The regular ,meeting of the Lakeville Planning Commission..
was held. at 8x00 P.M., Nov. 13, 1969. Members present.; Clay, Lain,
Sayers, Antolik, Van Bellinger, and. Murphy.
1. Motion by Antolk seconded by Sayers to approve minutes of Oct. 30, 1969
meeting as read. .Motion carried.
2. Hitchcock and. Imperial Plastics-Bldg Addition.
Motion by Sayers seconded by Lau to recommend. to the Village Council
approval of request o construct addition to acommercial-Ind... building.
Motion carried.
3. Ferdinand J. & Ciarina Erickson-Acorn Lodge Motel..
Motion by `Lau seconded Van.'Bellinger torecommendto Village Council
they approve a permit for remodeling and building addition to motel.
Motion carried...-
4. Bill Jensen, Northern £tates Power Co. -
A discuss on was held on the Lakeville Substation to be constructed
at Hamburg and Hwy 50.
• 5. Bob Standford-Mobile Home permit.
Motion by £lay seconded. by Sayers. to recommend approval of permit
to..Village Council.
6. Hill-Dee 2nd Addition Plat.
.Motion by Lau seconded by Van Bellinger to recommend approval to Village
Council of Hill-Dee 2nd Addition. Motion carried.
7. G. J. Groenjes and Mel Forbrook-Northern Natural Gas Co..
.Motion by Clay-.seconded by VanBellinger to recommend. to the Vihage
Council-that a variance be granted to construct a building 10 x 12 feet.,
south of co, Rd 7O adjacent to Dennis Dunham property.. The ground freeze
up was the reason for requesting variance,. with the public hearing
to be held.,December 11 for this building. Motion carried.
8. All descriptions and legal notces`are attached and form a permanent
part. of this record.
9. Motion by Van Bellinger seconded by Antolik to adjourn at 9:50 P.M.
o'clock. Motion carried..
Respectfully submitted,
• Bernard Murphy, Sec.