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LAKEVILLE PLAtiNING COMMZ55ION iKEETINCx MIidUTES THURSDAY MAY 15, 1975 MUNICIPAL &JIDING .AIRLAKE IldDUSTRIAL F'K Meeting.. was called to order at $:ls P.M, by Chairman H. Lau. Answering roll call were Lau: Antolik, Lutgens, Campbell, and Baumgartner, absent were Haglund and Jo jade. The minutes of the April 24th meeting were read. Campbell and Lau moved .and seconded approval of minutes.. Motion carried. Bldg Inspector also present. #323 Mr. Don Johnson: Charles M. Friedheim Co. representative, was present and applying for approval of a building permit f©r agravel-washing structure at their plant on east service road o£ 35W in westQrn Lakeville. .There was a discussion as to hoursaf operation, Motion to, approve the building permit, subject to PCA regulations, was made by Campbell-Anto~ik. Motion carried. (Financed by industrial revue bands, City of Lakeville. X324 Building Inspector and Commissioners discussed Ordinance No. 68. Question was. whether ar not-restriction. of 3-acre minimum applys to 'bld" plats as well as "future" plats,-dated fx'om January 1974, when. ordinance was made. Motion by Lau that "recommend to`amend Ordinance No. 6$ so that anything platted after Jan. 7,.1974 w©u1d be subject. to thas ordinance, but anything ghat was platter before .that would live up to Ordinance No. 42. Lutgens seconded. Motion carried..: Recommendation to Council that action an mobile homes is premature, 'by Lau. -pi.d not have a secx~nd. (This concerns Ordinance No 9 amendment. Antolik wished to amend Ordinance No. 42, automatically amending No. q--.then withdrew his motion. ~32g Antolik motioned to "accept amendment to Ordinance No. 42, as stated in, the proposal which had: been received by ~mmissianers from the Gity Attorney." (A copy is on file. with these minutes.} Lutgens seconded. Motion carried.. Lau voted "nay'', stating: he thinks we are moving .too fast. on it because we have a 1ot`of rural. area trailers and gravel pits, etc._, where there are security trailers. Lutgens said he voted "aye" becaus® "better to `a© this now when we have 31 rather :than later when we have 231." ~32b Re~mmendaton to Council that "home occupations" ordinance be passed; motion. by Antolik-Campbell. Motion carried. ~cplanatian of Central ~isness District Improvenent Concept for Lakeville was given by Councilman R. Brander for Commissioners acceptance. When approval is given at the Lakeville stage, the plan will be sent to Metro Council for their approval. This approval "will put.. us in a better position far Federal grants at a later date,'--it is thought. X327 Recomraencl to Council to accept gea~eral concept of downto~m central business district-.-motion by Lutgens and Campbell. Motion carried.. Discussion of fire barn for Lakeville ensued,. and whether it could be best located. in far northeastern corner of the City or more Cedar-Dodd corner. It seeped to be the consensus of opinion that if .fire barn: was `located in one far corner of the City, the other corners, (particularly the well- populated area of prchard Lake}, was going to need one as we11. Councilman fond who was present, said: it was hi.s belief that volunteers could get from present .location to a fire in Valley Park area-almost as roan as volun~,eers could get from their homes in Valley. Park to an outlying station, °~`'rt;'` then b t Valley Park: ,d Motion to ad~aurn at 9.55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~ cretary c mek ORDIN~?~?CE ~;0. CITY OF LAKEVILLE N DAKOTA COUixTY~ ^~Tid1~7ESOlA AT•d C~D?"NA~~CE A!~LE~~ING ORDINANCE DIO. 42, H~;II~JC l`riE, ZONING ORDT~IATVCE Or THE CITY OF Lr~'r:LVTLLE, l`~II~tiESOTA -The City Council of the City of Lakeville..ordans as follot~s: Section 1. chat Ordinance N©. 42 be a*nended by amerdirg Section. 3.2 (50} thereof to read as follows: t"obile Hone. Any non self-propelled vohi cle used or~so constructed as to permit its being used as a conve1Tance upon the public streets or highways designed, constructed or reconstructed in such a manner as will p, rrr~.~_t she occupancy thereof as a dwelling o-r sleeping place for one or mere persons, having rao foundation other than ti,~heeis, jacks or skirting, ~~7hich has the means1=or external con- nections to electricity, wate:c and sec~~a.ge disposal. Section 2. That Ordinance,No. 42 be amended by adding thereto Section 15.5 to read as follo~ys: No otaner or renter sly<all use a mobile home for a dSaellinq or-place of abode, on either a temporary or perz~anent basis, u:izless such mobile home is located c•~ithin a licensed. mobile home park. Section 3. That_Ordinance No. 42 be amer_ded by adding thereto Section' 15.5 to :read as follows : Conditional use permits shall not be granted ..for mo~iile :homes. to be 'used as d~,,rellings outside a licensed mobile -home park. • Section 4. This Ordinance shall not at the outset a ply to existing mobile homes. However, z~ithin three~(3) years of the. effective. date Qf this Ordinance, all mobile homes shall be brought into cbnforr,~.ance with this Ordina~~ce. ~ ~~rtion 5. ^~i,s Orc~inarce sha7.1 becom~~ es:fec~iv~ u~r.l c.C'XC~~~_'..0:2 ana i7L?a71~C3t;tOn c"1CCO?"{~3.nCJ 'C4 la.ti~r. ~~cio~~teu .~.~~s day of ,1975 ,~tiT tic C~~Y Cc~uncil`,or ' r; ~y o_~ I.akw13_~e. ~n~ CITY Or LC-~~rVILLE ~ E•:~c~ra:c' T~Ia ko , T•Iayo r ~~m~~~T: .2a~celln~ ~-Ternszro?~, Cl~:rk t