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Mayor Bellows called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Present: Mayor Mark Bellows
Council Member Laurie Rieb
Council Member Kerrin Swecker
Council Member Matt Little
Council Member Colleen L
Also Present: Roger Knutson, City Attofr
Steve Mielke, City Administrs
Tom Vonhof, Police Chief
David Olson, Community & Ecoridmic Development Director
Dennis Feller, FirY iface Director
Steve Michaud, P
Chris Petree, Ope
Daryl ylorey, Plannirtg f3wector
!ledges Cjty:lerk
Chris Johnson, 160$ t?,venue; addressed the City Council
rega ding . dangerous traffie`conditions on Flagstaff Avenue between
ir Street an• podd �levard. Mr. Mielke stated the City has
onducted traffic nalysis'1 ,this area in previous years. He stated staff will
et with Mr. Johnson to share that information as well as traffic calming
opt4pns that have bin identified. He pointed out that there are costs
assowafed with trot calming, and the City Council will need to review
this mater at an upcoming work session.
Ron Gerk, 10466 West 175th Street, expressed his concern with property
valuations in Lakeville and encouraged the City Council and staff to
challenge the Dakota County Assessor's Office with respect to property
Presentations /Introductions
JUNE 6,2011
eation Director
nance Director
Fire Chief Mike Meyer presented a Chief's Award of Merit to Denise Peltier
and Michael Peltier, who called 911 and alerted nearby residents that
JUNE 6, 2011
Page 2
their house was on fire. Their efforfs spared the family of any injury and
got emergency services to the scene quickly to extinguish the fire and
limit the amount of damage to the home.
City Engineer Keith Nelson presented an engineering project update.
Council Member Swecker asked if the Dodd Boulevard reconstruction
project identified in the Capital Improvement Plan could be moved up to
an earlier date to avoid having to mill and overlay dt same roadway
this year Mr. Nelson stated he would contact Datc-ota County and report
back to the Council.
Chris Petree presented the May monthlyVport of the Operations &
Maintenance Department.
Consent Agenda
11.36 Motion was made by Rieb, seconded by LaBe�to approve the consent
agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. Minutes d th M 16, 201 1 y Council meeting and the May 23,
2011 Cedric
c. Resolution l0 1t -52 for the coa, erative purchase of election
f. Agreerr Sffwith Dakota County for revocation of a portion of CSAH
70 (21 ?Street) right -of -way.
Ordinance o. 8 mending Title 1, Chapter 4 of the Lakeville City
Code concerning enforcement.
Resolution No11 -53 approving plans and specifications and setting
bid date fofSafe Routes to School, Improvement Project 08 -09.
Resolution No. 11-54 approving a performance measures program.
h. Resolution No. 11 -55 authorizing the sale of forfeited vehicles.
JUNE 6, 2011
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Site Improvement Performance Agreement with Minnesota Tile -
Lakeville, LLC.
Grant a 100 -day extension for recording the Kingsley Shores final
k. Grant a 100 -day extension for recording the Hosanna Fourth
Additional final plat.
Resolution No. 11-56 accepting a grants the Fire Department from
Factory Mutual Insurance Company
m. Resolution No. 11 -57 extending.[
n. Resolution No. 11-58 awarding con
improvements, Improvement Projec
o. Cost -Share Agreement
Organization and contr wi
9.3 acres of City -owned proper
isory committee fi
he 2011 stree
s of office.
million RiverWatershed Joint Powers • •
• r t e Restorations, Inc. to stabilize
.South Creek and tributaries.
p. Resolutiotallo Tf?59 accepting donations from various sources for
the a1 nuaI roadside watershed cleanup day.
q. Resolution
ins #rectors.
approving::alaries for seasonal employees and
Booster Pisrnp Instatiation and Cost Share Agreement with
Christopherpd Tarrrny Omdal, 18065 Ixonia Avenue.
Resolution No 11 -61 accepting donation from Apple Inc. to the
lice Department.
Roll call woe ta4 en on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Item 7 - Lakeville Commerce Center Third Addition
William Matzek of Kimley -Horn and Associates, representing Walmart Real
Estate Business Trust, requested Council approval of the Lakeville
Commerce Center Third Addition preliminary plat. A Walmart store is
proposed to be constructed on 15.94 acres on the east side of Keokuk
JUNE 6,2011
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Avenue, south of 205th Street, north of 210th Street and west of Interstate
Community & Economic Development Director Dave Olson presented the
planning report. He explained that the site is zoned C -3, General
Commercial District, and the proposed Walmart store is a permitted use.
The Planning Commission held a public hearing on May 19th and
unanimously recommended approval of Lakeville Commerce Center
Third Addition. He pointed out that the zoning c>rrc pance limits the overall
height of the parking lot light poles to 35 feet nd .( style lighting will be
utilized throughout the parking lot.
Mr. Olson explained that a traffic imppct analysis was cot{ 3eted by the
developer and was reviewed by the City's traffic `igineer Wile this
development in itself does not necessitate The eed for interseetian
improvements at 205th Street and Kenrick Av slue, improvements will likely
be required in the future as fsurrounding areas develop. Walmart
representatives have agreed -t a $75,000 cash ,escrow toward a
future round -a -bout at 205th Street an enrick Avenue.
` F
Mr. Olson stated Walmart represent s are requesting approval of only
the preliminarya }at at time to w them an opportunity to finalize
the develo ti contract and revise the final site, grading and
mr a
stormwater nagement plans. Staffi recommends approval of
preliminary plats blec#'to 10 stipulations as recommended by the
Plannin Commis
luncil Memb sweckerasked if there are any plans for roadway
mprovements along Kentt Avenue between 205th Street and 185th
pet, given the current traffic volume and the potential for increased
tra€f. Mr. Mielke stated that while there are no roadway improvements
proposed for this area, there are plans to install a pedestrian trail to
improvewpedestr4o safety.
Council Mertxaer Little asked if Walmart will be using local laborers for the
construction project. Mr. Matzek explained that the general contractor
will likely be from the upper Midwest, and subcontractors are likely to be
from the local surrounding area.
Mayor Bellows asked about a concern related to the length of the drive
isles in the parking lot. Mr. Olson stated staff would discuss this with the
developer's design engineers; however, it doesn't appear feasible to
change the parking lot design, as it would result in the elimination of
several parking stalls.
1 1 .37 Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Rieb to approve the
preliminary plat of Lakeville Commerce Center 3 Addition, subject to 10
stipulations as recommended by the Planning Commission.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unani
Item 8 - Liquor Store Economic Impact Stu
Liquor Manager Brenda Visnovec prehed a Professionai aarvices
Agreement with Shenehon Company rat ecot oinic impat study on
the City's municipal liquor operation. She TexplaKed that the pr zposed
agreement represents Phase 1 of the study, Which will address the
economic impacts of munic"r al and private off -$ale stores. It will provide
an overview of the City's currtmunrcipal liquoreration and compare
it to scenarios that assume Lakeville w 1 relinquish:.its operations and
commence licensure of off- salet1quor tQres the cost of Phase 1 is
JUNE 6, 2011
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Ms. Visnovecexplained'tat after completion of Phase 1, the City Council
will need to c '.ermine 'whether or not., to proceed with Phase 2 of the
study. Phase 2 wouldcst an additional $1 1,750 or $23,000, depending
upon whether thet ooses to remain in the business or
vac thsbusiness:.
ouncil MemberS that she supports proceeding with Phase
f the study, although sheds hesitant to spend $25,000 to study the
economic impact at the City's liquor operation, given the fact that this
operation is very prfitable.
Council tvtemYr"Little stated he does not support the proposed study. He
stated he feels the City's liquor operation is very profitable and, if the City
were to relinquish its operation, a 5% tax increase or cut in services would
be necessary to replace the revenue.
Council Member LaBeau stated she supports the study but feels that a
majority of the work could be handled in- house. She further stated she
does not support spending 3.5 million for the acquisition of land to
construct a fourth liquor store without knowing the outcome of this study.
Council Member Rieb stated she feels the study needs to be done so that
the Council can come to a consensus and make decisions for the future.
She also felt that the study should be done by an objective, third party.
Mayor Bellows stated he feels the study is necess
pursue a $3.5 million land purchase without first,:
Mayor Bellows entertained comments
in favor of the study.
11.38 Motion was made by Rieb, seconded by`'
Professional Services Agreement with Shene
a Liquor Store Economic Imp*, Study.
Roll call was taken on the motion.
Nay, Little.
Unfinished Busi
New Business
JUNE 6, 2011
Page 6
as no business would
orming a feasibility
he audience Mr. Gerk spoke
r to approve a %`
Company for Phase 1 of
ecker, LtzEeau, Rieb, Bellows.
Council CounaitUembe r Uff1e aslc c ±# at impacts a State government shutdown
wlk1/4) arthe Ctt %of Lakeville'. Mr. Mielke stated, in the short term,
iere would beo immediate impact to the City. Any additional
information rece from ty staff will be forwarded to the Council.
ncil Member Swtcker asked about the status of the Council Rules of
➢ Mr. Mielke provided an update on the developer's forum.
Approximately 35 survey responses have been received to date. A
third party will facilitate the forum and provide a written report to
the Council.
➢ Next regular City Council meeting, June 20, 2011
8:28 p.m.
JUNE 6, 2011
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11.39 Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Rieb to close the meeting to
an executive session for the purpose of discussing labor negotiations with
Teamsters Local No. 320.
Mayor Bellows adjourned the Council meeting at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
Mark Bellows, Mayor