HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-09-74 n MAY 9 r 1974. LAKEVILLE PLANNING OOA'1MZ3SION MIN~tTES .Chairman H. Lau called the :meeting to order at 8:DO AK--a11 members .present and answering.. roll--Lau, Haglund, Antolik, Lutgens, Zaun, Campbell, Pkus. Minutes of April 25th meeting were read. Lutgens'and Campbell moved and seconded to approve minutes. Motion carried. 163. Pdiblic hearing application for variance to sideyard set-beak by Kenneth 0. Larson at 20480 Howland Av was heard. Lutgsns-?sun motioned and. 2nd to approves variance. - Motion carried..:( 5st-Hank difference of 10 Ft. } 164. Public hearing to consider application of fenny Dunham for variance`ta build belox grads on N3~ ~ of SW Sec 36. T114, R2].W, was heard. Amount of below-grade is foes test. H und~Pikus motioned and 2nd to grant variance approval. M~'oly G1~t~~~, 16$. Sits .plan of building to bs built at Itea X164 xas presented by Denny Building brill` be 8000. sq ft. Z~ers will bo suffaisnt pawrkin~ space., gr+renary plantin~,provid~d. City Bbgineer ward preset at this meeting. also. looked at the site plan. Zaun motioned to approve ~utilding permit.. Hap;7.und. ssoondetd.. Nation carried. 166. Public hearing to consider application of WacoAia gomss for special use percni.t to erect sign on NW ~ oY NW ~ of Sea 36, T114, R21W (corner of Ca Rd 70 and 3,5W ,service lan~,.Chri.s t~erer :Farm},, was heard. This w~ be a 4~ u 4? directiaaal-type sign. Pilaus and Haglundm~v~d and 2nd.. approval of granting special use permit. Motion carried. 167.. Public hearing to insider application far special uas permit for machine shop'at 17700 Junslle Path,. Sec l2, T114,:R21W, Argonne Farms, by Colin Fbwlsr, Jr was heard. He will be apsrating the shop from his .basement with :work on inflamatory products ~iszg done out-of-doors. His laaatian is on 4 acres of land with:. no .really close neighbors. Haglund made motion to approve special use perssit for machine chop at this address for one-year time period,; hours of ,operation fio bs within 7 ,AM to 7 A~. Lutgens 2nd. Ackeu~man will notify Firs Chief Ma~rek. Motion carried. 168. Postponed public Hearin; froa? April 25th meetinK, Item ~i~, for final plat of Laksridge by G & G Builders, on Gaver~;ent Lot 1, Sec 19, T114, R20i~-- exaspt the east tan acres, was heard. Attorney Al Hall was present and spoke in bal.f of ob~ectin~ Lakeville Concerned Citiz~s, primarily reel- duets of Bassett's Addition. Their wish is that"an environmental assessment of what:-this might do", be made. Cansderabls disaassion fell around the' :question of dust what typ~`of permit G & G Builders were .operating under=- sxaavatian ar mining. Among those in audience voicing objections to approving final plat of Laksx~dgs,and their ao~ents, wares John A. Jonen, "what kind of permit does G & G havst"`and, "camr~ission is dust passing the buck" when told their function is an 'advisory ens, the C;a~uncil makes the decision. Msl Nox+din, "we are talking about sonethin~°that nobody knows what-the effect .will bs. How can you make a decision when you don't know whatths effect; will bsi'" Bill Martin, "I .donut think G & 'G Bl.drs should be issued permits until other matters hays. all been settled. " Mrs. Jo® 6~ll.iamsan, ph~e • o~?ers. waist water and sewer, but if this means it will cause water to rise and inundate our homes, what good would it bs~'" Mrs.. Noonan, ~prev;ous ob. ~ectionffi to this builder's work have Hat bean taken care af." Mrs. M. .Curry, '"I donut oppose developnent,.but we do want controls on .growth that tames into this area. Lakeville Concerned Citizens has paid over $2,pOQ. for legal advice. M P MAY 9. 1974 PLANNING (IISSICIN Gary Bauer aob~ects to G & G's bui.ldin~.p Dave Cotten,.. "how can you make decisions without legal opinion?" Mel Nordin, show can-.you..say G & G Builders has met all criteria7" Mr. S. Grohoski: spoke ir3 behalf of his father's .work, stating hs has seen six rot seven of his father's'. developments so far, where theta has. been larNe amounts of money spent. Engineer FriNaard answered question concsrnin~ run-off, "in regard to run-ofP. in normal standards, approximately twiQe as much as before devsl.op~ent-- .b or more inch per sera, and would raise the lake a minute amount." Lau :stated there is a study of this watershed now bsin~ developed. G & G Bldrs hays dons everything they were asked to do. `Ws do either-have to approve or deny this appli- cation for final plat.. Joel Haglund explained to everyone present that G & t~. ffidrs bad complied with the Planning Commission's requests in following procedures" of platting and sub-dividing of land, they Tad obtained report from the ASC:office and frr~m the City Planner--they bad seen. the City Engineer as to sits grading and the run-off situation. It has been the policy of Flanning.:Commission not to approve building penults until water and sewer w~re'at the. site. Gene Jacobson reiterated that G & G had mat all conditions asked of thew for granting final plat approval.. There were t~ groups`of people ob~ectin to approval of Lakeridge plat.--residents from Bassett's_Addtion and residents froua Lakeville Hills. Bassett's residents were concerned-with lake level and what water drainage would do to lake level and their homes. f3nce again, it was pointed out to them that .there was a study of this watershed in process. Also that G ~e G has dons~sverything required accordix?$ to Lakeville ordinances, the ASC Office,. and the Lakeville: Engineer, to obtain final • plat approval. The Group of residents from Lakeville Hills were concerned with promises that G & G had made them and:,felt that no building permits should bs issued to b% until such promises were kept, Mrs. M. Curry stated "the Minnesota Environmental Council will' come out -and make a survey-_but it-would be at the developers expense." Ha~?~.und--"since theta are lsial questions involved, 2 move this matter ~o on to City Council .for their decision.--and there are questions of envi,ronmsnt~.l. nature also--without any reoca~endation fran PlanninN Commissioa.p Lutsens seconded. Upon being advised the Ct~mission either had to approve or deny the application,, Haglund and Lut~sns withdrew the motion and-the second. Zaun motioned to deny. application of G & G ffidrs final plat of Lakeridge-because 1-- needs ~vironmentallake stua~ 2--leek of legal advice Pikes ssc~oxidsd. Mctisn to daiY application carried. Reasons for dens~ls Pikes-- absertc~s of attorney . Zaun-- cansidsrationa cf ob~sctions of bomsoeonsrs I.u~tiena-no attorney Lau-• no answers for1lejal questions Antolik Campbell, Haglund..- lack of legal counsel Mrs. M. Curry thanked the Commission*for hearing ell the objections wi#?b,.patence... 169. Lau made motion to reoommen to Council that we do net acQSpt any sore plats in a Marion xatershed un it a study of rim-off is completed. IiaBlund 2nd. Motion carried. PAQT 3 MAY 9. l9?4 " • .PL,A~tAtIldQr COMMZ5SIa~t Material coneernin$ abandoned buildings andob~eationaLle buildings was ~ive~ to Az?tcslk for eoP~rn~ and fi.lin8. Th®se Papers had bases obtained by Zauui. Iaxt?~ens will read the Conuais~sion~ s minutes <at the May 20th; Council meeting. Arstolk and Campbell made and seconded th® motion to ad3ourn the mestin~. Tames 1Os44 PM. Res tfuZly sut~itted t ohn pntolk,_Searetary M ALFRED E. HALL, P. A. • ATTORNEY AT LAW 1a904 NICOLLET AVENUE BURN9VILLE. MINNE5DTA 55337 TELCPNONC 894-1055 AnG CODS 61a May 3, 1974 Chairman of Planning Commission Gity of Lakeville Lakeville, Minnesota Re: Preliminary Plat of Lakeridge Dear Sir: When I appeared before the Lakeville Planning Commission the evening of April 25, 1974 in opposition to the preliminary plat of Lake- ridge, I was asked by one of the councilmen,if I would send a letter to the.Planning Commission setting forth the concerns of the Bassett Addition homeowners. Those concerns are as follows: • 1) We are concerned where the storm sewer would drain i.nasrnuch as Lake Marion is a closed lake and. any further drainage into that area may cause flooding of the homes around the lake, including some of those in the Bassett Addition. .Further, any increase in lake..elevation may flood Antlers Park-which belongs to the City. We would also point out that an Environmental I:mpaet Statement may be required inasmuch as this residential development is being constructed within a shore line area of Lake Marion which consists of .fifty or more residential units.. Also,. under the Environmental Impact Statement Aet, any action that will a iminate or significantly alter a wetland of five or more acres will require an_Environmental Impact Statement. 2) It is apparent from the topograph of the .proposed plat that a lift station will be required for a sanitary sewer. We are concerned of who will be required to pay for that lift station initially and who will be required to pay the continual costs of operation and .maintenance thereof. 3) How will the-area be served for City water? Inasmuch as, I understand, the Ca.ty of Lakeville does not have at this point a water tower or system for a sufficient pressure to serve that proposed plat, the water would have to be pumped thereunder pressure. Who-will _ , Chairman of Planning. Commission Page Two May 3, 1974 pay for these extra costs and when" would City. water. be available under natv.ral pressure instead of pump pressure? 4) It is my understanding that Mr. Grohosk has a mining or exca- vation permit under which he is changing the topography in one portion. of-the proposed plat. We would submit to you that he must have a ..grading permit inasmuch as the streets are being layed to grade by Mr. Grohoski right now. Is there a difference under. the City ordinances between amining-and excavation permit and a grading perxn.it? Inasmuch as grading of the streets. in the plat .s actuallytakng place, what authority allows. that without. plat approval and, secondly, how can the plat be approved without knowing about location of utilities? 5) From the. City engineer's letter. dated February 19, 1974 to the Village of Lakeville concerning this plat, he recommends in paragraph 1 .that the bond requirements should include amounts necessary to remove' the construction sedimentation from the backwater area. We understand that a $10, 000 bond has been posted. We question the sufficiency of this • bond to satisfy the engineer's requirements and would request that. this matter be reviewed. 6) We note from the topography map fihat the areas designated as parks are in fact ,gullies, and we would request that if the plat is approved, it be subject to the developer grading and filling in gullies to provide usable park areas. These are the items which are of `concern to the homeowners in .the... Bassett Addition whom I represent. Very truly yours, ALFRED:: E, HALL, P. A. ~---f Alfre Hall e AEH/sd cc: Mr. Joe Williamson