JULY 16, 2007
Mayor Dahl called the. meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Attendance was noted. Present: Council Members Bellows, Wulff; Luick
-and Mayor Dahl.. Absent: Council Member Rieb.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; D. Olson, Community 8~ Economic
Development Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks &
Recreation Director; T. Vonhof, Police Chief; D. Morey, Planning Director;
J. Rubash> Assistant City Engineer; B. Anderson, Assistant to City
Administrator; D. Volk, Operations 8~ Maintenance Director; C. Friedges,
City. Clerk.
Police Chief Tom Vonhof, Dakota County Sheriff Don Gudmundson and
Deputy Sheriff Dave Bellows, and. Kim Elverum, Boat and Water Safety
Coordinator for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
presented awards of merit to eight individuals for saving a man after a
near drowning. Lifesaving awards were presented to .Karen Lomas, Kevin
Maxwell (not present), Deb Steeples and her son Maxwell, and Cindy
Langer and her children Mitchell, Nick and Maria.
Chief Vonhof presented the June Police Department monthly report..
Steve Michaud presented the June monthly report of the Parks 8~
Recreation Department.
Citizens' Comments
Bob Erickson, Duane Zaun, Randy Ahmann, Pastor Don Reigstad and Karl
Drotning recognized and thanked Council Member. David Luick for his
service to the City of Lakeville.
Colin Lee, l 7372 Jalisco Lane, asked the City Council to consider
implementing a mass transit program in Lakeville.
Consent Agenda
JULY 16, 2007
Assistant to City Administrator Brian Anderson highlighted consent agenda
items. j, k and m.
07.52 Motion was made and seconded to approve the consent agenda items
as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. Minutes of the July 2, 2007 City Council meeting and the June 11,
2007 Council work session.
c. June Investment. Report.
d. Receive minutes of the June 26, 2007 Economic Development _
Commission meeting.
e. Resolution No. 07-122 approving change orders for ice arena Rink 3.
f. Ice Rental Agreement between City of Lakeville, Independent
School District 194, Lakeville Hockey Association and Lakeville
g. ..Gambling permit for Ducks Unlimited Lakeville Chapter 1 15 for a
raffle at Holiday Inn, 20800 Kenrick Avenue, on August 16, 2007.
h. Acceptance of improvements and final payment for Appaloosa
Farms sewer and water, Improvement Project 04-10.
i. Acceptance of improvements, final payment and Change Order
No. 9 for CSAH 5/50 interim improvements, Improvement Project 02-
j. Resolution No. 07-123 accepting $300 donation from Lakeville
Knights of Columbus #8367 to the Parks 8~ Recreation Department
for the Beach-Bash and Youth Fishing Contest.
k. Resolution No. 07-124 accepting approximately $250 in goods from
CVS Pharmacy for the Senior. Center's Pan-O-Prog events.
I. Dakota County Countywide Public Safety Radio Communications
Subsystem Subscriber Agreement.
JULY 16, 2007
m. Resolution No. 07-125 receiving bids and awarding contract for
soccer field and parking lot construction at Casperson Park,
Improvement Project 07-1 1.
n. Amended Terms of Employment for Thomas E. Vonhof, Police Chief,
effective July 1, 2007.
o. Agreement between City of Lakeville and Law Enforcement Labor
.Services, -Inc., Union Local No. 177, for 2007-2008.
p. Site. Lease Agreement with Cingular Wireless for the construction of
a 155-foot monopole and freestanding building adjacent to the
Arlake water tower.
q. Site Lease Agreement with Verizon Wireless to locate 12 antennas
on the Cedar Highlands monopole.
r. Agreement with Dakota County for installation of the Heritage
Library/Lakeville City Hall rain garden.
s. Set a Council work session for Monday, July 30t", at 5:30 p.m.
Roll .call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Items 7, 8, 9 -Issuance and Sale. of General Obligation Bonds
Finance Director Dennis Feller provided an overview of the three bond
issues as follows:
• General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds - to finance the
police. station construction project;
• General Obligation Equipment Certificates of Indebtedness - to
finance the acquisition of police, fire, streets and parks equipment;
• General Obligation Improvement Bonds - to finance the Dakota
Heights street reconstruction project.
David MacGillvray of Springsted presented the bid results for the three
bond issues as follows:
JULY I6, 2007
• $15,115,000 Capital Improvement Bonds -five bids received -Piper
Jaffray 8~ Co. submitted the lowest.and best bid at 4.5927
• $1,690,000 Equipment Certificates of .Indebtedness -three bids
received -Piper Jaffray 8~ Co. submitted the lowest and best bid at
• $1,310,000 General. Obligation Improvement Bonds -three bids
received - Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. submitted the lowest and
best bid at 4.1528
07.53 .Motion was made and seconded to approve the following:
• Resolution No. 07-126 authorizing issuance and awarding the sale of
$15,1 15,000 General. Obligation Capital Improvement Plan Bonds,.
Series 2007D;
• Resolution No. 07-127 authorizing issuance and awarding the sale of
$.1,690,000 General Obligation Equipment Certificates of
• Indebtedness, Series 2007E;
• Resolution No. 07-128 authorizing issuance and awarding the sale of
$1,310,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2007F.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,. unanimous.
Item 10 -Zoning Ordinance Amendment. Concerning Signs
Planning Director Daryl Morey presented a proposed ordinance
amending Title 11 of the Lakeville City Code concerning signs. He
explained thafi the City Council approved an initial amendment to the
Sign Ordinance on February 5, 2007 and directed staff to obtain input
from the Economic Development Commission on several possible
modifications to the ordinance. The proposed ordinance amendment, as
recommended by the Planning Commission and Economic Development.
Commission, .accomplishes the following:
• Creates provisions for the allowance of sandwich board signs in
commercial zoning districts;
• Prohibits temporary portable reader board and balloon signs in any
zoning district;
• Allows permanent changeable copy signs in the P-OS District similar to
the allowance in commercial zoning districts;
JULY 16, 2007
• Allows buildings in the C-CBD District to have an additional sign on a
rear or side wall, which may or may not front a public street, similar to
the existing allowance for multiple tenant buildings in commercial
zoning districts;
• Corrects wording to fhe ordinance amendment approved in
February 2007.
Mr. Morey stated the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the
proposed ordinance amendment and recommended approval on a 5-2
vote. Staff recommends adoption of the ordinance amending Title 11 of
the Lakeville City Code concerning signs, along with a summary
ordinance for publication.
07.54 Motion was made and seconded to adopt Ordinance No. 827 amending
Title 11 of the Lakeville. City Code concerning signs, and Summary of
.Ordinance No. 827 for publication.
Rolf call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Item 11 -Dakota County East-West Corridor Study -Phase 2
Community & Economic Development Director David Olson introduced
John Sass of the Dakota County Transportation Department, who
presented the Dakota County East-West Corridor Preservation Study
(Phase 2 -Refinement of Preferred System Plan).
Mr. Sass explained that the goal of the. East-West Corridor Preservation
Study is to identify preservation corridors for future east-west roadway
connections for the rapidly growing area in the Lakeville, Farmington and
Empire Township communities in southern Dakota County. Five
preservation corridors were identified and adopted by th8 affected
communities. Phase 2 is a follow-up effort that focuses on three east-west
preservation corridor alignment segments that need further assessment
based on current information. The three refinement segments that. were
studied include a revised location for Alignment B options between
Highview Avenue and Trunk Highway 3, refinement to Alignment C
between Cedar Avenue and Flagstaff Avenue and an extended
alignment location for Alignment C east of Biscayne Avenue to Trunk
Highway 52 in Empire Township.
JULY 1 b, 2007
Council Member Wulff asked about funding. - Mr. Sass explained that the
existing plat review process used by Dakota County and area
municipalities will be used as the key mechanism for corridor preservation.
07.55 Motion was made and seconded to approve Resolution No. 07-129
approving the Dakota County East-West Corridor Preservation Study
(Phase 2 -Refinement of Preferred System Plan).
Roll call was taken. on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
New Business -None
Announcements -next regular Council meeting, Monday, August 6, 2007
Mayor Dahl adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Chary e Friedges, City erk
H I Dahl M y r