HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-27-67 i
The regular monthly meeting of the Lakeville Village Planning Commission
was called to order by Chairman Simones at 8;00 P.M. July 27, 1967,
Members present; Anderson, Clay, Sayers, Sines & Stegmaier• The minutes..
of the .last meeting .were not read,
1, Mr, Birger of Lad holding Coe developer of College Park was present
for discussion on the plat of the College Park 3rd addition„ Motion by
Stegmaier that design of the plat bechanged so thgt ali water lines are
looped,. that cul«de-sacs be redesigned to elimiaste snow plowing problems
and that storm sewer drainage be rewchecked for adequacy. Seconded by
Anderson, Motion carried. Mr, Birger is to return to the .next meeting
with the above changes made.
In the continuation of the matter of Mrs. Jack Young's application
fox a building permit for a dairy store on the following described
Part of the Southeast One Quarter (S8~) of the Northwest
One Quarter (NW's) of Section Ttaenty~.nine (29), Township
One Hundred Fourteen (114), Range Twenty {20), lying south
of State Highway No„ 50.
M.r,, Young presented his site plan, Motion by Clay, that a building permit
be given for a dairy store, Seconded by Stegmaier, I~tion carried,
3, Discussion was held on amending the building code so that variences
on residential buildings are issued in a more logical manners Motion by
Salters that Mr Simones notify village attorney that method be found to
grant variences on .residential buildings that do not conform to the
ordinance, That this method follow Section 5,4, page 36 of the new
proposed Zoning ordinance. Seconded by Stegmaier, Motion Carried
4 Meeting ad3ourned 11:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Jer a C, Clay, Secretar