HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-14-74 FEBRUARY 14, 1974 MINUTES 0~' THE LA~EVILLE Fi,ANNING CQMMISS30N In the absence of Chairman Henry Lau, Vice-Chairman Joel Haglund called the meeting to order at 8 F.M. Members answering roll were Dunham, Lutgens' Haglund, Antolik and. VanBelinger. ` Mtolk and VanBellinger moved. and seconded to approve the minutes 4f the January 33st meeting.. .Motion carried. 139. Public hearing for conditional use permit of Cary L. Farker for repair shop fortelevision and radio in his home at 8710 210th St.-was heard. °Mr. Parker stated he has a wide driveway and a<double garage and there should be no problem with .parking. There was no objection from adjoining property owners. VanT3ellinger motioned to approve conditional use permit for two-year :time period.. Lutgens'2nd .Motion carried.... 140. Public hearing was called to cansider the application of Prairie ,investment Corp, for final hearing on Planned Unit Development. The location of this property is' the `NE boundary of the "old" Village of Lakeville. Mr. Bill Price of Suburban Engineering Co. represented Prairie Investment. .Development is now called "Parkside~~. Preliminary. hearing was held.August 9, lq?3.-and was approved by the Planning<Commission. Suggested changes concerning cul-de-sac and walk- ways have been taken care of. Haglund and Lutgens moved and seconded motion to approve Prairie Investment for final hearing but felt. the "legal" sh©uld have read "final hearing on Plat", rather than "P U D"_-and is east-west green area walkway bring reduced ten feet in width due to setback on Co. Rd 64 because of the County .:Highway Dept.? Motion carried: Vice-Chairman Haglund explained objectives and duties of Planning Commission members to interested people present who were contemplating filling... vacancies on the Commission. Fresent'were; Wiirrot ~3i11) Campbell, Joe Williamson, Rod Pikus,.Duane Zaun, Nancy Hemstra, and Tom Rasmussen. .Vacancies to ge'filled are those z~f Haglund ;who has agreed to be"a candidate for. another 3_year term), and the 3-year term of Denny Dunham, who submitted his resignation-at this time'beeause of possible conflict- ing interests in the future. VanBellinger also submitted his.. resignation at this meeting. He has an unexpired term of l-year, Notice of resignations and terms of office will, be forwarded to Lakeville Council in the form of these minutes, their-meeting on the 19th of Feb. Da-ek Brander' resignation also leaves an unexpired term of one year. Election of officers was. tabled anti.]. there is a full Commission. Lutgens and Antolk will read the minutes and attend the next Council meeting. YanBellinger and Antolik motioned to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Time: 10:00' PM. Respectfully submitted, a. . ~fJohn Antolik, Secretary mek