HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-08 CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 6, 2008 Mayor Dahl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Present: Mayor Holly Dahl Council Member Mark Bellows Council Member Kerrin Swecker Council Member Wendy Wulff Council Member Laurie Rieb Also Present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney Steve Mielke, City Administrator Tom Vonhof, Police Chief Keith Nelson, City Engineer Dennis Feller, Finance Director Daryl Morey, Planning Director Steve Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director Chris Petree, Operations & Maintenance Director Brian Anderson, Assistant to City Administrator Judi Hawkins, Deputy City Clerk Mr. Mielke had no additional agenda information. Presentations/Introductions a. The Police Chief's Award of Merit was presented to Patti McDonald for her work on the Challenge to Change Committee. Out of this grew the Pure Performance initiative, working to change the culture of underage drinking issues. Chief Vonhof stated that the lives of many Lakeville youth will be positively impacted by this program. b. Council Member Bellows read the proclamation for Fire Prevention Week, October 5-1 1, 2008. c. Chris Petree, Operations and Maintenance Director, presented the September monthly report. d. City Engineer Keith Nelson gave an update of current Engineering projects and highlighted the Market Plaza project, County Road 70 interchange and well # 19. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October b, 2008 Page -2- Citizens' Comments Jeremy Grimm, a paramedic with ALF Ambulance, expressed concerns for the recent request for proposals for ambulance service and the possibility of ALF being disbanded., He asked Council to consider keeping ALF as the primary ambulance service provider in Lakeville and submitted a document, "Patient Comments Regarding Services Provided by ALF." Consent agenda Council Member Swecker asked that the September 22, 2008 work session minutes be removed from item b.b. for amendment and brought back for consideration. Council Members requested that Items #7 and #8 be moved to the Consent Agenda. 08.90 Motion was made by Bellows seconded by Rieb to approve the consent agenda items as follows: a. Claims for payment. b. Minutes of the September 15, 2008 City Council meeting, (removal of the September 22, 2008 Council work session minutes) . c. Receive minutes of the September 18, 2008 Planning Commission and September 18, 2008 Snowmobile Task Force meetings. d. Resolution No. 08-134 accepting donation from M & I Bank to the Police Department. e. Resolution No. 08-135 approving change orders for the Police Department project. f. Resolution No. 08-136 appointing election judges for the November 4, 2008 General Election. g. Resolution No. 08-137 calling a public hearing on the imposition of a service charge for Special Service District No. 1. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 6, 2008 Page -3- h. Resolution No. 0$-138 authorizing the sale of city vehicles and forfeited vehicles. i. Lakeville Convention and Visitors Bureau 2009 Budget. j. Stipulation of Facts and Civil Sanction with Lakeville Cub Foods, 7435-179th .Street West. k. Resolution No. 08-139 adopting assessment roll and approval of a special assessment agreement with Flyer's Cafe, LLC, 20790 Keokuk Avenue, for sanitary sewer and watermain connection charges. I. Booster pump installation and cost share agreement with Dick Clemmer, 21338 Dodd Boulevard. m. Resolution No. 08-140 establishing a no-parking zone on the north and south sides of 210th Street between Jamestown Avenue and the entrance to Trinity Church. n. Appendix B to the Employee Safety Manual related to street, utility and park maintenance safety guidelines. o. Resolution No. 08-141 accepting donations to the Parks & Recreation Department. p. Agreements with the following independent contractors for the Recreation Department: Party Bound, Once Upon a Star, Sports Unlimited, Family Swim School, American Academy of Tae Kwon Do, Dryland Hockey, Inc. and Larry Ablin. q. Agreements with the following instructors for the Lakeville Area Arts Center: JoAnne Andres, Tammy Brand, Maureen Carroll, Gary Holthusen, Barb Hughes, Larry Johnson, Jude Knutson, Hermine Magnus, Therese Mervar, Leslie Mullin, Cindy Murphy, David Perez, Tina Sheppard, Jesse Stevenson and Jennifer Wolcott. r. Change Order No. 3 with Quiring Trucking and Excavating, LLC for Valley Lake Park improvements, Improvement Project 06-03. s. Tree work license for All Seasons Tree & Snow Plowing, Inc. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 6, 2008 Page -4- t. Site Lease Agreement with T-Mobile Central, LLC, for a personal wireless service antenna tower at 16050 Garrett Path. u. Resolution No. 08-142 approving the Dakota County 2009 Large Community Funding Application related to annual recycling. v. Resolution No. 08-143 receiving bids and awarding contract for 205th Street channel stabilization and Joint Powers Agreement with the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Board, Improvement Project 07-16. w. Change Order No. 1 with McNamara Contracting, Inc. for street reclamation in portions of Donnay's Valley Park 3rd Addition and Niakwa Village 1 st and 3rd Additions, Improvement Project 08-01. x. Resolution No. 08-144 stating non-support for noise walls on Cedar Avenue within the City of Lakeville as part of the Cedar Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Project, Improvement Project 08-12. y. Resolution No. 08-145 supporting the Dakota County 2009-201.3 Capital Improvement Program. z. Findings of Fact and Decision regarding liquor license violations at Rudy's Redeye Grill and Babe's Sportsbar & .Grill. 7. Approve a Conditional Use Permit for T-Mobile Central to allow the construction of a personal wireless service antenna at the Central Maintenance Facility, 7575 - 179th Street West; approve an Interim Use Permit to allow the antenna to be greater than 75 feet in height, and approve the site lease agreement. 8. Approve a Conditional Use Permit for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC to allow the construction of a personal wireless service antenna at Fire Station No. 4, 9465 - 185th Street West; approve an Interim Use Permit to allow the antenna to be greater than 75 feet in height; and approve the site lease agreement. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 6, 2008 Page -5- Item 9 -Dennis Dunham Outdoor Storage Planning Director Daryl Morey presented the proposal of Dennis Dunham to allow open and outdoor storage as a principal use on an unsewered lot in the I-1, Limited Industrial, and RAO, Rural Overlay Districts. The subject property consists of ten acres and is located east of Kenrick Avenue, south of 215th Street, and is within the 2015 MUSA. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 4, 2008 and tabled action on the agenda item. At their September 18th meeting the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval subject to 12 stipulations. The necessary easements and escrows have been submitted. The Planning Commission and staff recommend approval. Council asked Mr. Dunham what he will likely store outside on this site. Mr. Dunham replied that it would mostly be storage of things such as campers, boats and semi-trailers. City Administrator Mielke referred to the stipulations of the CUP. Stipulation #3 prevents the storage of semi-trailers and land/sea containers. There is also a stipulation in the CUP which prohibits repair of boats and campers on site. Mr. Dunham said he understood the stipulations and would abide by them. Council Member Swecker said she appreciates that improvements will be made to the property. 08.91 Motion was made by Wulff, seconded by Rieb, to approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow open and outdoor storage as a principal use in the I-1 and RAO Districts and adopt Findings of Fact. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. New Business -None Announcements - ? Presidential candidate Senator John McCain will be holding a town hall forum on Friday, October 10th, 4:00 p.m., at Lakeville South High School. The Lakeville Police Department is working with the Secret Service and the school district on the logistics. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 6, 2008 Page -6- ? Fire Prevention Week Open House will be held on Tuesday, October 7th, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m., at Fire Station #4. It is recommended that guests park at Century Junior High School if possible. Mayor Dahl adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, c,L Ju ith Hawkins, Deputy City Clerk , Ho y Dahl, y r