HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-30-67 • MINUTES ~
• The regular monthly meeting of .the Lakeville Village Planning Commission
was called to order by Chairman Simones at 8:00 P, M. March 30, 1967, A11
members present. The minutes of the March 16, 1967 sgecial meeting were
read, Motion by Stegmaier that the minutes be approved as read, seconded
by Sayers, motion carried,
1. TE?e application of Mr, John J, .Young for a building permit to construct
a commercial building for use as a grocery-dairy store on the following
Fart of the Southeast One Quarter (SEA) of the Northwest One
Quarter (NWT) of Section Twenty-nine (29), Township One Hundred
Fourteen {114), Range Twenty {20), lying south of State Highway
No. 50.
Motion by Sayers that Mr, Young provide a site plan showinE the building
location on the proposed site and return at the. next meeting, Seconded
by Stegmaier, motion carried.
2, The application of Henry Lau for a variance to build a new dwelling
on the property described as:
-All that part of Lot 19, Lot 18, Lot 17, and the West 18,0 feet
of Lot 16 lying South of the Southerly right of way Iine of
• .Dakota County Road No. 44, all in the Flat of SEA GIRT, Dakota
County, Minnesota,
Together with that part of a 2~.~ foot wide vacated road lying
South of .the Southerly right of way line of Dakota .County Road
No. 44, located in the .Plat of SEA GIRT, Dakota County, Minnesota„
Together with that part of the East 26,0 feet of the West 17,85
acres of the South 23.85 acres of Govt Lot. 3, Sec 2-T114N-R21W
lying South of the Southerly right of way luxe of Dakota County
Road No.
Containing 11,Q00 square feet more or .less.
Motion by Stegmaier that variance and building permit be issued, Seconded
by Clay, motion carried„
3. The application of Skelly OiT company to rezone to commercial-industrial
the following described property and to consider the. application of the
Skelly Oil Company for a permit to build a building approximately l34' X 35'.
This is a Nickerson Restaurant to be used at the following described
--v Page 2,
A tract of Land being apartof the West 1j2 of the SW Ij4
and the SE 1/4 of the SW lj4 of Section 25, Township 114,
Range 21, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the South Line of said SWlj4 of
Section 25, distant 1363.17 feet East of the Southwest
corner thereof, (said line ha~ring an assumed bearing of
East); thence North 15 degrees, 47 minutes, 13 seconds
West along the East Right of Way line of highway 65 , 34.29
feet; thence North 26 degrees, 26 m~~~~es, 44 seconds West,
along said Right of Way line, 181.93; thence North l
degree, 11 minutes 30 seconds East, along said Right of
Waq line, 333.0 feet; thence South 88 degrees, 48 minutes,
3E} seconds East, 435..4 feet; thence South I degree, 11
minutes, 30 seconds West, S1$.96 feet to the South line
of said SW 1j4; thence 335.10 feet to the point of beginning.
Subject to Gounty Road over the South 33.a £eet thereof...
Containing.4.99 acres.
• Motion by Stegmai~ that this property be zoned Commercial-Industrial,
seconded by Clay, motion carried.
Motion by Asmus that a building permit be issued but that a topography
map of the area be presented to the village codncil, seconded by
Mayer, motion carried;
4. Motion by Mayer to ad~onr~n, at I~:OQ P. M, seconded by Clay,
motion carried, >
spectfully ubmi ted,
rome C. ~C1ay, S retary