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LaKE'~TILLE PLANI`TING COP>1MISSION MEETING THURSDAY FiPRIL 2~F, 1975. MUrTICIPAL BUILDING AIRLAKE PARK . Chairman H. Lab. called the meeting to order at 8 P.M. All members were' in attendance: Lau, Antolk, Lutgens, Campbell, Jojade, Haglund and Baumgartner. ..Also present were. Building Inspector Ackerman, Attorney Roger Knutson,"and Planner Steve Ryan. Minutes of April 10th meeting were read. Lttgens-Jojade moved and seconded approval of the minutes. Motion .carried. X310 Public hearing of applicants Wrn. Jackson and Gary Huth for recreation center containing pool tables, etc., known as "The Bridge°' at corner of Hwy 50 and 175th`St. "The Bridge" has. been in operation for one year and wished their application to be renewed. Mr. Jackson. said there was. a paper .prepared by Lkvl Police Dept where .they stated they had had no- troubles here. Haglund made :motion, seconded by Campbell to approve conditional use application 'for tern of one year. Motion carried. 311 Discussion with Mr. Geo. and Mr. Steve Grohoski concerning sidewalks at Lakeridge developed in a motion being made by Haglund=Jojade to recommend to Council "that sidewalks:. as proposed, on one side. of street in Lakeridge Plat, be adopted, in lieu of sidewalks on both sides of he street, according to .the red ]fines drawn on map", which is dated"revised Jana..30, 197+", and ''revised March 8, 1~7#". Motion carried: (There is a problem existing .here concerning laying of gas lines, which was an influence on Commission's recommendation.) Mr. Keith Johnson and Dr. R. W. Anderson, delegation from. St. John's .Lutheran Church of Lakeville, presented .and explained their ideas for a. home for the elderly in Lakeville. A survey had been made whereby they had a count of 5~+3 people-who are over 65 years of age in this area of Lakeville, Eureka, Elko, Credit River and New Market. They plan two-story building to contain 50/60 units for subsidized housing.-They will be on Commission's agenda for meeting: on May 15th, and will have met with City Planner on May 5th at 1 P.M. 312 Jojade-Antolk made m©tion to approve building permit for F. Tillges for. an addition to Engineered Specialties, Lakeville. Motion carried. X313 Lutgens-Baumgartner .made-motion to approve building. permit application of Mr. Dennis Hendrickson, Grounds. Manager of Honeywell Country Club,` to :move adouble garage to be re-located on Minnreg grounds for use of their employees. (An,application and public hearing had been held Last .year for approval 'of mobile home here for. this purpose. Application was granted, but mobile home was never:plaeed. Thie alternative is recommended.) Motion carried. #31~+ Mr. Fred Lutz, a general contractor,. appeared to apply. for building permit approval for-an addition to Sportsman Shop located in Tom Thumb .Center 'at Hwy 5D and'175th St. This addition will be on the north side of the Center.... Jojade-Lutgens motioned o approve this building permit. Motion carried. #315 Public Hearing of Mr. Bob Laddusaw, Dakota Land Development, Inc., for approval of preliminary plat known as Dakota Heights 7th Addition, 80 acres approximately, corner of Ipava Av. and 175th St., was heard. ,Lau made ..:motion to recommend approval of preliminaryplat, with understanding that developer finance his"own pipe. Upon discussion, Lau withdrew his .motion. Jojade-Haglund motioned to .recommend acceptance of .this preliminary.. plat, PAGE 1 ~~2~+/75 ' PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING April 2~+, 1975 PAGE 2 motion carried. x#316 Public .hearing of Mr. Bob Laddusaw for re-zoning application at Dakota Heights 7th Addition of three parcels of land which had been tabled from previous meeting was re-opened. Dakota Heights 7th Addn is located'at the corner of Ipava Av. and 175th St. The land Mr. Laddusaw wishes re-zoned is in the northwest corner of the plat. Parcel "A" contains approximately: ~2 acres, Parcel "B" contains approximately 3 3/~+ acres, and Parcel "'C", approximately llZ acres. (Total land content of Dakota Hgts 7th Addn is approximately 80 acres.) These 3 parcels lay in an are, fan-wise, in the NGT corner of the plat,' with "A" being the northernmost. A. The three applications for re-zoning were discussed and voted on separately. Parcel."A" was asked to be re-zoned from R1 zoning to B2 zoning. Antolik- Lutgens made motion to deny this re-zoning application and leave Parcel "A" as an Outlot, as per Planner Ryan's report regarding change in our ordinance.. (This report is dated March 28th.) Motion of denial carried. B. Re-zoning for Parcel "B" was asked from R1 to Ric. This strip will act as a buffer zone to double-bungalows, supposedly. Haglund-Lutgens motioned to recommend approval of Parcel."B" re-zoning to Ric. Lau voted "nay", did not think we should re-zone one and not the other. Motion of approval curried. C. Re-zoning for Parcel "C°t from Rl to R2 was asked. Motion to recommend approval was made by Lutgens-Campbell. Lau voted "nay"--same reason as above. Approval motion carried. "Downtown" plans for changing Lakeville were. explained for Commissioners' study was made by Mr. Greg Kopischke, using two large maps of present Lakeville and planned future Lakeville. Problem of storm water drainage for south Lakeville was. made note of and recognized. .Plan at Dakota Co. level has improved road system for going around Lakeville, Hwy 50, Dodd Blvd, 215th St., as well as through Lakeville downtown area. "One of the major concerns of the City in the future will be proposal of traffic .flow." There will be a speeial':meeting on Wednesday, April 30th, to consider plans for Lakeville's future--8 P.M,, Municipal Bldg. X317 A 21-page report on "Planned Unit Development" of Planner Ryans was discussed by Commissioners, Planner, and Attorney Knutson. This draft covers every phase from the application requirements and standards to final inspection. It outlines all the procedures by which Planning Commission is to evaluate the material and come to itsdecisions. Haglund-Campbell motioned to recommend to Council that this PUD Ordinance be adopted--with memo being made. to Council that it has been read and approved by City Attorney. Lau abstained from voting because "he-had not read its-not hav redeived a copy. Motion carried. x131.8 Matter of proposed Sign Ordinance was tabled until next meeting, May 15th, upon a motion by Lutgens-Jojade. Motion carried. More of a position on how to handle billboards was needed. Motion carried. #31° -0pinion was given by Attorney Knutson that "Agree, you can restrict mobile homes to parks." Lutgens-Jojade motioned to table t~.ler ordinance until meeting of May 15th when legal counsel will have the information that they ask on present trailers in Lakeville. Motion carried. PAGE 2 ~+/2~/75 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING April 2~, 1975 PAGE 3 #320 Report on Home Occupations made tay Planner Ryan, had been received by Commissioners. Attorney Knutson said that it wt~,ld be "highly restrictive, but should be handled 'conditional use', was Attorney Pat Farrell's view- - point." Planner Ryan made statement he felt conditional use permit should be annually renewed first year, and then bi-annually. It was Attorney Knutson's opinion that day care center for children should be considered "educational", rather than a home occupation, and this category would number up to six children, anything over this number would need a conditional use permit. Antolik-Baumgartner motioned "there was need for day care centers and wish Attorney to draw up such ordinance, send it to Council, then back to Planning Commission for its public hearing. Motion carried. 321 Motion by Antolik-Campbell "recommendation to have Attorney draw up material on Home Occupation Ordinance, send to Council, then have it come back to Planning-Commission for public hearing. Motion carried. Capital Improvements Program, as outlined by Financial Advisor Bob Pulscher, was reported on by Public Works Director Robinette. Paving for two-way road on 175th St. was what had been original intent of both himself and Commissioners. X322 Moton_bv Haglund-Lutgens "recommend to Council that "in all future`plats~_~ approved by the City, the developer should be financially responsible and make. all required public improvements." Motion carried. Under Capital Improvements Program, Commissioners ask that road in SE Lakeville to enable citizens living there good road access to well-traveled road, be re-instated in the program. They wish also to know more about what priorities are to be given which items of improvement program. Antolik-Lutgens made motion to adjourn meeting. Time: 12:30 A.M. Res c fully submitted, Z~~~.' ohn Antolik, Secretary mek i PAGE 3 ~/2~/75