Me€stiia,,g was called to order at 8:00 P M by Chairman Lau. A1.1 members answered
ra11 call--Lau, Antolik, Campbell, Haglund,. I,utgens, Laun, and Pikes.
Approval of Ma~'c~t 28th. minutes by Lutgens-Nand Zaun-..,motion carried.
154. Public hearing of Dick's Sanitation, (Richaxd Clemmer} for s ec' se permit
-far 1000-gallanunderground storage .tank for gasoline "his' a 215th St.,
mile east of Dodd ffivd.;was heard. Three adjoining property owners had been
notified of the hearing. Mr. Clemmer stated 'that .this tank would be at least;
1.40' off of the road, i. e. 'anew" 215th St. and 50' north of his south line,
approximately. Lutgens made motion togrant this permit subfeet to'Mn.State
Fire and' Electrical Code and 'Lakeville ~.ilding ~spector--this approval to be
secured by Mr. Clemmer. 2nd was by' 2aun. Motion carried.
Examination and-discussion of fire code of City of B].oomngtan followed.Laun
has furnished Chief Joe Marelc with a'copy of this cads.
155. Motion by Zaun, 2nd by Campbell, to forward. recommendation to ;Council that mailed
certified notices be sent to `adjoining:property owners of all applicants far"
conditional and special use permits. Motion carried. (Reason for this recommen-
datian was that naighbars of these applicants da not always„know of public hearing,
but da bring their-objections to Council the`next ten days.)
Do.ecussion of passible addition of 150' to Gephart waxehause on 208th St followed.
At such public hearing there should be. site plan, set-backs: and building plan measure-
'~ments shown.
Discussion of proposed addition to former Evangelical ~`ree Church at Orchard
Lake showed that.Commissianers felt. the a.dditian should be set back further 'from the
street than the present 'church..:
Wednesday, April 17th, will be the meeting of W/S Committee, Park & Rec Committee,
Planning Commission, Council, Planner Starr--and a1lwho are interested--to find a way
of facilitating infoxmation and decisions between the Coanmssion and Committees-._th®nee
to Couneal
Motion by Lutgens, seconded by Zaun to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.:
Times 9 s 45 ' PM.
R ctfully submitted,-