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• MINUTES LAKEVILLE VILLAGE PLA:VAIING CQMMISSI4N The .regular :non.thly meeting of the Lakeville Village Planning Commission was called to order bq Chairman Simoaes at 8s~0 P.M. I~aveenber 34, 1967, Members present: Mayer, Clay, Simones, Sayers, & Stegmaier, Minutes of the ©etober 26, 196 meeting were approved as -read, 1,~ Mr, Richard Claemmer has dropped his applcation.fc?r a building permit. for a garage, 2 Mrs William F T. Busch has dropped his application to move a 2Qx24 building„ 3, Adjournment at 8:l© P,~M. Respectfully submitted, Jerome G„..Clay, secretary •