HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-17-76 i ~ . ; , L~"1TILLE PLANNING C~iNiISSION MEETIlVG 17 .JUNE ly7b: AIRLAKE INDUSTRIAL PK ~a~ Ss00 PM • 1~ntoli.k, Lutgens, Campbell, and SPande answered ro:l.:l. when Chairman J. Antali.k called the meeting to order. L. Hazel came a tew minutes later. .Attorney R. Knutson and ,pdministrator P. McGarvey were also in attendance. Planners Dave Licht and.M ark Johnson came during the discussion os the first public hearing.. P. McGarvey .said that there would be a Bard of Review F~uali.zation meeting in c;ouneil Chambers on .June 24th beginning at 3 P.M. St might be a gooa night for .Planning Commission to also meet with the City Council. It was decided to do this--meeting will be next Thursday eve, June 24th, Council Chambers, 7;ju PM. 7c.~`r Lutgens-Spande moved and seconded motion to approve the minutes of June 3rd meeting. Motion carried. Discussion followed concerning application for a variance by ,gngineered Specialties, Inc., for setback to Qui.ld an o2i°ice and shipping room aadition to their present building, otsbu 207th St. W. D. Licht spoke saying our present ordinance is de2icient in that it speaks to industrial development iri a park, but existing commercials located in what is known as "Old Villages, have not the same situation. Here is a business, Engineered Specialties, that i.s "trying to say they want to improve their property. Say ryes+, with .stipulations--and at the same time, amend the ordinance to recognize such businessr B. (;ampbell wished to .know about parxi.ng, if it would be possible for .them to park across the street, to the. East. He was told parking is being done there, nut that this: is City-owned. G. Spande commented that the present building covers at least ,50~ of the area. L. Hazel was concerned about modifying the present plan of setbacks--what would be the new one? The 20-ft,R l-C abutting zoning should not be a deciding factor, seemed to be the general opinion. It was the suggestion of the Planner that if the variance were to be granted, ssay that other conditions must improve also--parking, screening, exterior storage to the west of building, landscaping:. Let's start to initiate a text .amendment which, if you gentlemen will agree, we will have oefore you in two weeks. It will be a conditional-use for any similax .situation We are correcting a probeem that exists and going to makethe situation better. ii Hazel wished to know about sissue analysis No. 1--there is a setback." F~]anner believes present qualifications "unreasonable° and that needs correcting. ~~You have three structures--Engineered Specialties, City Hall, and Telephone ~,iilding-- all within 5~ of the property lines. Hazel was concerned about pedestrian traffic. Planner replied that that is why we require sidewalks. .Planner also suggested getting. rid of head-on parking. Mark Johnson calculated they could park 300 cars easily, in vacant space across the street, to the north. Knutson thought it would be possible to put parking requirement in a deed. Hazel; '~I want to see visibility around the building, T want to see access for emergency vehicles. Spande;sWe are promoting our Industrial Park as much as possible, perhaps we should ask, if they are. outgrowing their building, they should put it in the Park,. just as everyone else • does.s Licht; ~~thia City does have Industrial Parks, but at the same time you have industry that does exist in the Old Vil-lage, and that in the plan that you accepted, you still have industry iri the Old Village, the central parking plan. Is it not reasonable to accept what they are proposing to facilitate that plan, with office, etc.7~ Your ordinance does not accept it, but your Plan says leave them there. Now, how do we do i.t in acceptable fashion3 Now here is an opportunity (1) Plan Oommission 17 Jana `76 (2) Plan Commission 17 June '76 ' to correct a number of major probl~ns. At the same tune, let's say this is a different opinion than your ordinance says today. To protect yourselves legally, let's change the ord"mance." Campbell wished to know. nis ~t going to set them back that much, for us to change the ordinance before gran°G3.txg the variance?" Licht: 'pit is my opinion that if you grant a variance in a certain vein, and then follow it up with a change in the ordinance, you will not jeopardize yourself". Lutgens: 'ewe should change the ordinance and then let thin come in and get it,=but there probably isn''t that much time." Licht;"there is a follow-up here that protects the City. We have a lot of stipulations here--we will get those cars out of the park, there will be landscaping, outside storage will be at the west end of the building-- ean't w® make more progress in doing that?" ~ntolik; "can't kick then out of there, they have been there along time, before the ordinance.! Spande; 'think we all agree with you. But I, for one, can't go through with this without .the property across the street being recorded in Hastings as being strictly for parking." Licht; 'cif I can say, if we axe going to grant a variance, if we allow that, then you correct the other problems on the whole sit®--parking, landscaping, screening, get rid of your outside storage." '~yariance goes with the property,"--Licht. It is suggested that (Licht) pup date ordinance for otf-site parking, so that there is a stipulation that there is either ownership or a lease recorded with the City so that they know that, agreement to conditions and contract signed, want City protected in the future by righting the ordinance". Spande; "how many more spots do we have like this? ~ Licht; 'ordinance is completely geared to Industrial Parks". Lutgens; 'only way we can grant a variance is in case of hardship. If we grant it, then is it legal?" bare will be attempting to find a good solution to a number of problems. The attorney attested that the notices had been sent for the public hearing: of applicant, Engineered Specialties, for variance setback to build an office addition at 8860 207th St. 76.78 Campbell-Lutgens motion to open public hearing of Engineered Specialties. Motion carried. 76.79 Campbell-Lutgens motion to close public hearing of Engineered Specialties. Antolik, Lutgens, Campbell, Spande, Hazel--all °''aye". Motion carried. 76.80 Hazel and Lutgens, moved and seconded, motion to recommend to Council that they approve this variance (~gineered Specialties), subject to conditions outlined in letter from Planner dated 16th of June, and to be affinitized the lst of July. Voting "aye", Lutgens, Campbell, Spande, Hazel, .Antolik--motion carried. Attorney attested that notices had been sent for next public hearing, application of Mutual Land Development for re-zoning from R-1C, single family residence, to R-3A, multiple family, on part of SW,-~ of Section 3, Tll~+, R20W. This proposed development will be known as Cedar Highlands. It is heated in NW corner of development, that part which is asked to be re-zoned, and contains 8.6 acres. Mr. Perry Latham, one of the developers, said the NE corner of the area would be the first to be developed, because that is where S/ZT is. In the part which is asked re-zoning, will probably be developed next. It is planned to construct owner-owned TF-plexes there. Spande: "When are we going to have the report from you, Dave?" Licht: "July 1st". This development will be FHA. It was reported that Engineer Bob Rosene has a plan of sanitary sewer, W/S, etc., which will be available next meeting. It requires a minimum of 20 acres to be considered PUD; this does not qualify, but can be developed under a somewhat similar plan. This would require them to submit plans and develop in stages, come back to Planning Commission each time. (3) Plan Comma 17 June 1976 i . ~ ~ ~ i }The s~u.thernmost triangular shaped piece of land had been $iought of as bLing feasible for commercial development, but City does not really like this plan, and it will remain an outlot. Attorney Knutson said "all park land can be donated at the beginning". Chairman L. l~elson and Member J. Lange of Park-~c Ree Committee were at the meeting to say that plat map showing park dedication was agreeable to their Committee, plus .there would be a money donation. It was agreeable both to them and the developer, to have cash donations made as construction progressed.. P. Latham said the dwellings they are planning are one-storied. P. McGarvey spoke saying the purpose of the rezoning is to make the prospective buyer aware of the ~+-plexes that will exist, if the rezoning is granted. The developer is developing the area himself--houses will be constructed by him. There will be two ponding areas in this development, and a land donation by the developer around watertower. This land is not included in the park donation. 76.81 Hazel-Campbell motioned to close hearing on rezoning land in proposed Cedar Highlands development. Voting "aye", Campbell, Spande, Hazel, t'~ntolik, Lutgens. Motion carried. 76.82 Spande-~a.tgens ..made motion to table recommendation on re- zoning in proposed Cedar Highlands development until July 1st meeting. Motion carried; Spande, Hazel, Antolik, Lutgens, and Campbell all voted "aye". Attorney Knutson attested to the legality of hearing of Cedar Highlands " ~ preliminary plat. P. McGarvey said it was recommended that sidewalks be installed on alI streets and cul-de-sacs. 76.83 Hazel-Lutgens motioned to close hearing of Cedar Highlands .Preliminary Plat. Motion carried--Hazel, Antolik, Lutgens, Campbell, and Spande all voting"aye". 76.8+ Lutgens-Campbell motioned to table recommendation on Cedar Highlands Preliminary Plat until July 1st. :Motion carried-- Antolik, Lutgens, Campbell, Spande, and Hazel voting "aye". Item No. 6 of agenda was to change (amend) ordinance considering placement of two-car garages, etc., on land area with first building permit. 76.85 Spande-Lutgens motioned to recommend to Council acceptance of the above amendment. Voting "aye" were Lutgens, Campbell, Spande, Hazel, and Antolik. Motion carried. (Public hearing on this amendment will be July 15th,) Problems in updating the Comprehensive Plan were spoken of by Dave Licht. There is an inventory to be made, policy plan--but chief detrement is Metropolitan System Statement. It is hoped that this will reach them sometime in July. Under present bills passed by Legislature, sections known as "Urbanizing Fringe", such as Burnsville, will be first in line,~b receive benefits. City of Lakeville is known as a "Free-standing Community". Dave Licht spoke of a possible moratorium on residential building, perhaps of 10-acre land content requirement--and indus- trial building on 25~ of area, instead of 50~. 76.86 Motion to adjourn by Lutgens-Hazel at 10:55 P.M. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Rill C~mnhell. Secretary C3) Plan Comm. 17 June 1976 mek