HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.eSeptember 6, 2011
Item No.
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve facility use
agreement with ISD #194 — facility use agreement for an 18 -hole disc golf course at
Kenwood Trail Middle School.
O verview
Staff has been working to design and secure authorization from the Lakeville schoo!
district to install an 18 -hole disc golf course at Kenwood Trail Middle School. The
Lakeville school board approved the facility use agreement August 23. The facility use
agreement is now ready for City Council review and consideration of approval.
In February, 2011 Jane and Joe Miller donated equipment necessary to build an entire
18 -hole disc golf course. This spring, staff inspected ail course apparatus and found
everything in good condition. Early this summer, the course was removed from the
Miller property and is now in the City's possession. if granted approval by the City
Council, our goal is to begin installation of holes 1, 2 and 13 through 18. These holes
are the easiest to install and when complete, vrou,d be readily available for school and
public use.
In addition to the actual baskets used in the sport, the City will need to purchase or
fabricate ground sleeves to install the baskets. Temporary signage, including directional
signs, hole numbers, tee box locations and rules and regulations will neod to be
fabricated. Once the first eight holes are complete, efforts to install the remaining holes
will begin. All of the remaining holes are located in the wcoded areas to the west of the
school building and follow a well - established trail system.
Several groups of volunteers have come forward to help with the clearing of fairways
(underbrush) in the wooded area. The groups include an eagle scout, a church group,
area disc golf enthusiasts and the Dakota County STS crew. The City will supervise the
efforts and assist with cleanup and removal of debris. Most debris will consist of brush,
which we plan to chip and use on site as trail surfacing.
An estimated maintenance schedule is attached. We believe certain maintenance tasks
may be delegated to volunteers, reducing the City's efforts. Also attached is a
development plan of which portions have . completed. The 2011 -2012 park
dedication fund budget has $10,000 allocted each year to assist with providing
adequate signage, tee boxes and other site improvements that may be necessary.
Finally, staff is requesting City Council consider approving the facility use agreement
with Independent School District #194 for the purpose of installing an 18 -hole disc golf
course at Kenwood Trail Middle School.
Prinary Issues to :Consider
Overall coordination of use between the school district and public use has
been addressed
• The Park Maintenance Department has the ability to provide necessary
maintenance and upkeep of the facility
Su porton7 information
Facility use agreement between City of Lakeville and independent School
District #194 including exhibits, signed by lSD #194
• Development plan
• Ongoing maintenance schedule and open hours
▪ Letter to Tony IMlassaros dated June 24
Gerald S. Michaud
Parks & Recreation Director
Financial Impact: $10,000 Budgeed: Source:
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):
Notes: Park Dedication Fund
AG 23rd da) , August
RFLIVIENT mcde this 2011 by -1 between the CITY Of
LAKEVILLE, a Minnesota nrinicirti co:Ft (Ciry"), d INDEPENDENT SCHOOL
tusntic r NO. 194 ("District).
WPZRY,A.S, City wili construct an eighteen (1) hole disc golf cows..., (' Facility") at the
Dirr Kenwod Middle School; end
WHEREAS, the.; parties def, to provide icint Ine of the PK:14; amyl
WHEREVil, thir: Agre-aimit sets forth the, rights and oblip .7".,'" the . 7artitz re:n.g to join:
- use of thz, Facility.
NOW, TUEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
Except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement tin:I:attics' anlended end.
7etated Joint Power ,s Agreement dated. October 16, 2006 shall a;sply t the Facility.
The City will construct and pay for the Facility genurAly 10 accordance with tbi
P.1an. Iixhibit "A.."
The City and Dittrict ha0 the. Fity in. accordance with th... ter!nr.
and conditions set forth herein.
This Agreement shi.di 1.)! - ,Cor a term of fir- (5) ears commencing on tlx date of
tht's A.grement and shall arternatically renew or succ.-esivc five (5) year tcrnr unles6 one
n.c.,titP...a t; ether party at least three (3) months before the end. of a term that it is terminatit4; is
Agreemeat, hire District mz‘y, terminate this Agr, =; it applies to the property
describef',. the attached &Whit "B' et anytime, if the IT;h:hict chooAe., to 301 the property
put lt t Arent use.
US('. Sc' eduling. Tlw facility shall be use by 1 patties
If t13 i
a. District: will have primary use of the Facility on school days from 6 :00 am
until 5 :30 pm.
b. The City shall have primary use of the Facility on school days from 5 :30 pm.
until 6:00 ern., and at all tines Saturuays, Sundays, Summer vacation, and any
other day that school is not in session.
e. Each party may schedule facility time during the other parties' primary use,
with the primary party's consent, which may not be unreasonably withheld if
time is available.
6. Ownership. City is the owner of the Facility; excluding the real estate upon
which it is located which is owned by the District, subject to the rights and obligations of the
parties as set forth in this Agreement.
7. Maintenance and Upkeep. Upon construction of the Facility, City shall be
responsible for all maintenance, repairs, replacement and upkeep of the Facility and the
maintenance of the grass and grounds upon which the Facility is constructed.
8. Users of the Facility may park in the east parking lot of the Kenwood Middle
9. Durinr, the disc golf season the City shah, at the City's expense, furnish one
portable toilet for users of the Facility.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have subscribed their names on the date specified.
NO. 194
I Cler
Mark Bellows, Mayor
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
St. ...—
r .74
.!• .7
V •
L() 41k,
Op I
PARCEL ID No. 22-01900-26-010
That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 114, Range
20, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of State Highway No. 50, containing
approximately 16.61 acres; EXCEPTING therefrom that part platted as Oak Knolls Addition.
Exhibit B
Design Complete
Layout /location concept Concept complete
Removal of Miller course
Underway as time allows:
- Involves removing basket from galvanized in- ground sleeve Complete
Existing footing and sleeve to remain covered with black dirt, seeded Complete
Inspect all baskets, make repairs as required Complete
Purchase or fabricate new sleeves and basket locks
Disc Course Installation
Basket Installation (open areas)
- Locate exact hole site (consultant)
- Drill holes — several in preparation of concrete pour
- Pour concrete, set anchors and sleeves
- After concrete sets up, drop baskets in and lock
Need to develop sign plan to include:
- Tee box locations /hole distance /par
- Next hole directional
- Rules and regulations (general)
- Tobacco /alcohol signs at entrance
Basket Installation (wooded areas) September - October
- Mark actual area to clear underbrush
Clear underbrush
May use mechanical equipment including tractors or mowers
Some areas may require clear cutting by hand using chainsaws or heavy clippers
All brush to be pilled and chipped on site
All down, dead trees to be cut up and removed or chipped
Tree trimming of obvious larger limbs that obstruct flight line or are considered a
safety issue
Once fairway and green areas are cleared, basket installation may take place using the
same process previously established
Portable restrooms / trash receptacles
- City currently provides portable restroom most of the summer due Existing
to existing use of school grounds by youth summer athletic activities
- City will provide standard trash can and monitor and empty as required September
Disc Course Maintenance & Open Hours
1 hour Inspection to verify issues, safety, repairs
Trash pick up during inspection
Bi- weekly (as needed)
2 hours Rough mowing where required
(may be longer time period between cuts)
3 hours
8 hours
Inspection of all equipment (volunteer task)
Spring cleanup (volunteer task)
Bi- annually
4 hours Misc tree trimming
6 hours Sign inspections /touch up
Time commitment may vary depending upon usage and time of year
Open Hours (public use)
School in session 4:30 p.m. — 9 p.m. M -F
8 a.m. — 9 p.m. Sat -Sun
Summer vacation 8 a.m. — 9 p.m. 7 days per week
Course will be closed during all school special events and athletic events
June 24, 2011
Tony Massaros
Director of Administrative Services
Lakeville Public Schools, ISD #194
8670 210 St. W.
Lakeville, MN 55044
Dear Mr. Massaros:
The City of Lakeville was gifted all necessary apparatus to install a complete 18 -hole disc golf
course including accessories used in the sport. As such, the City is reviewing sites to install a
community disc golf course. Because such a facility requires ample open space without conflict
of existing heavy -use facilities, four sites were suggested for review. The sites included land
owned by the City south of Lakeville South High School, Kenwood Trail Middle School,
Casperson Park and East Community Park. The City hired a professional disc golf course
designer to assist with the site analysis and course design.
Prior to any of these sites being reviewed, contacts were made to South High School Principal
Scott Douglas, Kenwood Trail Middle School Principal Kate Eisenthal and Buildings and Grounds
Supervisor Stan Frederickson. All expressed an interest in continuing the possibility of such a
facility and requested to be kept informed of the review process. Following our review of the
different sites, Kenwood Trail Middle School scored the highest using criteria established to
create a quality course. Stan Frederickson and Kate Eisenthal were informed of the review and
permission was granted to lay out a proposed course.
Once complete, Stan and Kate were invited to walk the layout and hear a detailed presentation
by the course designer explaining all the criteria used to lay out the course pattern, including
work necessary to accomplish installation of an 18 -hole disc golf course. Following the meeting,
both Stan and Kate were impressed with the course layout and agreed the next step would be
to present a written report to school administration for review.
City of Lakeville • 20195 Holyoke Ave. • Lakeville, MN 55044
952 - 985 -4400 • fax 952- 985 -4499 • www.lakevillemn.gov
• Southern gateway to the Twin Cities •
Issues to consider:
Installation of the proposed facility
It is understood the City of Lakeville will be responsible for the installation of the disc golf
facility. Work will consist of underbrush clearing of fairways, installation of baskets, tee boxes
and directional signage. The initial plan is to begin installing the first 9 holes north of 192 "d
Street and the school building. Additional holes located northwest and west of the track and
soccer fields would be installed as time allows. Our goal is to complete all 18 holes in 2011.
Ongoing maintenance and upkeep
The City of Lakeville will be responsible for ongoing maintenance and upkeep of course
facilities. Certain areas now being mowed by the school district may be reduced. The final scope
of maintenance will be reviewed and agreed upon by City and school district staff.
Public use vs. school use
School staff Indicated a desire to Incorporate the opportunity to accommodate physical
education class activity into the course design. Actual course design incorporated this feature.
School schedule will take priority when establishing open hours. Example: Those times in the
spring and fall when the course would be available for school use, public use would be limited
to after - school hours and weekends only. Summer hours would be established following the end
of the school year and approved by both groups.
Authorization of the facility
The City and school district have shared facilities use under a joint powers agreement
successfully for many years. An addendum to the existing master joint powers agreement
would be required and need approval by both governing bodies. The process has been used
successfully in the past. The City will process the changes to the existing agreement for both
bodies to review.
For your review, a copy of the course layout and a draft joint - powers agreement addendum is
attached. Due to the flexibility of such a facility, it is important to understand established holes
may be relocated with ease at any time. If for some reason the entire course does not meet
with the school district's mission or other types of uses become a greater priority, the facility
may be removed or relocated in a relatively short timeline.
I can be reached at 952 - 985 -4601 to answer any questions. Thank you for your consideration
of this proposal.
Best regards,
Steve Michaud
Parks & Recreation Director
cc: Steve Mielke, City Administrator
Mark Klett, Director of Business Services
Kate Eisenthal, Kenwood Trail Middle School Principal
Stan Frederickson, ISD #194 Buildings and Grounds Supervisor
Dennis Feller, Finance Director
John Hennen, Park Maintenance & Operations Manager