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The regular monthly meeting the Lakeville Village Planning Commission
was called tc~ order by Chairman Simones at 8x00 F.M.. Cletmber 26, 1967.,.
Members present, Anderson, Asmus, Clay, Mayer, Si~aones & Stegmaier, Minutes
of the September 28, 1967 meeting, were read, Motion by As~us minutes be
approved as read„ Seconded by Mapes„ Motion carried,
1, The application of A, L, Anderson to rezone to commercial-industrial the
following described property:
The East lb5 feet mf E~ of SE's of S~ lying a®uth of Sorenson*s Addition
fn section 29, fi114, Range 20 containing approximately i50 acres
Motion by Clay that Planning Commission recoamaend the property be rezoned
to con~erCial-industrial with the understanding that property will probably
be rezoned after the new zoning ordinance is adopted and that future zoning.
will be the broadest coa~?ercial classification as allowed by the ordinances,
Seconeded by Anderson, Motion carried ~+-~1, Simones nay,
2 The application of William Jacklson to rezone to cosm~ercial-industrial
the following described pri~perty;
Antract of land lying East of State x~y 35W on village Read,
370. feet from Hwy right of way East aortsisting of 1 acre, T 1.14. N,,
Range 21 W„ Section 1.
Motion by Asmus that Planning Commission recommend the property he rezoned
commercial-industrial and under the new zoning ordinance property would
be zoned light industry, The applicant must aho~a evidence of notil~i;cation
adjoining property owners and .their concurrence ~vd?th rezoning. Seconded. by
Anderson,. Motion carried,..
3: The application of Richard Clammex for a building permit for a 40x36
pole barn. to be builfl on his lot, This would be located on the east side
of Comity Rd 9, and .south of County Rd, 70, Tabled by Chairmen Sianes
fc~r inspection by the klanning Com~aisson.
4, Mr. Wm, F, T„ Busch itaquired about axaviag a sales office of Femto~a's
onto hfffi lot at Archard ?.eke. Phis building is 20x24 and. does not meet
the square fa~otage required by Village ordinance„ Motion by Anderson .that
huil~ling inspector look at building and judge its suitability .and if found
suitable recoettnend to council that building be moved in and a variance
be granted to permit same, Seconded by Asmus. Motion carried,
5,~ Meeting adjourned at 10:45 F.M.
Respedtfully sub~+itted , /J
~~f. ,,J
. 3erorne C. Clay,.
Secretary, Planning Commission