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HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-25-74 APRIL 2$, 19.74 MINUTES OF THE LAKEYILLE PLANNING CE~lMISSION PAGps 1 ....Present wares ~aisman Lau, Antolik, Campbell. Lutgen.s, 7aun, and Pikus. Haglund was absent. Lutgens and Cambe].l, mQVed and seconded to approve the minutes of April 11th. 7aun noted correction neQessary in Zt®m No. 1$4~--the word, ahcasaea, should be changed to read, Kpropertyp. Motion carried.... lab. Public hearing of Laverne & Vivian Loken for final plat of Logart~ ?nd Addition at Crystal Lake. Lutgens-Fkus moved and seconded to grant approval of final plat. Motion carried. 1,57• Publio_hearing to consider'appiication of Four Star Gbrporation for final: ..plat located in Lot A° f#le~nn Addition, Secy. 29. Lutgeszs-Campbell moved and 2nd to'grant approval of final :plat. '.:Motion oarried 1$8. Mr. Len.. Gephart presented plans for x 3$fl~ addition to Gephart Ware..- house boated on 2©$th st and Holt Av. Lutgens..motioned to approve the Gephart,request for a building permit, provided the zoning is correct for the lat on which the addition is to be built. Zaun seconded. Carried.. 1$9. Public hearing of G & G B~iilders fore Final plat of Lakeridgs. Location is Goverr3ment Lot 1', Sec. 19, T114, R24W+.-except the east ten acres. This property lies to`the north of the new LHS senior high soil site an Co. Rd. $0. (Preliminary hearings Atasn $uq ~ N~ ~ ~ ~ 3,'~ ~ 3`a', aAta ,~9 Mr. t~erie.Jacobsen.•.exhbited a map of Lakeridge and explained to>bath the Commissioners and the group of neighboring residents that a13 suggested chan~ea and surveys ha~i been complied with. Mr. Al Hall, an attorney retained.. by interested citizens i.rx Bassett Nditioa, asks these questions MIs Mr. Grohoski operating under an excavating pernit'P Ie the City of Lakevi2.le aware of the elevation of these roads? i~er® wi1.i storm water be drainedY Will there be catch-.basins on streets and funneled into wane holding areaY Where will it be disehargedY i~tat about sanitary sewerY Has thecost of runnnng such sewer here been considersdY ~o is going to :pay for lift station? If it is true that the school will note be serviced until 197, when will G & a begin to-use the syste~eY Does.. the City of Lakeville require development contractor bondsY Zs :the City aware that the park 'ded3,cation is really a gu].1;y7 Is storm water to be dropped into the lakeY Rave studies been.-made to provide for the overfloxY Lake Marion is a "alosedM lake, do you know that you will have to cue ta_grips with this .problem evea~tuallyY How are you wing to keep water off the lox: lying lotsYa Mr. Bon Clarks was of the opinion that the area would have to be "burned s Mra. Joe Williamson and Mrs. Hammer stated each has lost ,~_ft and 7$-ft of shore.. line under present biroumstances. Mrs.'Williamson says she has slides t~.prove her loss. Mr. Willson :fated that present lake-level. is only 4-ft away froes highwater mark set in 196$. Mrs. Sheldon Curry stated that resi- dersts'hava been-asked rainy they should be so concerned now that flood-insur_ ante is to them.' Her answer was that none of the residents feel that they can build new hoes; also asked that thought and cox~sderatiom be given to the needs and problems of the resdentss and homeoranere who.. are alreac~yr in .this.-area. Zaun made motion to postpone this hearing until such time as concerns of property owners could be evaluated. Mr. Zaun also asked Mr. Hall to provide a Yritten list of residents+ eoncerna. Campbellseconde~l. Lau voted an~N axplainingthat Q & a Builders had gone through all proper channels laid out to them to obtain. final plat approval.. Motion of postponement carred.- e ~ -1!i"j{~yL... 25,. 1974 PACxE 2' Mr. Iirohoski inquired hoaut having a special hearing. He was advised he could. have one. However, if publication of ten da~rs'; is required, it was pointed out to him that hs will be na..further ahead, time-wise, than if he waited until the next Commission-meeting. 16p. Mr. Bob Hoff of ~niral Wood Products presented plans to add to his building. on the career of ~-35W service read (~3. and ib2nd St. This addition will. bring the frontage footage from ~Q-f"~ to f34-ft--mostly warehouse apace. P3.kus-Campbell moved and seconded granting this request for a building perait. 161.... i~4r. Denny Dunham presented plans for. discussion: of a 80-ft by 17~,f`t 'building to be used as office. and warehouse, to be lochted at 215th St and "olds ~fi,~. Because this property is below-grads, it necessitates a hearing for a~~~i- ants. 162. Lakeville Free Church repres®ntatives wer® advised they would need ~c ~iear3ngs for conditional use and variance permits. A ~-ft setbaak is required for churches--and they will need architect's signature on .their plans because of the amountaf money they will be spending on their addition for 9unda~r school and-meeting rocmns, Number of required parking spaces was also discussed.- Mr. Ackerman reported that the gravel along RR tracks in H Lakeville is :being moved to TPaxmington; ales; Jesco is>going to burn abandoned buildings near Crystal- Lake. H® also reported that Mr. Ken Larson wiles to build a garage cm 2t!$t1a St. His drivearay was curbed when the street was recently surfaced, however. his neighbor's hoses faces another street. The situation may call far a variance permit. M. IQotz was. asked to .answer letter fres~t Council inquiring reas~rns far Commission's denial of Central Telephone re-zoning-_this may consist largely of gebruary 28th minutes. Air. Lau was out_of-state at the tixs, but wishes to state that hs does not-favor pspot~ zoning, either., Neither Mr. Lutgens nor Mr, Lainfeel that adjpn3ng residents would 13.>sethe heavy truck ..traffic caused by this operation. Campbell and Antolik will read Commsssion minutes at Council meeting, May; 6th. Planner Lee Starr: wishes to review subjA~t matter with :Commission xhen there is more ti~ae. Also Mr. Ackerman would like to go into ordinances wore thoroughly, especially with new-members. This was'to have been. done. tonight,:also,_`before meetinggrew so lengthy. Antolik motioned that recoammendation be made to Cauneil. from the Planning Commission that M. Kiot~ be retained-as secretary for all three advisory bodies. Campbell seconded. Matson carried. Ad jc?urrxment motion by: AntoTk, seconded by Zaun. Medan carried. Time: 14:50 FM. 1 tttFa,l3y subaaitted, ~ _ ,