HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-04-76 1 x S U M M A R Y • LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MARCH 4. 1N7b l.' Reviewal of Council meeting minutes of Feb. 17th was made. 2. Motion ~6,35.was to recommend denial of John LaFavor's application for conditional-use permittto operate cabinet shop on 1135th Street... 3• Matter of ecumenical signs Mr. Harold Johnson desires to erect at entrances to City was determined to be a staff decision. However, Planning, Commission does recommend that these signs be permitted. 4. More wwater" information is asked before Harold Malmanger brings his preliminary plat for development of acreage near Hamburg Av. and 210th Street. 5. Development of 16-acre tract. at Orchard Lake on Klamath.Trail, opposite Kingswood Estates, -was advised to conform to 3-acre tracts, if done at this time, as water and sewer service in this area is in the distant future. Mr. Rey' Brandt was present and asking for this discussion. b. Mr. Glenn Nord was present and asking discussion on a conditional-use permit. He will. return at a later date. 7• Updating present fence ordinance was discussed, and clarification. t3. Motion X76.37 was to recommend approval of final plat of Dakota Height, 7th Addition. This passed by a 5-1 vot®. 9. Joe Schweich's proposed plate was not able to be discussed at this time. 10. Upcoming agenda item will be application for conditional-use permit to install 12,000-gal. Holyoke Av. and. 210th St. by Mike Gannon. 11. An application for a mining permit will be on • agenda at April meeting, also..:. LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES THURSDAY:. MAKCH 4, 1976 MUNICIPAL BUILDING AlxLAKE INDUSTRIAL PAKK • Chairman J. Antolik called the meeting to order at t~:Ou y.M. with Antolik, Lutgens, Campoell, Baumgartner, Hazel and Spande answering roll call. (Jo jade was absent.) Also present were Attorney R. Knutson and Ylariner S. Ryan. Administrator. M cGarvey and Building Inspector Dave Goodermont attended the meetinglater in th® eve. 76.34 Lutgens-Spande moved and secnnded approval 02 ,February lyth minutes. Motion carried. A reviewal 02 council meeting minutes of Feo. 17th. was made. 76.35 Spand®-Lutgens moved and seconded motion to decry the request o2 John LaFavor for aconditional-use permit to operate a caUinet shop on 1tS5th St. Reasons for denial are outlined in ..Attorney Knutsonrs letter dated February 17th and Planner Ryan ~ s memorandum, of the same Gate. (Both are attached o minutes or the meeting held February lytn. Voting to deny were; Antolik, Lutgens, Campoell, Baumgartner, Hazel, and Spande. Motion carried. Stat'2 ana Commission discussed the matter of two ecumenical signs that are desired to oe erected at entrances to City of Lakeville.. Upon discussion, this deter- mination was made; "does not have to oe an agenda item to erect the signs--it should be handled by staff--but `Planning Commission does recommend that signs be permitted. P. McGarvey spoke of plans Harold Malmanger would like to put into effect on his property located corner of Hamburg Av. and Hwy 5ti, north of .the railroad tracks. His..proposal now .contains development in the N E corner of the property, only, with . greenway along the watershed lines. Commission wishes more ~rwater" information; this will be available to them when current studies of the watershed area are complete within several months. Mr. Ray Brandt ,explained what is desired fora 16-Acre tract of land at Orchard Lake on north Klamath Trail, opposite Kingswood Estates. If water and sewer were to be available, Mr. Brandt would like to develop ten lots. However, it seemed to be understood that City service would nat be available .herein the near future and the lots would: have to retain a 3-acre minimum to be developed at this time. Mr. Glenn Nord was present. He had thought to request. aconditional-use permit, but: now fe~a ~~what was needed was aspecial-use permit~~, he .said. Building Inspector Dave Goodermont was presented to the ~mmission by"Pat McGarvey. The fence ordinance was discussed. Updating the ordinance seemed to be in order. A, determination on what is meant in the last part of Sec. 2 was asked. Mike Gannon~s application for a conditional use permit for 12,800-gal. tank at corner of Holyoke pv. and 210th St. will be an agenda item of meeting April $th. Dakota Heights 7th Addition final was discussed. 76.36 Motion by Hazel-Baumgartner. to recommend denial o~ final plat because it (map plan now presented)., was not in agreement with either our business or residen- tial concept. The frontage on cul-de-sac is different,' Hazel withdrew his • motion upon discussion, 76.37 Motion to approve final plat of Dakota Heights 'lth Addition, with great reluctance was made by Lutgens, seconded by Spande. Voting rrayer~, were-- Antolik, Lutgens, Campbell, Spande, and Hazel.. Baumgartner voted 'rnay~r. . ,L,A;KEVILLE PLANIIING COMMISSIpN MEETING MINUTES PAGE 2 3/y./7b He gave as his:. reason for voting "nay~~--~~frontage on cul de sac.:varies~~. Motion of approval. carried. It was impossible to consider beneficial recommendations on the ro s p po ed plat of Joe Schweich at this time because of necessary footage for road. There will be an application for. an excavation/mining :permit. at ~,pril meeting.. 76.3d Motion to adjourn the meeting by Lutgens-Spande, at 11 P.M. Motion carried. ..Respectfully submitted, Bill Campbell, Secretary mek • •