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June 13, 2011 JUNE 20, 2011 CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ITEM FINAL ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL OF FINAL PAY ESTIMATE 205 Street Channel Stabilization City Improvement Project 07 -16 Proposed Action Staff recommends approval of final acceptance and final payment to Friedges Excavating, Inc. for the 205 Street Channel Stabilization, City Improvement Project No. 07-16. Overview Barr Engineering Co. has requested final approval and final payment to Friedges Excavating, Inc. of Pay Estimate No. 5 in the amount of $6,048.58 for the 205 Street Channel Stabilization, City Improvement Project No. 07 -16. Attached is a summary page of the final estimate. The original contract amount was $142,072.50. The final contract amount is $134,693.10. All necessary paperwork, including IC -134 and Consent of Surety to final payment, has been submitted and reviewed. Primary Issues to Consider None. Supporting Information Item No. • Final Estimate summary page • Letter from Jeff Weiss, Barr Engineering Co., dated June 9, 2011 • Consent of Surety to Final Payment • IC -134 Mac Caff Environmental Resources Manager Financial Impact: $6,048.58 Budgeted: Yes Source: Surface Water Management Fund Related Documents: Notes: RECOMMENDATION FOR PAYMENT Project: Date: Period of this Estimate: Estimate Number: Owner: Contractor: Original base bid: Changes to contract amount: Total Contract Amount: Work completed to date: Materials on hand: Less amount retained: Less previous payments: 205th Street Channel Stabilization City Project #07 -16 City of Lakeville Lakeville, Minnesota SU ARY REQUEST THIS ESTIMATE SUBTOTAL: 205th Street Channel Stabilization City Project #07 -16 June 9, 2011 May 14, 2010 to May 13, 2011 5 City of Lakeville, Minnesota Friedges, Incorporated 21980 Kenrick Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 $142,072.50 $0.00 $142,072.50 $134,693.10 $0.00 $134,693.10 $0.00 $128,644.52 AMOUNT DUE THIS PAYMENT: $6,048.58 Item- Number ... Item Description Quantities Unit. .. Unit Price Original Contract Extensions To Date As- Built .. . Extensions As Bid. As- Built 1.04A PROJECT MOBILIZATION/DEMOBILIZATION 1 . 1 LS ._ $ . 8,250.00. . $:- <, ' 8,250.00 $ . 8,250.00 1.04B SITE GRADING 500 665 CY $ 27.00 $ 13,500.00 5 17,955.00 1.04C CLEARING & GRUBBING 1 1 LS $ 5,245.00 $ 5,245.00 $ 5,245.00 1.040 REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF SELECTED TREES .. 32 62 EACH $ 240.00 $ 7,680 00 $ 14,880.00 1.04E ROCK FILTER DIKE 110 29 TON $ 36.90 $ 4,059.00 $ 1,070.10 1.04F INLET SEDIMENTATION PROTECTION 1 1 EACH $ 575.00 $ 575.00 $ 575.00 1.04G FIELDSTONE RIPRAP MnDOT CL IV 400 281 TON $ 44.75 $ 17,900.00 $ 12,574.75 1.04H GRANULAR FILTER 260 415 TON 5 26.00 $ 6,760.00 $ 10,790.00 1.041 ANGULAR RIPRAP MnDOT CL II 200 145 TON $ 52.00 $ 10,400.00 $ 7,540.00 1.04J ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 1 1 EACH $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 1.041< EROSION CONTROL BLANKET B00 1750 SY $ 1.18 $ 944.00 $ 2,065.00 1.04L NATIVE SEEDING AND COVER CROP 0.4 0.4 ACRE $ 1,750.00 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 1.04M TURF SEEDING AND COVER CROP 0.1 0.1 ACRE $ 820.00 $ 82.00 $ 82.00 1.04N IMPORT TOPSOIL 100 CY $ 12.00 $ 1,200.00 $ - 1.040 BIOLOG 1400 554 LE $ 15.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 8,310.00 1,04P VEGETATED REINFORCED SOIL STABILIZATION (V.R.S.5. 550 280 SF $ 16.85 $ 9,267.50 $ 4,718.00 1.040 LIVE STAKES 600 263 EACH $ 3.75 $ 2,250.00 $ 986.25 1.04R 1 -INCH BARE ROOT TREE 36 43 EACH $ 80.00 $ 2,880,00 $ 3,440.00 1.04S 2 -INCH BARE ROOT TREE 18 41 EACH $ 120.00 $ 2,160.00 $ 4,920.00 1.04T 6 -FOOT BALL AND BURLAP WHITE PINE TREES 16 27 EACH $ 200.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 5,400.00 1.04U NUMBER 2 CONTAINER SHRUBS 150 300 EACH $ 42.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 12,600.00 1.04V BOULDER VANE CONSTRUCTION 125 143 LF $ 44.00 $ 5,500.00 $ 6,292.00 1.04W TEMPORARY FENCING 1200 0 LF $ 4.60 $ 5,520.00 $ - 1 04X 2-YEAR NATURAL PLANTING ESTABLISHMENT 1 1 LS $ 5,500.00 $ 5 500.00 $ 5,500.00 _S ' Y ... 4 3 ._ w.. Total Base Bid $142 072 5D i 4 $ ! 3 93.11 • i .. _: ... 205th Street Channel Stabilization City Project #07 -16 City of Lakeville Lakeville, Minnesota Materials Stored on Site grwwxarot Extension $ $ $0.00 Material Description Total Amount of Materials Stored On Site Quantity Stored Unit Unit Price Change Orders Change Order Description Total Amount of Change Orders Quantity in CO Quantity As- Built q . Unit Unit Price Addition to Contract To Date As -Built Amount Extension $ - $ CO # $0.00 This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the au of work certified herein are fair approximate estimates for the per Name of Contractor: Friedges, Incorporated 205th Street Channel Stabilization City Project #07 -16 City of Lakeville Lakeville, Minnesota Signed: Title: Date: This is to certify that the work shown in the Statement of Work certified herein has been actually furnished for the above - mentioned project in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore approved and that the total work is 100% complete as of May 13, 2011. l hereby recommend payment of this voucher. Name of Engineering Firm: Barr Engineering Company Signed:! r / Title: P o' t Engineer Date: 6' .) A l RECOMMENDED FOR PAYMENT BY T lTY OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA Signed: Title: City Engineer Date: Signed: Title: Finance Director Date: June 9, 2011 Keith Nelson City Hall 20195 Holyoke Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 Re: City Project #07 -16 - 205th Street Channel Closeout and Final Payment Application Dear Mr. Nelson: Attached are closeout documents and the final Application for Payment No. 5 for 56048.58. We recommend final payment as set forth in the enclosed documents. The following closeout documents are attached: • Final Payment Application (Section 01770, 1.06) • Consent of surety for final payment (General Conditions, GC 14.07, A.2.b) • Copy of IC -134 form Although these documents generally appear to be in order, they have not been reviewed for completeness or correctness. These are legal documents and may require interpretation from the City of Lakeville attorney. Please contact me at 952 -832 -2706 regarding any questions. Sincerely, Jeff Weiss, P.E. resourceful. naturally. BARR engineering and environmental consultants Barr Engineering Co. 4700 West 77th Street, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55435 952.832.2600 www.barrcam nsent of Surety to Final Payment PROJECT: (Name and address) ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: Improvement Project No. 07.16 TO ,(Nariie and address) City of I akevzlle: 20 195 13olvoke Avenue Lakeville MN 551144 In a cordaT ce with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and :the Contractor as indicated; above, the /J sex: arzine an ddress 0f `urety1 Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual) 2100 Fleur Drive Des Moines, Iowa 50321 :an iondof:'. rese rrair : tine r s of ; Contraactor)' Frie ges:- 219803 Kbnrick Avenue 1 ake ille, 55044 as sex forth in said Surety's bond. CONTRACT FOR 205th Street Channel Stabilization CONTRACT DATED October 9th, 2008 994 , CONTRACTOR, 'her ;y approves of the final payment to the Contractor, and agrees that final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve-the : Surety of any of its obligations to lns g)q_cini and adtlr esc of Owner) C i 0 . evx l e 20195 Halyolce Avenue` Lakevil'le,1vN 55044 1U NESS WHEREOF, the Surety has hereunto set its hand on this date: .Insert in writing the month followed by the numeric date and year) June 6th, 20 1.1 Merchants Bonding Company (Muttia (Sur°e MNC 52919 (Signature . thor ized representati Nicole M. Coty, Attorney -in. =fact OWNER C❑ ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR D SURETY D OTHER D SURETY, OWNER, (Printed naante and title) CAUTION: You shou €ti sign an ctrieginai A €A Contract Document; on which this text appears in TEED. An original assures that changes will not be obscured. ALA Document G707T' —1994. Copyright 01970 and 1994 by The American institute of Architects. All rights: reserved. WARNING: This AIe' Ccaeument i3 protected 'b. 13.9. Copyright La1N : end internaeionat Treaties: Unauthorized reproduction cr' distributio' - of this. AID Document, or any portion of it, may < result in severe civil and criminal penalties. and will be prosecuted to the maximum a ttent•possible under the lau. Purchasers are permitted to reproduce ten . {1 0) copies of this document when compieted. To report copyright Violations of AEA Contract nocurhents; e - mail The American Institute of Architects`. legal'eounse&, copyright @aia.org..: 7026n 0 p y � TA d Document GMT — 1994 Instructions s Consent of Surety to Final Payment GENERAL INFORMATION Purpose This document is intended for use as a companions to AIA Document G706, Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims, on construction projects where the Contractor is required to furnish a bond. By obtaining the Surety's approval of final payment ent to the Contractor and its agreement that final payment will not relieve the Surety of any of its obligations, the Owner may preserve its rights under the bond. Related Documents. This document may be used with most of the AI.A's Owner- Contractor agreements and general conditions, such as A201 and its related family of documents. As noted above, this is a companion document to AIA Document G706, Use of Current Documents Prior to using any AIA Contract Document, users should consult www.aia.org or a local AIA component to verify the most recent edition. Reproductions This document is a copyrighted work and may not be reproduced or excerpted from without the express written permission of the AIA. There is no implied permission to reproduce this document, nor does membership in The American Institute of Architects confer any further rights to reproduce this document, The AIL. hereby grants the purchaser a limited license to reproduce. maximum of ten copies of a completed G707, but only for use in connection with a particular project. The AIA.. will not permit reproduction outside of the limited license for reproduction granted above except upon written request and receipt of written permission from the AIA. Rights to reproduce the document may vary for users of AIA software. Licensed AIA software users should consult the End User License Agreement (EULA). To report copyright violations of AIA Contract Documents, e -mail The American Institute of Architects' legal counsel, copyright@aia.org. CHANGES FROM -THE PREVIOUS EDITION Changes in the location of various items of information were made, without revision to the substance of the document. COMPLETING G707-1994 General The bond form is the usual source of required information such as the contract date and the names and addresses of the Surety, Owner. Contractor and Project. Architect's Project No. This information is typically supplied by the Architect a Contract For This refers to the scope of the contract, such:as "General Construction" or "Mechanical Work." EXECUTING THE DOCUMENT entered on the form by the Contractor. The G707. form requires both the Surety's seal and the signature of the Surety's authorized representative. AIA Document 0707r" -- 1994. Copyright ©1970 and 1994 by The American institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AIA Document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and international Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Ale Document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Purchasers are permitted to reproduce ten (10) copies of this document when completed. To report copyright violations of AIA Contract Documents, e- mail The American Institute of Architects' legal counsel, copyright @an.org. Know All Persons. By These Presents, that the MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL), a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, and having its principal office in the City of Des Moines, County of Polk, State of Iowa, hath made, constituted and appointed,. and does by these presents make, constitute and appoint . Litton E.S. Field, Jr., M.A. Jones, Nicole M Coty of St, Paul and State of Minnesota its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver in its behalf as surety any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written obligations in the nature thereof, subject to the limitation that any such instrument shall not exceed the amount of: TWENTY MILLION (S20,OOO,000.00) DOLLARS and to bind the MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bond or undertaking was signed by the duly authorized officers of the MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL), and all the acts of said Attorney -in -Fact, pursuant to the authority herein given, are hereby ratified and confirmed, This Power -of- Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following Amended Substituted and Restated By- Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of the MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) on November 16, 2002. ARTICLE 11, SECTION 8 - The Chairman of the Beard or President or any Vice President or Secretary shall have power and authority to appoint Attorneys -in -Fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof. ARTICLE I! SECTION 9 - The signature of any authorized officer and the Seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or Certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, reccgnizanoe, or other suretyship obligations of the Company, and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually fixed. in Witness Whereof, MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) has caused these presents to be signed by its President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, this 5th day of May , 2011. STATE OF IOWA COUNTY OF POLK se. STATE OF IOWA COUNTY OF POLK se POA 0001 (1/09) MERCHANT"S BONDING COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY On this 5th day of May , 2011 , before me appeared Larry Taylor, to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn did say that he is President of the MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL), the corporation described in the foregoing instrument, and that the Seal affixed to the said instrument is the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Beard of Directors. In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal at the City of Des Moines, Iowa, the day and year first above written. CINDY SMYThi s cormission 1'Jtrtfxa'173 D4- gown Me , 2012 MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) ( President Notary Public, Polk County, awa !, Wiliam Warner, Jr,, Secretary of the MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL), do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the POWER -OF- ATTORNEY executed by said MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL), which is still in full force and effect and has not been amended or revoked. in Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Company on this 6th day of June 2011 Secretary M N.fi' T SOTA • R.EVEN U E Contractor's Withholding Affidavit Confirmation FRIEDGES EXCAVATING INC ID 4914240 Please keep this information for your records. Submit a copy of this page to the project owner to receive your final payrnent. Confirmation number 382958 Mon May 23 14:19:11 CDT 2013 Project owner CITY OF LAKEVILLE Project number 07 -16 Project begin date April 2009 Project end date June 2009 Project location 205TH STREET, LAKEVILLE, MN Subcontractors No subcontractors listed. Page 1 of 1 https: / /www.mndor. state. mn. .us!wc /action/confirrnationPrint 5/23/2011