HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-02-08 CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 2, 2008 Mayor Dahl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Present: Mayor Holly Dahl Council Member Mark Bellows Council Member Kerrin Swecker Council Member Laurie Rieb Council Member Wendy Wulff Roger Knutson, City Attorney Steve Mielke, City Administrator Tom Vonhof, Police Chief Keith Nelson, City Engineer David Olson, Community & Economic Development Director Dennis Feller, Finance Director Daryl Morey, Planning. Director Charlene Friedges, City Clerk Mr. Mielke had no additional agenda information. Presentations/Introductions Chris Petree presented the August monthly report of the Operations 8~ Maintenance Department. Arts Center Coordinator Tom Barnard presented the Lakeville Area Arts Center 2008-2009 season. Citizens' Comments None. Consent Agenda 08.84 Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by Swecker to approve the consent agenda items as follows: a. Claims for payment. b. Minutes of the August 18, 2008 City Council meeting and the August 25, 2008 Special Council meeting and Council work session. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEEITNG SEPTEMBER 2, 2008 PAGE 2 c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee .meetings: Planning Commission, August 21, 2008 Parks Recreation & Natural Resources Committee, August 20, 2008 d. Resolution No. 08-1 17 approving. plans and specifications and setting a bid date for Downtown Market Plaza, Improvement Project 08-07. e. .Authorize SRF Consulting Group, Inc. to prepare Safe Routes to School Study, Improvement Project 08-09. f. Resolutions No. 08-118, 08-1 19 and 08-1.20 accepting donations to the Police Department K-9 program from United States Police Canine Association-Region 12, Deanna Doherty and Kelleher Construction, Inc. g. Resolution No. 08-121 calling a public hearing on the certification of delinquent utility accounts. h. Three year extension of a special home occupation permit to allow a massage therapy use at 17217 idlewood Way. i. Resolution No. 08-122 approving the final plat of Fieldstone Creek 5th Addition, located west of Pilot Knob Road and south of 165th Street; and Resolution No. 08-123 vacating public drainage and utility easements. j. Minnesota Trails Assistance Program agreements with the Minnesota . DNR for snowmobile trails. k. Ice rental agreement between the City of Lakeville, Independent School District 194, Lakeville Hockey Association and Lakeville Arenas, I. Resolution No. 08-124 approving change orders for the Police Department project. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. New Business None CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEEITNG SEPTEMBER 2, 2008 PAGE 3 Announcements Next regular Council meeting, September T 5, 2008 Mayor Dahl adjourned the meeting at 7:1 b p.m. Respectfully submitted, , Charlene Friedges, C' y Clerk H Dahl, or