The meeting wad called to order by Chairman J. Antolik. Answering roll call
were Antolik, Lutgens, Campbell, Hazel,. Spande, and Asmus; J. Jojade was absent.
Also present were R. Knutson, Attorney, and Mark Johnson of Midwest Planners.
J. Asmus suggested that the minutes of the muting held 18 November 1976 be
amended to include the question asked of Mr. Dagnon, who was applying for a building
permit for construction of hahgar.,~ for airplanes in Airlake that were to be used
mainly in crop dusting--"would there be any chemicals stored here"? Mr. Dagnon
replied, "no, there would not be"'.
76.168 Motion by Asmus-Lutgens to approve the November 18th minutes with the
addition that is noted above, concerning Mr. Dagnon's building .plans.
Motion a arried.
76.169 Final plat. of Donnay's 9th Addition was recommended for approval to
Council upon motion by Hazel, seconded by Lutgens. .Voting "aye" were
Antolik, Lutgens, Campbell, Hazel, Spande, and Asmus. Motion carried.
D. Gephart was present and showed pictures, etc. of a mall building he
wished to move to the rear of his dwelling on 210th Street. A notation from
the Building Inspector on this matter is filed with these minutes.
76.170 Motion by Lutgens, seconded by Asmus, to approve the moving of small
building onto his property by Dick Gephart, subject to conditions
outlined in notation from the Building Inspector on this matter.
Items 5 and 6 of the. agenda began with explanations and discussion with
the Planner Mark Johnson. It began with projections of population and employment
in Lakeville for the next twenty-four years. The Planner sa3.d they do not agree
with the Metro Council projection on employment. Metro has .reaffirmed its stand
on Lakeville. transportation to a low figure. Airlake is noted as a small, private
airfield. The hook-ups to public sewer are ,believed very low, compared to what
Lakeville will actually need.. The Planner stated that they "disagreed strongly
with some of their (Metro Council) projections".
Each member received a copy of the "Comprehensive Community Profile of
Lakeville" which has been compiled by Midwest Planners. Z'he omission of certain
materials on their maps was explained by the Planner as being left out because at
the time. of the drawing of the map, they had used what was available at the time
.and this booklet has been being compiled for a number of months.. One of the most
notable omissions, it seemed, was the lift station at 160th Street. and Cedar Av.
from the sanitary sewer system map.
Items to be on agenda for December 16th meeting included Laddusaw multiple
dwelling proposal for property in Dakota Heights 7th Addition, corner of 176th St.
and Ionia. Av., preliminary plat of Woodridge, G & G Builders, located on 185th St.
and Izonia Av., final plat approval of Sullivans Addition.
Expiration dates of two members of Planning Commission terms of office was
brought to Commission's attention.
76..171 Hazel-Campbell. motioned to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Bi11 Campbell, Secretary Ynek