memorial Day Open House at Airlake Airport and T-6 Flyover at
Lakeville Veteran's Memorial
? Pandemic Preparedness Town Forum Video may be viewed on the
City's website.
Council Member Wulff announced that -the new Lifetime Fitness facility is
scheduled to open in June.
Mayor Dahl adjourned the meeting at 8:23 p.m.
MAY7, 2007
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges ity Clerk
Holly Dahl, yo