Meeting was called to order by Chairman Lau at $ P M. Members
present were Lau, Antolik, VanBellinger, Haglund, arandes, and Lutgens-..
Dunham was absent.
VanBellinger and Brandes motioned and seconded to approve the min-
utes of the December 27th meeting. Motion carried.
133. The postponed preliminary public hearing on John W. Hrkal plat was
held. The property contains 2.42 acres and is located on the north
side of Orchard Lake, north of 167th Street, directly north of the
Weisner plat, and south of Deer Park Addition. Brandes made motion .
to approve the Hrkal preliminary plat, subject to the new ordinance
acid there would be deed restrictions on the property as far as
building permits are concerned, so that anybody buying the property
would be fully cognizant that a variance is required where there is
no water and sewer available. Haglund seconded. Motion carried.
134. Mr. Art Liebfried appeared to discuss plans for an office building
and shopping center to be located on 2 1/3 acres east of the res_
taurant known as 'The Place", located on hwy ,5t?. Haglund made motion
to approve office building plans, subject to planners approval of an
over-all site plan, plus engineer's signature and planner's signature.
VanHellinger seconded. Motion carried,
There was a discussion on the need for a step by step form for develop-
. ere in Lakeville and applicants for building pexmits, so that they will
know what procedure to follow to best expedite their interests.
It was reported by Lau that Fire Chief Marek is accumulating copies
of other city ordinances. governing the number of exits and other safety
measures required for home beauty shops, ceramics classes, etc..
13,x. Lau motioned and Haglund seconded, that whoever is responsible be
asked to furnish a record of conditional use permits that have been
granted iri Lakeville over the past five years, in order that those
that are due and need to be re-Hewed, as well as those which are past
due, may be taken care of. Motion carried.
VanBellinger made motion to adjourn, Antolik seconded, at 9':45 P M.
Motion carried.
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