HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-31-67 ~i ? , E MINUTES • It~EVILLE VILLAGE PLANNING COMMISSION The regular monthly meeting of the Lakeville Village Planning Commission was called to order by .Chairman Simones at 8;00 Pr M„ August 31, 1967, Members present, Anderson, Asmus, Clay, Mayer, Sayers, S moms, Stegmaier and Village Engineer Mrs Robert Rosene, Minutes of the August 10, 1967 special meeting were read„ Motion by Mayer to approve as read, Seconded by Anderson, Motion carried, 1, Mr„ Vern Palm of Skelly Di1 Cod was present to apply for a 4th renewal of a building permit for a gas station at Cor Road S and Orchard Lake Road, Mr Rosene stated set-backs and right=of•.way should be changed. to .meet the current standards of our ordinances. Motion by Asmus that Planning Commission recommend to Village Council that building permit be renewed subject. to plot plan being redzawn to meet necessary set.-backs Seconded by Anderson Motion carried, 2, The application of Dow Aggregates, a partnership consisting of Oscar Jones, T)aniel Schmalz and Willis Eppler-for authority and leave to use as a skeet and trap shooting range a portion of the following described property. located in Dakota County, Minnesota: About 35 acres of the premises described as the East .one half (E~) of-the`South East one quarter {SEA) of Section 23, Township 114, Range 21, located in_the most Northeasterly p~srtion of the above described premises all in Dakota County, Minnesota, • Mr4 Samuel D# Finklestein, spokesman for Dow Aggregates stated the area involved is opposite N«W, Bituminous Co,~, lj4 mile west of Interstate 35W. Shotgun pellets have a range of 400 to 450 feet,, The shooting range will be open to the public„` The operators of the range will carry insurance with limits of $500,000..00 for one injury or death, with a maximum of $1,000,000w00 for any single accident„ This will not be a permanent use, but for a 18 year leases Mr,, Mike-~ugsn of Winchester Arms Cow stated there are 70 franchises under construction or open. sting across the c©untry,~ He showed photos of comparable operations,.-die stated cost of the clubhouse was $16,000,00 to $25,000„OO.with a total cost of $50~,000„00~ The distance to the closest adjoining progeny owner will be 900 feet, The usual hours of operation would be six days a week, closed mondays, with shooting hours from late afternoon to 10:00 P.ri, and from_10:00 A,~i~.,,to 10;00 PM. Saturdays, Sunday-hours would be Noon to late afternoon„ The directi~?n of shooting-would be toward Interstate 35W and when a highway is close the sound does not travel across. The range would be 1200 feet from the right»of~way of 35W„- Mr, James Dunham stated why not put all the gun clubs in the same area as they already are. The noise from this range will depreciate the value of his properly and would-also bother hte wildlife in the area. Mr, Ritter said the noise would cause a problem for him also, There are three families living on his property and that all would be bothered,. Mr, Hugo Johnson said he lives two-miles from .the Soberg range and noise from this range is a nuisance to him and the proposed range is even closer to his house, Mr,. Al ~Patenaude stated we-have two ranges in the area now and what do we need another one for, Mr, Oscar Jones said-the gravel in the area would not all be removed for at least 10 yearsr Mr„ Dugan said the operation slows-down during the winter but they would operate year • round, 'There is no other franchise in Minnesota. Mrs, Simones tabled the hearing until the next regular meeting for further study by the Planning Commission and .also to give Mrs Ramberg another adjacent property owner a chance to be present, `'i r • MINUTES LAKEVILLE VILLAGE PLANNING COMMISSION 3,, The application of Charles H,r Zweber and Delia E, gweber for a variance to allow .the finish grade on the lots hereinafter. described to be lower than the county and~town road adjacent thereto, said lots being in Dakota County,. Minnesota and legally described as follows: Lots Eight (8), Nine (9}, Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve {12}, Thirteen (13},.and Fourteen (14} in Block One (1}~ Brookside Estates First Addition, according to the plat thereof on file .and of record in the office of the register of deeds within .:and for said county and state, Mrs Louis Boyer, contractor for Mr, Zweber stated there_is a hump in the road and it would be necessary to put in a 3~ to 4 foot fill„ .The fill material would be removed from the drainage ditch at the rear of the lots and would widen .the ditch, Mr, Bimones said the bottom of the drainage ditch is at least 20 feet below the finished grade and there has been no problems with water in basements or suer problems because of a high water table. Mr, Rosene stated there should be sideyard drainage and a drainage plan for the whole area# Motion. by Stegmaier that planning commission recommend to council variance be granted that grade be no lower than 6n below crown of Village street {215th Street Nest), Seconded by Anderson,, Motion carried 5 2. • 4, Mr,~ Bud Berres inquired about moving a house into the Village onto his lot by Lake Marion„ The house is over 20 years old: The building inspector reported the house is in very good condition, Mr, Berres was advised to contact as many of his neighbors as possible and appear before the village council at their next meeting, 5„ Mr, Burger of Ldd Holding Company and Mr,~ Bill Jensen of Suburban Engineering appeared concerning the plat of College Park 3rd addition, The changes the planning commission had requested have been made in the plat, Motion by Stegmaier to recommend to council the approval of proposed plat of College Fark 3rd addition with provision that temporary ponding area be .deeded to village as long as needed for drainage and, that lots bounding pond be a split entry type house, That streets be .,47e grade instead of 5% grade„ .And that overflow drainage be provided for down side lot lines to pond also. Seconded by Anderson, :Motion carried c, 6, Mr, Herman Bluem inquired of a building permit for s commercial building located on the Ed Sauser property next to the Liquor Store, Mr„ Bluem was advised to find out the zoning presently on this property and if it is zoned commercial all he would need is a public hearing on the building permit; If not zoned c©mmercial he would need a public hearing on both zoning and building permit. 7~, Discussion was held on procedure for obtaining building permits for coaunercial«tindustrial buildings. Motion by Sayers that procedeare be changed to following: Notice to property owners within 1,©QO feet of proposed building site with confirmation of notification certificate of survey and plat plan and building plans, .This would delete Section 3F of Village ordinance ~2~, Seconded bydPaderson, motion carried. w • MINUTES LAKEVILLE VILLAGE PLANNING COMiYIISION .Discussion was held an procedure for granting variances, Motion by Sayers that Section 5,4, page 37 of proposed zoning ordinance be recommended to council for adoption,,. Section S„4 is as follows: Variances and Appeals Where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in any way of carrying out the strict letter of-the provisions of this ordinance,..an apgeal may be made and a variance may be granted* The ~lardships or difficulties must have to do with the characteristics of the land and not of the property owners The procedure for granting variances is as follow~i (1) A person desiring a variance shall fill out and submit to the community Clerk a ''Zoning Form" together with a fee of $500, (2) The application shall be referred to the Planning Commission which shall submit a report to the governing body, A mailed notice shall be sent to contagious property owners, (3) "The petitioner shall appear before the Planning Commision in order to answer questions# {4) The governing body may grant. the variance if it finds that a hardship has been created by the shape or dondition of the. parcel in question; granting the variance is necessary to the reasonable use of the land and granting the variance will.. not adversely affect the existing or potential use of adjacent land„ Seconded by Mayer! Motion carried,. Adjournment at I2:1S M, Je ome C: Clay SSCEEI.'YlRY, PLANNING CON~II~SZON