HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-31-74 J.ADIUARY 31, 174 MINUTES pF LAKEVILLE PLAI~NINt~ CpMi~1ISSIpN
Meeting was called to order at 8:Op PM by Chairman H. Lau. A7.1 members were
in attendance. Motion was made by Lutgens, seconded by Antolik, to approve the
January lpth minutes.
~s 136. Public hearing for conditional use permit for beaut sho in the home of b r
Y P Ro e t
D. and ivanne Hillman was heard. Home is located at 16366 Flagstaff Av iri
Valley Park. Mr. Hillman stated this is to be a one-chair shop and there is
plenty of off-street paxking; there will be two exits provided. Van~3ellinger
motioned to approve Hillman conditional use permit for two years. Motion carried.
13?• Final. hearing on John W. Hrkal plat at Orchard Lake was heard. Mr. Hrkal said
that the Council recommended eliminating Lots 1 and 2 an preliminary plat, and
make it "Lot lq; also $6po is to be accepted in lieu of park property.
A. Haglund motioned: Lutgens seconded--to approve the preliminary plat
with the changes recommended by the Council. Motion carried.
B. Motion to approve final Hrkal plat was made by Brander, seconded by Dunham.
Motion carried.
138. (Disposition of Item x#125) G & G Builders public hearing of preliminary plat
of Lakeridge Develognent, located west of Co Rd gip, between 1~2nd St and Orchard
Trail., north of new LHS building site. Planner Lee Starr explained soils map
and position of Soil Conservation pffice in this matter. A map of park land
which has approval of Park .and Rec Committee was presented; also a letter from
Gity Engineer concerning water drainage problem--cut of roads is to be carefully
considered 3n order to prevent salt drainage into lake. The plat contains 89
lots, approximately I.4 lot per acre. There was doubt in minds of Gommissioners
that five of these lots are suitable as building sites. It also seemed likely
that Lat 18, Blk 6, (which is low-lying}, might better be exchanged with a lot
next to Lot 1, 81k 7, (which is an higher g~undj. The lot next to Lat 1, Blk ?
is now in park consideration. Haglund made motion to approve preliminary plat
of G & G Builders Lakeridge, subject to the approval of theCity Engineer as to
final grade--and following all recommendations made by the ASC office. It is
further understood that the Gity will not iz~sue building permits until water and
sewer is in. Questionable building sites are: Lot 1$ in Block 6, Lots 4 & in
Blk 3, Lot 4 Hlk 2, and Lot 12 81k 9. In addition, it is Planning Commission
recommendation that Lot 1$, 31.k 6, (seemingly better suited to park dedication),
be exchanged with a lot next to Lot 1, Bl.k 7: (now in park dedication), which
might be a better building site. Lau seconded the motion. Motion carried.
K. Lutgens will read the minutes at the Council meeting on February 11th.
It was reported that granta.ng of conditional use permits has only been in effect
since 1971. There are .only three which are close to terminating at this time.
Twa members of the Planning ~^,ommission whose terms are expiring are Joel Haglund and
Denny Dunham. Joel Haglund was nominated for a 3-Year term by Lau, seconded by Lutgens,
Motion carried. Denny Dunham was nominated far a 3-Year term by Lutgens, seconded by
Haglund. Motion carried. Members still having Ewa years in office are John Antolik,
Henry Lau, and Karl Lutgens; one-year terms are held by R. Brander and R. VanBellinger.
A letter of resignation was read from R. Brander. Brandes has been nominated to serve
on the City Council and has accepted. Members postponed re-placement of Brander until
next meeting.
VanBellinger moved to adjourn, Haglund seconded. Motion carried. Time• lp•1p .
Res ectf~u3ly ted,
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