JUNE 18, 2007
Mayor Dahl called the meeting to-order at 7:OO p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Attendance was noted. Present: Council Members Bellows, Wulff,. Rieb,
Luick and Mayor Dahl
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; S. Mielke, City Administrator; K.
Nelson, City Engineer; D. Olson, Community 8~ Economic Development
Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks 8~ Recreation
.Director; T. Vonhof, Police Chief; D. Morey, Planning Director; B. Anderson,
Assistant. to City Administrator; D. Volk, Operations & .Maintenance
Director; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
Mr. Mielke had no additional agenda information.
Economic Develo ment Commission member Tom Smith introduced
.Kevin Delk, President of Delmar Company, the Spotlight on Business.
Dave Litzinger and Dan Pellinen provided an overview of the 2007
Panorama of Progress celebration and schedule of events.
Carl,Wahlstrom and Jim Falkenhagen presented information on the
Lakeville North High School Panther Hall of Fame, which will. be inducting
five members at its inauguration banquet on July 8t".
Chief Vonhof presented a Chief's Award of Merit to Stephen and Amy.
Remley in recognition of their quick response in reporting a suspicious
individual, which led to an arrest.
Chief Vonhof asked the City Council to proclaim August 7, 2007National
Night Out in Lakeville. Council Member Bellows read the proclamation for
National Night Out.
Cable Coordinator Jeff Lueders presented Telly Awards to the City of
.Lakeville for Lakeville. Kids & Government, Lakeville Fire Department "On
Call", Focus on Lakeville and the Lakeville Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
JUNE 18, 2007
Jim Schiffman, Tim Klausler, Allyn Kuennen and Taber Akin accepted the
Telly Awards on behalf of the City..
Chief Vonhof presented the May Police Department monthly. report.
Steve Michaud presented the May monthly report of the Parks &
Recreation Department.
City Engineer Keith Nelson provided an engineering project update.
Denise Jacobson, representing the Lakeville Women of Today, asked the
City Council to proclaim July 1, 2007 as Founders Day in Lakeville. Mayor
Dahl: read the proclamation for Founders Day.
Citizens' Comments None
Consent Agenda
Mr. Mielke highlighted consent agenda items n, o and p.
07.45 Motion was made and seconded to approve the consent agenda items
as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. May Investment Report.
c. Minutes of the June 4, 2007 City Council meeting and the May 21,
2007.-Council work session.
d. Special assessment agreement with Gregory & Laura Adams, 16345
Kenwood Trail, for sanitary sewer and watermain connection
e. Resolution No. 07-105 approving the final plat of Meadowlark Wren
First Addition; Resolution No. 07-106 vacating public roadway,
drainage and utility easements; and Resolution No. 07-107
designating a no parking zone along Holiday Avenve between
209t" Street and 21 Ot" Street.
f. Receive the ALF Ambulance 2008 budget.
JUNE 18, 2007
g. Resolution No. 07-108 authorizing issuance and sale of General
Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2007D.
h. Resolution No. 07-109 authorizing issuance. and sale of General
Obligation Equipment Certificates of Indebtedness, Series 2007E.
i. Resolution No. 07-110 authorizing issuance and sale of General
Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2007F.
j. Extension of on-sale liquor license for Babe's Sportsbar & Grill to
allow the sale of alcoholic beverages and live entertainment in the
fenced-in parking. lot on July 6-7, 2007.
k. Authorize Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. to prepare addendums to
update the Comprehensive Water Plan and the Comprehensive
Sanitary Sewer Plan.
L Authorize Barr Engineering Company to update the Comprehensive
Storm water Management Plan.
m. Final acceptance. of street and utility improvements and
reimbursement of construction costs for Kenyon Avenue widening
(Prairie Lake).
n. Resolution No. 07-1 1 1 accepting donafion from New Market Bank
for Safety Camp.
o. Resolution No. 07-112 accepting donation from Lakeville
Rotary/Minnesota Community Foundation to the Parks & Recreation
p. Resolution No. 07-113 accepting donation#rom Airlake Machine&
Welding, Inc. for the Veterans Memorial fundraising event at Airlake
q. Contracts with Glen Everhart, Tim Gabrielson and Wholly Brass for
performances at the Lakeville Area Arts Center.
r. Resolution No. 07-1 14 authorizing temporary closing of City streets
for Pan-O-Prog events.
JUNE I8, 2007
s. Temporary on-sale liquor license for VFW Post 210 to host Pan-0-
Prog events on July 5-8, 2007.
t. Acceptance of improvements and .approval of final pay estimate
for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Improvement Project 06-13.
u. Resolution No. 07-115 receiving bids and awarding contracts for the
police station project.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
.Item 7 -Liquor License Renewal
Mayor Dahl opened the public hearing on the renewal of on-sale liquor,
club liquor, Sunday liquor, wine and 3.2% malt liquor licenses. The. City
Clerk attested to legal notice publication.
Police Chief Vonhof presented the police report, which outlines the
license renewal process and requirements. He reported that license
holders requesting renewal have met all city ordinance requirements.
There were no questions or comments from Council members or members
of the audience.
07.46 Motion was made and. seconded to close the public hearing on the
renewal of on-sale liquor, club liquor, Sunday liquor, wine and 3.2% malt
liquor licenses.
Roli call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
07.47 Motion was made and seconded to grant the following licenses effective
July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008.
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill 8~ Bar - On Sale/Sunday Liquor
Babe's Sportsbar & Grill - On Sale/Sunday Liquor
Brackett's Crossing Country Club - On Sale Club/Sunday Liquor
Carbone's Pima Bar 8~ Grill - On Sale/Sunday Liquor
.Chart House Restaurant - On Sale/Sunday Liquor.
Copper Bleu - On Sale/Sunday Liquor
Crystal Lake Country Club - On Sale/Sunday Liquor
Dino's of Lakeville -Wine/On Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor
JUNE 18, 2007
EI Patio Mexican Restaurant - On Sale/Sunday Liquor
Green Mill - On Sale/Sunday Liquor
Harry's Cafe - On Sale/Sunday Liquor
Holiday 504 -Off Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor
Kwik Trip Stores 692, 343 and 694 -Off Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor
Lakeville Family Bowl - On Sale/Sunday Liquor
Ole Piper- On Sale/Sunday Liquor
Pizza Hut - On Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor
Rainbow Foods -Off Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor
Rocky's Bar & Grill -Wine/On Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor
Rudy's Redeye Grill - On Sale/Sunday Liquor
SuperAmerica Stores 4337, 4490 and 4528 -Off Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor
SuperTarget -Off Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor
SuperValu/Cub Foods -Off Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor
Tak Shing Chinese Restaurant -Wine/On Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor
Teresa's Mexican. Restaurant- On Sale/Sunday Liquor
VFW Post 210 - On Sale Club/Sunday Liquor
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous..
Item 8 -Lakeville Arena Facility Use Policy
Finance Director Dennis Feller presented the City of Lakeville Arena Facility
Use Policy. He explained that the Lakeville Arena Joint Powers Agreement
defines certain ice scheduling guidelines related to public skating, ISD 1.94
and the Lakeville Hockey Association. The Joint Powers. Agreement also
delegates to the City of Lakeville the responsibility and authority to
establish the facility scheduling policy. The policy establishes the following
priorities with respect to allocation of facility rentals:
1. Public skating
2. Independent School District 194
3. Lakeville Hockey Association (Ames Arena)
4. Arena sponsored activities
5. Lakeville youth athletic associations
6. Lakeville adult athletic associations
7. Lakeville community organizations
8. Other
9. First come/first serve
JUNE 18, 2007
Mr. Feller explained that the policy takes into consideration, with respect
to establishing priorities, the persons who are ultimately responsible for
payment of the debt for both Ames Arena and Rink 3. Residency and
user participation are also taken into consideration. The proposed policy
was presented at a public forum on March 26. The policy was presented
to the Lakeville Arena Operations and Maintenance Committee and the
..Lakeville Arena Board. Mr. Feller recommended approval of the Facility
Use Policy.
Council Member Luick commended Mr. Feller for creating an allocation
mechanism within this policy that is fair and equitable to Lakeville.
-07.48 Motion was made and seconded to approve the City of Lakeville Arena
Facility .Use Policy dated June 2007.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Next regular City Council meeting, Monday, July 2, 2007.
Mayor Dahl adjourned the meeting at 8:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
arlene Frie ges, y Clerk
H y Dah , yor