DECEMBER 3, 2007
Mayor Dahl. called the meeting to .order at 7:00 p.m. The. pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Attendance -:was noted. Present: Mayor. Dahi and Council Members
Bellows, Swecker, Rieb and Wulff.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; S. Mielke, City Administrator; K.
.Nelson, City Engineer; D. Olson, Community & Economic Development
.Director; S. Michaud, .Parks & Recreation Director; T. Vonhof, Police Chief;
D. Morey, Planning Director; B. Anderson, Assistant to City Administrator; C.
Friedges, City Clerk.
Mr. Mielke had no additional agenda information.
Chief Vonhof recognized Lisa Holies, Jack Baker and Jo Baker,
representing the Dakota County Chapter of Mothers Against Drunk
- Driving, for their donation of two portable breath alcohol testing
instruments to the Lakeville Pol-ice. Department.
On behalf of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Public .Works
Association, Heidi Hamilton presented the Public Works Director of the
Year award to Don Volk. Ms. Hamilton is Deputy Director of Public Works
for the City of Minneapolis.
Don .Volk presented the November monthly report of the Operations &
Maintenance Department.
Keith Nelson provided an engineering project update.
Citizens' Comments
Brooks Lillehei, .11146 Kenora Way, addressed the City Council. regarding..
the Kent 46 development and the issuance of a liquor license to Brunswick
Zone entertainment center.
Consent Agenda
Mr. Mielke highlighted consenf agenda items h, k and p.
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07.92 .Motion was made and seconded to approve the consent agenda items
as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. Minutes of the November ] 9, 2007 City Council meeting.
c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
• .Parks, Recreation &Natural-Resources, November 14, 2007
• Planning. Commission, November 15, 2007
d. Amendments to .janitorial contracts .with Marsden Building
.Maintenance and Osland Building-Maintenance.
e. Receive application of Mainstreet Coffee Cafe for an on-sale 3.2~
malt liquor license and wine. license at 20788. Holyoke Avenue, and
call a public hearing to be held on January 7, 2008.
f. Resolution No. 07-200 approving a lawful gambling premise permit
for the Lakeville Lions Club at Babe's Sportsbar & Grill.
g. Resolution No. 07-201 accepting donation of two portable breath
test machines from Mothers Against prunk Driving (MADD) to the
Police Department.
h. Resolution No. 07-202 accepting a $500 grant from the Minnesota
Safety Council to the Police Department.
i. Lakeville Liquors Employee Check Cashing Policy.
j. Change order in an amount not to exceed $4,700 with Friedges
.Excavating, Inc. for Lakeville Liquors Galaxie.
k. Resolution No. 07-204 accepting a $1,000 donation from .the.
Southern Dakota Chapter. of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans to the
Lakeville Senior Center.
I. Set a Council work session for 5:30 p.m. on December 10, 2007.
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m. Resolution No. 07-205 setting 2008 City Council meeting dates.
n. Resolution No. 07-206 authorizing submittal of a redevelopment
grant application to the Dakota County Community Development
o. City Safety Program and Employee Safety Manual..
p. Resolution No. 07-20.7 disbanding the Hunting Subcommittee and
transferring its. responsibilities to .the Parks., .Recreation 8~ Natural
Resources Committee and the Lakeville Police Department.
q. Agreement for towing services with Marek's Towing 8~ Repair, lnc.
r. Dakota County landfill abatement 2008 base fund application.
s. Resolution No. 07-203 authorizing the collaborative submittal of a
Metropolitan Regional Arts Council grant application to promote art
activities in Dakota County.
.Roll call was taken on the motion._ Ayes, unanimous.
Item 7 - BTTTF Report and Recommendations
Community & Economic Development Director David Olson explained
that the Business. Telecommunications Technology. Task Force. (BTTTF) was
created in January of this year- to evaluate the telecommunications
technology needs of the Lakeville business community. The main purpose
of the task force was to make recommendations to the. City Council
regarding telecommunications technology resources available to
LakeviNe businesses and the ability of those resources to meet the current
and future needs of the .business community. .The task force also looked
at new and emerging technologies that could better support existing
businesses and encourage new business development in Lakeville.
BTTTF members .Mike McBrady .anal Tom Diamond provided a detailed
overview of the report and recommendations.
Cable Coordinator and BTTTF member Jeff Lueders presented the
recommended next steps, as follows:
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1. Conduct a_feasibilty study with those items listed under Next. Steps
for an Open Network;
2. Include within that feasibility study a study of wireless backhaul
options to provide immediate redundancy for the Airlake Industrial
3. Authorization to issue letters of interest requesting each of the public
bodies that may consider contributing existing fiber infrastructure. to
Lakeville's municipal commons;
4. Authorization to form a Broadband Commission with a composition
similar to the BTTTF;
5. Participation of relevant staff resources from Community &
Economic Development, Cable, Inspections, Engineering, Planning
and the City Attorney's office in support of this effort.
07.93 Motion was made and seconded to accept the Business
Telecommunications Technology Task Force Report and
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Item 8 -.Kwik Trip Conditional Use Permit Amendment
Sam-VanTassel, representing Kwik Trip, Inc., requested Council approval of
a 498 square foot addition to their motor .fuel/convenience- grocery
.building .located of 17388- Glacier Way in order to expand the food
preparation area.
Mr. Morey presented the proposed conditional .use permit amendment.
He explained that the zoning ordinance limits the area for
convenience/deli food activity,. use and .merchandise to 15% of the gross
floor area. The prepared food area with this addition will be at 12%. The
original conditional use permit to a-flow construction of Kwik Trip was
approved in 1998. Mr. Morey explained that the Planning Commission
held a public hearing. and unanimously recommended approval subject.
to seven stipulations. Kwik Trip will construct a six foot screening wall for
the proposed air handling unit on the south side of the addition to address
a concern raised by the Planning Commission.
07.94 .Motion was made and seconded to receive the Planning Commission's
Findings of Fact and Recommendation .and approve a conditional use
permit amendment for. Kwik Trip, Inc. to allow the construction of a
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building addition to their existing motor fuel/convenience grocery building
.located at 17388 Glacier Way.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
New Business -None
Announcements -
• The City is currently seeking volunteers to serve on .the Lakeville Area
Arts .Center Board, Planning Commission and Economic
Development Commission.
• -The Parks 8~ Recreation Department is sponsoring a Hometown
Holiday Lights Contest. (The registration deadline has been
extended to Friday, December 14.)
• Special Council meeting (Truth in Taxation public hearing) -
. Monday, December 10tH
• Next regular Covncil meeting -Monday; December 17tH
Mayor Dahl adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, y C erk
r~ /
Holly Da a or