THURSDAY fl1ARCH l8, 1976
Meeting was called to .order at 8 PM by Chairman`J. Antolik--answering
roll call were Antolik, Lutgens, Campbell, Baumgartner, Spande, and Hazel; Jojade
was absent.
76.39 Motion by Lutgens-Baumgartner to approve the minutes. of the meeting
held March 4th. Motion. carried--alLmembers voting "aye". ;
A reviewal ofthe Council meeting minutes of March lst was made.
76.40 Motion to receive "The Planning and Development Tactical Study
was made by Baumgartner-Hazel. Motion .carried. All members
voting ~~ayer~
Mre. Jeniee Lange, secretary of Lakeville!s Park & Rec Committee,
and Mr. Bob Nelson, Chairman of P & R's Sub-Committee. studying bicycle trail
possibilities for the City presented `an oral and written report`of a concept plan.
The "why" and "how"-and "what'° of bike trails was. explained as well as could be,
ae a starting point. A map of Lakeville, showing"priorities for a-.trail system,.
with possibility of completing. in 1980, was on display. Matter. of funding was
discussed briefly, but Director Michaud, who has had experience in these matters
was 'unable to be present at this` meeting, and it was the concept plan that was
asked to be approved at this time. lst priority is trail from Downtown to Antlers Park.
76.41 Motion to accept "Conceptual Plan of .Bicycle Trails", as presented
and preparedby P & RSub-Committee was made by Spande-Antolik.
Motion carried. All members voting "aye".
Report on fence requirements in neighboring. areas prepared by Bldg
Insp. Dave Goodermont was read by P. McGarvey Mr. McGarvey also reported that
the Home Occupations Ordinance was in its second draft. The very :northernmost part..
of lot to-be :used for parking, recently acquired by the City, needs re-zoning. New,
latest up=to-date zoning; maps are requested by Planning Commission members.`
76.42 Motion to obtain aclarificaton/interpretationof Lakeville's fence
ordinance.,. written. by P, McGarvey,_ was. made by.Lutgens-Baumgartner.
Motion carried. A11 members voting "aye".
Public hearings for meeting to be held April 15th are three:
(1) R. Henry VantHof for permit to place a mobile home at 160th St W, on 4 acres
of land,. E~ of Sec 5, T114, R20--2 mile south of Co. Rd'46.
(2) Mike Gannon, applicant, for conditional; use permit to expand underground storage
capacity and. make alterations and improvements to the .site,. at NE corner of
Holyoke Av and 210th St.,
(3) Applicants John.. and Jennie Greaves for a special use permit to park semi-trailer.
trucks, ,not to exceed three (3) in number, on said property for a period not to
exceed three (3} years in length, on part Lot 12, Argonne Farms, Sec 12,"T114
Question was raised concerning the construction plans of building
• that was once to be used,by Gold Star Printing Co., (Gephart Warehouse II,_ plus an
addition). If this construction is begun,. and the use. changed to a medical clinic.;
or?, Planning Commission would like to :see the plans..
(1} Planning Commission 3~i8/76
Mr. McGarvey presented the members with material concerning controlled
growth, originally printed by The League of Minnesota Municipalities, Mn State P1'anning
Agency, Mn Housing. Finance Agency, and Mn Chapter of Natl Assn of Housing and Redevelop-
. merit Officials:
G Spande requested a copy of Gunnar Isberg's "Planning", for each
Planning Commission member.
Suggestions were made by several members for news items for the`
next quarterly newsletter: changing ordinances, procedures to follow by people-
wishing building permits, etc. Members also request all information beforehand,
on public hearings..
Planner Steve Ryan said that Shoreland-..Ordinance :should be reviewed.
Chairman.-asked that members-should study this ordinance. and that it would be an
agenda item for next meeting, which will be held April"lst. Any body of waterthat
is ten acres, or more,'is considered a public water.
.76,43 Motion to adjourn, .10:30 PM, was made by Hazel-Lutgens Motion
carried--each member voting "aye.".
Respectfully submitted,
Wilmot Campbell,-Secretary mek
(2) Planning Commission 3/18/76.
March 18, 1976. Municipal Building
1. Present were: Antolik, Lutgens, Campbell, Baumgartner,
Spande, and Hazel.
2. Motion 76.40 to receive "The Planning and Development
.Tactical Study.
3. Mrs. Jenice Lange and Mr. Bob Nelson presented a
conceptual plan for the development., of a bicycle
trail system..in the City of Lakeville, which. will
take a time period of several -years. However,
first. priority is given a trail from downtown
Lakeville, over 207th Street,..ete., to Antlers
Park. It is hoped. that this, a dirt trail to
begin with, (where there is no road that can be
striped,) can be completed this year, Motion
76.41 was to accept "Conceptual Plan of Bicycle
Trails" as prepared by P & RSub-Committee was passed.
Mr. `P. Mc Garvey spoke on fence requirements in other
communities,, progress of`Home Occupation Ordinance,
zoning of Lakeville .property. adjacent to Liquor Store,
and material concerning controlled growth.
5, Commissioners requested and spoke of: members would
like recent up-to-date zoning maps, a look in changes,
if any, in construction/addition that-was to have been
used by Gold Star Printing,. copies of Gunnar Isberg"s
book on planning, several suggestions for quarterly-
newsletter, and more extensive material on public
hearings before they are held.
6. Motion 76..42 was to obtain a clarifcation,yinterpret~ton
of fence ordinance, from Mr. McGarvey.
7. There will be three public hearings at April 15th meeting;
Henry VantHof, Mike Gannon, and John Greaves.
8. Planner Ryan reminded Commission that Shoreland Ordinance
• should be discussed and reviewed. Chairman Antolik re-
quested members 'to study their copies and that this be
an agenda item for April lst meeting.°'