HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-03-69 rs ~ _ ti A l . :A., F 5 fi. Qs i?ebevar~ 3i 1969 the Lalcsti?ille Pillage Council rsgneatsd the Phu~ai.tu ~ { - Cc~tiaaion to prsgsx'e gealifications , 2~iPinB procedures, fob respone~ibiltles, licatiast for the ~bs of Ba3.lding Inspector and Plwetdag Lnapector. ~ ~ - f®llaa is LDe regneated rsport. A 3,u'Sr ntta~' of suburban cipa3itiss wer+~ ooaetaoted ~?d t11s Plsl ~g CcaMdaao~r reea~ueetdatian0 astir _ ~ a aita takamt fra~a ~q' sources. ~ ?,lse attachateuts tort t Vu's of thin report contain .the follavrfag: ; 1. 8a3.lding IuapAators fi~tiea .:.arid si.nin+ea gpa]3.ficationa. FLnrebi~ '~nePeotlrs thtties and admit gv?alticati©as. 3. ~putisatioa rating Eui de. Zt. Appleutian for es~lcr~ merit. H~xt.lding Ynspe~;tc~ra to ~t. 6. Zoffing adainiet~rators cutiea and qualifications, A. APPLICATIONS I. Application a t hould be t ken for ttiro ~reeka. 2 Ad~erti~eenta for job opt Hint*, should be placed in Twin ~i ty neMSpe per 3 . The hiring. off cer could ~~ual the applications for the obviously inaujted. T"e reeainder are gitren a date to take the tEst. B. TESTING • 1. ',rMltten is cts for all ap•-li~ ants. '2. Oral inter"iew for top 15 sc~rera on xritten test. 3. Ti3te top th°e~: j3) scorers tc be interviewed hY the Council. Applicatioc?s ;:hall tom: taken' by the review com¢rtittee which will al'.s0 d±o testing x rid interviexing except Por final tnt~rview. It is suggested. this committee be f~srmed frrn the C~rulcil 3?nd Planning. Commission, C . HIRI2IG 1. Nicety (9C) daY pro ~a ` is nar~r period. 2. Starting ~ a nary' $75 ).!)0 oer month. 3. Salary inc i wise aft sr sip (c mont ~s to $8Q0. ~`~0 per month. All banef". is of amp dills ye ~loype. 5, The Villa a to Earn' ah a rer is a to he Building Inspector. D, The Building h spector in c'1ar~e of all Inspectors in^l:ding Plumbing Inape~tor. y E. At the present tree a $ei~ding Inspector will .Function as ~.oning ~d,ni: W~ato- - The Plumbing I ?ap'c rc~r ~t -,he present time .will be paid on a per`iuspeeti.or bas=-s at th rate of .0~ per inspection. That Nearly a ormitt~~~ n .the. Counci_1 s';a12 spot ch ck the ' performance ~f'the Insfsc,,on Departmen±. FI, The pla~uiing Ccamtisr>~.c:r feels its- recommendations are the bare minimums necessPy. E~- s.I~ ~z : I. ` It would be deeirsDle but ss~t ~cea ding Inapectar ~ for the Bail ~ to be under age l~0. J. _ Bo inspector shall bane a conflict of interest xiah aaWr contractor. Building Inspector to be bonded. s L. 4hirty (30) dad xriatm notice necessary far teraination of es~lot.: lei, This show procedure and attached application can. be used .with little chst~e for Mring ar~r Y`llage e~plogee, . •2- + .r~' fiITL= INSPECTOR, BUILDING' . aEN!E~AL RES~O VB n sr sugar son, o o inspection and enforcement Work of ordinary diff~.culty and complexity to determine-that twildings me?t standards established in the City Fu ding Code; and to 'do relatrsd ~+ork as requirad. TYPICAL DUTT~'S . T. 3~ns-pacts uildings under con~truetion, alteration or r+~pair for conformance with th+~ plans approved. for building ps~ra~its; inspscta existing buildings fnr overloading,. proper exts,..naturg of occupancy... and fire hazards; inspects buildings to determine necessaryrepairs of damages caused by fire .and other: causes; makes Pjeld inspections in . responses to complaints and reports of 'violations of the building or zoning ordinance; prepares and s~rvPs violaticsn and fol].aw-up nc+ticss; inspects to determine compliance with violation notices; !testa records ~ of inspections and activities;'and makes reports. and sketches. F 2. Answers questions an~i provides 3nforr.:ation to architects, contractors , and others relative t,o node requirements; confers wi h individuals involved in orda nanc~s violations tv obtain compliance; receives tple}-,hot~e complaints.regardinga119ged violations. MI!dIMi1l~4 QUALIFICATIONS Rl;QUIRID x years experience i~ n s c~'illed work closely irslatad to general building. ' construction whicF h~~s provided ;a kno~rledge of general construction fiethodSSUr_h as a skilled tradesman, contractor, constructions superintendent, irspector or Pstirnator. 2. Considerable knowledge of building construction practices, methods, • materials and equ'pnent; considerable knowledge of the City building and zoning laws; ~ronking knowledge of the pr. nciples of building design; and working knoKlEd~~ of 12ga1 prncedares re::ated to the enforcement of building and x~nirg ordinances in the City. 3. Ability to read ar.d interpret plans, specific;tins, and prints and to determine conformity o huildi_ng regulations; ability to make repot*s of inspections ant jnvestigat~ons; ability to meat the public tactfully and t~ enforce rule: wi h firsrness, goad ~udgnent and impartiality; and skill in dQtecting poor workn~anshiF in nat~rials, fire hazards, structural hazards, and other deficiencies in structures. DATE APPA~OVED - STUDY ~'0. SUPERSIDES ISSUE Da` ED PtiGE 1 OF~~ • ~ TITLE IP3SPECTOR , u~~ d" aF't+1ER.A.L RE~POI~131"3ILITlE~; N Under supervision, to do ins;~ection and enforoement cork at ordins.ry difficulty and complexity relating to _rlumbing and gas fitting installations an~~ repair ~rork; and to do xelated work ae required. TYPE DUB ' 1. Inspects, ahe~sks and tests new and remodelled plumbing instal-- lations to iraure _t?i~t they meet the established building laws and ordinancta; inapeats, checks and tests neK and remodelled gas. inetallatior~e Fnd appliances; provides assistance and advice to p:umbers~ gas fitters. and owners on..plumbingand gas installations end interpretetio:~s of the City ordinanced pertaining to the various inetallatiane. investiga',es complaints and assists ~.n bringing .about a sol--. ution; mexes daily re ports and anpoitit~ents anc~ arewers tale- phone in.luiries; anviE~es the Health :)apartment and Housing Insreatcra on plum'~in£ problems; ord~~rs corrections of vio- latione; and: appears f s a witness in court Qasae as required. ' ~ Y3 NIi~UI~ ~,t'Ai~LFICr~TIOi•~`, R k UI~^,D . 1. (~ra.c?~Ration from 'sigh fichool, possesa~on of a city nZumber8 cser~ificate oP ~.ormzeteney anc~_ four years of experience as a iwrneyman pT~raber; or any er~uivalent oouibination of ex-~erience and trai Wing. 2, - C'~naiderable kzo~~rledge of the standard praotices, methode, pools and matfrials of the nlur~bin~ and gasfitting trades; ©onsiderable ':nowledge , of the occupational hazards and safety preosutisns o: the trad®; and considerable kno*,~ledge of the plumbing .end ,rasfitting .systems and standards defined by the ~ 1~lnneapols Tlumbi ng and aaafitting ordinances; Ability to d3a1 with the public; ability to interpret and xo from sketohcy, layouts, specific~.tions and blueprints, and. ability to lender decisions fairly and impartially. ' . APP~VED ~~UDY I~. SUPERSEI?ES ISSUE D4~T~ ptiGE 1 n~"'Y"'