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w. f~ i- MINUTES LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION A regular meeting of the Lakeville Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Jerome Clay at $:05 P.M. April 24, ig6q. Members present; G1ay, Lau, Murphy, Simones, Van Bellinger,.. Sayers, and Anaolik, i. Reading of the .minutes of the last meeting, Motion by Lau, seconded by Sayers, to approve the minutes. Motion carried..,.. 2. Public hearing of Northwest Bituminous Company to consider the application for constructing a 60~ X 60' metal building. Duane Johnson and Bob Coyle represented the company. The',1ega1 notice showing the correct legal descriptions is attached'and'forms a permanent part of this record. Motion by Lau, seconded by Van Bellinger, to .grant the .building... permit and accept the plan subject to the building inspectors recommendations.' Motion carried. 3. Public hearing to consider the application of Mrs. Elizabeth Agner for,the purpose of placing or keeping a Mobil Home. The legal. notice showing the correct legal description is enclosed and forms a permanent part of this record. Motion by Murphy, seconded by Sayers to grant the permit, contingent that she gets permission from adjoining property owners. Motion carried, • Ella Faulkrod requested informati©n on a summer project of starting a camp for tents. Discussion held.. 5. Public hearing to consider the applications of Edward Mako for the purpose of a garage variance, .The legal notice showing the correct legal description is attached and forms a permanent part of this record. Motion by Lau, seconded by Simones, to grant the variance. Motion carried, 6. Motion by Sayers, seconded by Lau, that the Planning Commission and the Council meet with the Attorney and Engineers to discuss flood plans and drainage, Motion carried, Public hearing to consider the application of Eugene Pettet for the purpose of placing or keeping a Mobil Home or Coach. The legal notice: showing the correct legal description is attached forming a permanent part of thin record.. Motion by.Van Bellinger, seconded by Sabers, to deny the permit because the location doesn't qualify by the ordinance ands lack of signatures. Hank Lau sustained from voting. Motioncarried.. - 8, P~zbiic hearing to consider the application of Kenny Day for the purpose of placing or keeping a Mobil Home or Mobil Coach. The legal notice showing the correct legal description is attached and forms a permanent part of this record. Motion by Antolik, seconded • ` by Murphy, to deny permission to transfer the. permit, Sayers, Simones, • Lau, and Van Bellinger in opposition, Clay, Murphy, and Antolik in favor. Motion defeated. Motion by Sayers, seconded by Lau, to approve. trailer permit. .Murphy, Antolik, and Clay in opposition, Sayers, Simones Lau, and Van Bellinger in favor. .Motion carr3.ed: 9. James. Gilbertson"requesting information on the construction of a car wash. Discussion held. 1©. Decided to meet with contractor in this area on May 8 to discuss changes. in the uniform building code. t1«».Motion by ,Antolik, seconded by Van Bellinger to ~dj~~rn at t4:20. Motion carried,. Respectfully Submitted, Bernard Murphy, Secretary •