HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-22-69 MIPiUTES ^
A regular meeting of the Lakeville Planning. Commission was called to
order by Chairman Jerome Clay at 8:00 P.M. May 22, 1'969, Membexs
presents .Clay,-Lau, Simones, Antolik, Sayers, and Murphy,
1. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting. Motion by Lau, seconded
by Simones to approve the minutes. Motion curried.
2. Public. hearing to consider the application of Greg ~otz for the
.purpose of keeping a mobile home. The legal notice .showing the
correct 1e$al description is attached and forms a permanentpart,
of this record. Motion by Simones,.seconded by Murphy, to grant
the permit. Motion carried..
3. Public hearing of Loken-Spande to consider the application for
plotting. The legal notice showing the correct legal description
i.s attached and forms a permanent part of this record..:. Motion by
Simones, seconded by Antolik, to recommend to the Council that Lots
1,2,andF~ of 4akshore t~th Addition bar plotted and that Cutlet A
be designated as .park area. Motion carried.
(3ttis Bell asked for the Commissions views on a trailer court for
older people. Discussion held,
Mr. Herkal and Mr, Anderson .were present for the Commissions
decision on the last meetings hearing of Victor C. Ecklund for the
.purpose of a var3.ance of the ordinance. Motion by Sayers,. seconded
by AntoTik to deny .the varia~.ce. Motion carried,.
6. Motion by Sayers, seconded by Antolik, to recommend to the Council
that they check into the land sales on the north shore of Urchard
Lake and take legal action for any violation of the subdivision
ordi~aanee. Motion .carried,
7. Discussion held on the letter from M. C, Astleford-.for an application
for a permit to remove gravel material from land described as follows:
N~~. of the SW4 Sec. 23: R. 21W, T114 Id, Lakeville Township, Dakota
County, Minnesota. Decided to ask Mr, Astleford to come to the
next meeting to discuss it.
8. Discussion. held on the Zoning Ordinance. Motion by Clay,. seconded
by Lau.,. to recommend to the Council the adoption of the Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance subject to the deletion of the sign ordinance plus
the addition of the section on flp0d planes, drainage, etc, and subject
to the changes that have been. noted, .and. that consideration of the zoning
map be held at a later time. Lotion carried,
9. Motion by Lau, seconded by Antolik, to adjourn at 12220. Motion.
Respectf~:1].y submitted.
Bernard Murphy, Secretary