HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-28-74 February 28, 1974 M1'NUTES OF° THE LAKEVILLE PLA"VNJ:NG COMMISSION
Meeting was::called to order by Vier.Chairman Joel Haglund at $:00 FM. Roll
call was answered by Joel `Haglund, Karl Lutgens, John Antolik, r"~id Pikes, Duane
Zaunand Wilmot Campbell.' Henry Lau was absent.
Motion to approve the minutes of the February 14th meeting was made by Lens, ,
seconded by Antclik. .Motion carried.
41. Public hearing to consider the.app2eaton of Mutual Capital Corporation for
final hearing on second addition, located Fall of the SW y of .sec T1.14, R20W, n
with two exceptions--containing approximately 70.3. acres, was heard. Mr Tom
O'Shaunessey represented Mutual Capital pak Hi11s Develo~xnent, and Gene Jacobsen
assisted him. Lutgens motioned, Campbell seconded, to approve final hearing on
second addition--subject to restrictions we now'have regarding. sewer and. water.
Nlotian carried...
142. Public hearing to consider the .application of Mutu~3. Captal.Corporation>of
final hearing on third addition; located the same as Item No. 141., was heard--
~r. Tom O'Shaunessey and Mr.' Gene Jacobsen representing ;them. Antolik motioned
and Lutgens seconded, to also approve final`hearing'on third addition--subject
to e~stin:g restrictcns Motion carried.
`143. Continuation of public hearing begun December 13,'173 meeting-._xtems 1Vo. 120.
-and No. 121--was heard. .Central Telephone Co. was the applicant, represented. by
Mr. Bab Cox and Mr,;suss Iuedtke. Item 120 was application to re-zone land
;approximately 40 acres) at 172nd and Pilot Knob Rd from R1C to Y:l~. The tele-
phone company wishes .to constructtwo buildings at this site,: on ..the northern-
most 20 acres, one now, to be used as a wire station, and the other building
sometime in the future. The company's purpose of this location is to have a
c~sntralized facility and overniht parking area for all their .service trucks
in this area. The-plan is to store a large ~uantity,of copper wire here. A
security fence is proposed, more than six feet in'hei~,ht. The fence wa11 be
of chain and does have a privacy feature--a.lso evergreens would be planted to
further hide the fence. aglund would like-to see a more detailed site`plarz
with measurements. .planner Lee Starr.. voiced the opinion that amore-detailed...:
landscape plan should be offered. Campbell motioned to deny the Central`Tele-
phone application to re-zone 1a:nd at l7~nd St and :Pilot Knob Road from Rlc to'
Ili. t~is reasons were; a. the re-.zoning would be settng.a precedent for
,spot zoning", b the. remaining 20 acres the Telephone Via. has would also be-
come I1H, and c. Ord3.r~ance 2 permits conditiflnal uses for essential-use
service structures. Lutgens seconded motion for denial of Central Telephone'
Co.'s re-zoning theix land. at .172nd and Pilot Knob Road...: Motion carried.
144. Continuation of public hearing"af .Central Telephone Co. application for
outside storage. on land located at 172nd St and Pilot Knab Road, {former Item
No. 121, dated I~cember 13th. Motion by Lutgens to deny application for..
outside storage by`Clentral>Telephone Co. at this site, same reasons as at
;Item No. 143 above--.Zaun seconded. Motion to;deny:.carred. Zt is the Planning
Commission's suggestion that Central; Telephone Co ..come again with a public
hearing for cnr~iii.tional use, amore detailed site .plan, plan of outside, storage,
and detailed landscape plan.. Mr. Russ Luedtke is to receive a letter notifying
him of Water and Sewer meetings and ,Park -and Rec meetings.
. 14g. Mr. Art Leibfried is to be asked to come to Planning Commission meeting With.,
more detaied site plan far his shopping center to be locaned on N. side of
Hwy east of "The. Place" cafe--also plan bf parking facilities. {Refer to
letter dated February 20, 1y74,_written by Planner Lee Starr, filed°with these
minutes, in connection with Leibfried development.)
. ~
dir. Lee Starr explained his suggested procedure for land sur~divison in
Lakeville. ;Letter dated February 28, 1974 on-this subject is filed with these
minutes.) He wi11 mail a copy of this letter to City Attorney and to wilding
Commissioner John Antalik will read ~q.r;~~~ minutes at Council meeting the
4th of March.
Haglundmotioned...toadjourn the. meeting--Lutgens seconded. Motion; carried.
Time--l0 : C}0 F~+i.
Re ect lly submi ed,