HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-15-76 1 ' ~ ~ LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES THURSDAY JANUARY 15, 1976 MtTNICIPAL BUILDING AIRLAKE INDUSTRIAL PK . Answering roll call at 8 PM were Planning Commissioners Antolk, Lutgens, Campbell, Jojade, Baumgartner, Hazel, and Spande. Election of officers, as follows:. 76.1 Motion made and seconded by Lutgens-Jojade,. that 'J. Antolik be'Charman for 1976. .Motion carried. 76.2 Motion made by Lutgens-Campbell that nominations for Chairman cease. Antolik voted "nay". Motion carried. .76.3 Lutgens was nominated for. the office. of Vice-Chairman, by Campbell-Jojade. Motion carried. 76.4 Campbell was nominated for office of secr~a:ry by Spande-Jojade. ..Motion carried.. 76.5 Motion made that all nominations close by Jojade-Lutgens. Motion carried. 76.6 Motion to approve the meeting minutes of Dec. 11th, with the correction _from Council meeting date from Jan. 8th to Jan. 15th, on the last page, was made by Jojade-Lutgens.. Motion carried. There was a reviewal made of minutes of Council meetings held Dec. 15th and Dec . 29th. P. McGarvey gave a report on his findings regarding uncapped basements. There are bankruptcy proceedings involved that will soon be determined! When owner- . ship is known for certain, it will be further explored.. 76.7 Campbell=Jojade made motion to turn the above matter over to the Adminis- trator. Motion carried. Mr. and l~rs. Jerry Miller were present to apply for renewal of mobile home permit. The legal notice was again re-read. (This had been a tabled matter from last meeting,) Lutgens-Campbell made motion to recommend to Council that the Miller mobile trailer permit renewal be granted. Motion carried. The Millers were informed that they could send their cheek to the City of Lakeville, in the amount of $35.00, which would be for a term of 2-years. 76.8 Campbell.-Jojade made motion to table matter of Mike Gephart trailer permit - renewal public hearing for one more meeting..- Then, if he does not appear, send the matter to Council. Motion carried. - Mr. Gary Huth, manager of The Bridge Recreational Center, was introduced by Adm. McGarvey. Mr. Huth wishes to move his place of business to Valley. Park, next to Tom Thumb, from his location, presently,- at Co. Rd 50 and Hwy 35W, Orchard Like. He is located presently, in a B zoning.--his move would be to a B3 zoning. Mr. Mc Garvey thought this might be remedied by amedning the ordinance to include "billards", first of all, then the proposal for a conditional-use permit. If this format is followed, the first available date for public hearings will be February 5th, because of publication days that are required. Mr. Bernie Grubbesh was present and explaned building plans for two new warehouse additions at Airlake Park. One was a 56,000 sq ft addition for Menasha, the other a 30,000 sq ft addition to Austin Products. 76.g Lutgens-Jojade made motion to recommend. approval of building permit for Menasha. Motion carried. r, PLANNING..COMt~SSION MEETING MINUTES (2) 1/15/76. 76.10 Campbell-Jojade moved and seconded to recommend to Council that they approve • building permit for Austin Products. Motion carried. Mr. Pat McGarvey presented the members, and Councilmen Zaun and Curry, with copies of ordinance concerning establishment of Planning Commission. Some ten or fifteen minutes was given to reviewal time. .The ordinance met with favorable reaction, with`the exception of the fdlowing: 9-member Commission was not desired by present Commission,`because it was felt that it would ''elongate meetings--the larger membership, the more cumbersome it would became," and, "work can be done by 7 members, as well as by g". Curry and Zaun gave their reasons for asking for nine: "more sub-committee work can be carried'on effectually" and, "there will be more sub-committee work involved this year to cover three major areas of comprehensive plan,. fiscal problems, and other routine matters." Recommendation ;"from this present Commission to Council that Cormmi.ssion remain a 7-member body, was unanimous. ,Recommendation was made to strike "appointment of chairman", modifying Paragraph 2, to include chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary". "Quorum figure would be changed from. "6" to . 76.11 Hazel-Lutgens made motion to send Planning-.Commission ordinance to Council, with the above three recommendations for changes. Motion ~arried.- 76.12 Lutgens-Spande motioned to set the 1st and: 3rd Thursday of each month, as meeting nights of the Planning Commission--beginning with the Month of Feb.. Motion carried. .76..13 Campbell-Lutgens motioned to recommend approval. of '"Application Review Process" as presented. Motion .carried. The following: dates and times were set up by S. Ryan for Commissioners to meet with Mr. Dave. Licht, of Midwest Planners: January 27th, ~ PM, G. Spande; January 28th--3130 PM, Campbell; x+:00 PM, Antolik; ~F:30 PM, Jojade; 5 PM, Lutgens; 5:30 PM, Hazel, These meetings will take place at City Hall on 207th Street. Lutgens-Jojade motioned to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, W. Campbell, S c etary mek • LAKEVILLE PLMINING CAMMISSiON MEETING MINUTES SUFPLIlvIIl~iT THURSDAY' JANUARY 15, 1976- MUNICIPAL F~tJILDING AIRLAKE INDUSTRIAL PK In sequence, following motion no. 76..7, above, date, status of mobile home located on site formerly occupied by Steffenhagen home, was 'discussed. Apparently :this trailer was moved to the site after Mr• Steffenhagen moved his. (Steffenhagen had apermit fore his trailer, whim expired l2/3G/?S•) It was the thought of the Commission that the owner of the present trailer should be made aware of City Ordinance concerning mobile .homes,. and, if he is in `violation of the ordinance, steps should be taken to have hitn move this mobile home. The matter wasleft to be handled by the City Administrator. NOTE: The above matter was called to my attention on Monday, January'2©, 1976, by Chairman of the Planning Commission, J. Antolik, and. he asked that the omission fr©m the minutes Qe corrected and-this material- sent to you. mek R spe~;fu witted . G well. Seca meK i