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` t MARCH 28, 1y74 MINUTES Or THE LAKEVILLE PLA'~INTBiG CEfISSI(3N Meeting was called to. order at 8 P M by H. Lau... Lau, Pikes, Zaun, Lutgens, Antolik and Campbell were present--Haglund absent. .Motion was made by Ants~3ik, seconded by Zaun, to approve the March 14th minutes as read. Motion carried. 148.' Public hearing of William Jackson Jr. and Gary Huth for conditional use permit to operate family youth center: at 175th. St and Kenwood Trail Argonne Farms}, was heard. Campbell: motioned to approve this conctional use permit, with the ..approval of Chiaf Rademacher.., time .,period of one year. Zaun seconded. Carried. 149. Application of Joe Duffy for conditional use permit to operate stable on County Road 46 l mile west of Cedar Av. was heard, i~r. Duffy was present and stated.. that'he lives 'on this former farm, has. now .gained the use of neighboring set''of farm buildings, also. He will not build any new buildings-.but has repaired and painted the old ones. Number of horses to be kept here is approximately twenty- five. Lutgens `moved to grant approval ©f conditional use permit for time limit of one year. Pincus seconded..- Motion carried.. - 150., Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern RR was the. applicant for variance for tower 120 feet high at Isle Av W and Hwy There-was concern expressed that this tower would interfer with air pattern from Airlake. The tower will be`used by the RR for dispatching purposes. Antoli.k motioned to grant variance, subject to clearance. with FAA-and City .Attorney; the tower shall be inclosed witty an 8.:ft fence and there shall be a light beacon on top of tower. Zaun seconded. Carried. 1..51. Mr. Ronald Brkemeyer was the applicant for variance to side-yard setback ®8~ ft) to build a detached garage in .Valley Park. at 1.6411 Gannon.Av W. There was'no objection from neighbors. Pikes made motion to approve variance..- Campbell seconded. Motion carried. 152• Application of Williams Bros. Pipe.I,ine Co. for special ox conditional use permit..' on land described as nnorth 50 f't of the east 50 ft of-.the south 275 ft `of the west 222 ft of .the 5W ~ of Section 22 Range 20, T114, together with an easement for driveway purposes. "This location is on the East ..side of Cedar Av apprax~ isaately 2~ miles north of Hwy X50. Mr. Don Berry, Williams representative, says this will be an interface detector site--an electronic device on pipe 'line for checking ,purposes. Lutgens motioned to approve special use :permit: for three years, following Planner Starr~s recommendations__evergreen screening and an 8-ft chain-link surrounding fence i~t.~;uding barbwire at "the top. `Lau seconded and motion carried. Lau moved to approve the building plan as presented. Pikes 2nd. Motion carried. Tabled matters 147A 147B and 147C were completed.- Lutgens and Zaun :roved and 2nd to approve Art Pettis application for special use permt'to operate garage and. repair. shop at 17549 Flagstaff Av for two-year time .period. Motion carried. 7aun and Campbell moved and 2nd to approve John LaFavor conditional use permit to operate Johns Customs Cabinets on Mrs. Janet Meadows Farm on 210th St. for .two-yeax time period. Motion carried Lutgens and Antolik moved and 2nd to approve Aquarius Swimming Pool Co., Inc. special use`permt for outside `storage for two-year time `period. Motion`earried> .John and Jerry Enggren asked for a permit to move house from 2n755 Holt to'~Huberty« • property across from warehouse on 2a8th St. Campbell and Zaun moved and 2nd to approve house-moving. Motion carried. MARCH 28, 3974 MINUTES OF THE LAKEVILLE PLANNINU CflMMTSSIO~i PAGE 2 Mr. Merle Jorgensen was representative from Lakeville Free Church, (formerl Y Orchard Gardens Evangelical Free Church), which i.s on Klamath Frail across`from Huddleston's Store. Congregation .wishes abuildng permit to add an addition to present struetur®. There are p~blems here with. being claso to street because of .low-lying,~_r~et~ area. variance sand use permit are needed. Their hearing will be on April 2Sth. 153. Mr. Larry Kuoher represented. Laverne & Vivian Loken for preliminary hearing,on Logarto 2nd Addition plat located at Crystal.. Lake. Antolik and Lutgens moved ..and-2nti to approve Loken's Logarto Znd Addn plat. M€ation carried. Mr. Zaun presented City of Bl,oamington's fire and life safety coda copies to Co.~?m.ission members. Mr. Lau presnted copy of Narthfield's fire code. Mr. Pi.kus reported that t3urnsville follows Minnesota State statute on abandoned buildings. It i,s felt that the way to handle disatisfactian with condition of buildings an former John Jackson property on 162nd St is for someone to lodge a complaintwith.. .fire .chief.,. police chief, and building inspector. Planner Lee Starr explained his::. diagram for facilitating building development plans. through committees and planning commission to the council so that everyone i.s .made aware of cations and decisions. Zn connection with this, Hank Lau will set up a joint meeting with members of the two committees,. the council, and Planning Commi.ssi.on on Thursday, April 11th, at 8:.30. PM. Antolik and Pikes moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at lO:SS P M. Motion carried, Ae e fully submi ~ted, P - - •