HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-30-74 _.y MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MAY 3a. 19?4 . PAq~E 1 Meeting was called to order at $ P M `by Chairman H. Lau. All members were in attendance and answering roll..-Lau, Lutgens, Zaun, Pikes: Haglund, Campbell, and Anta~lik. &ilding Inspector Ackerman and Planner Lee Starr ware also in attendance. Minutes of May 9th meeting were read. Antolik and Haglund moved and seconded to approve minutes as .read. Motion carried. 170. Seeking approval of addition to National Polymers building at Airlake was Mr. Grubbish. This addition will be primarily warehouse. It will be 286 ft x 1,5E) ft, Plus an 80 ft x 80 ft dock. Campbell and 7.aun motioned and seconded to approve building permit for National Polymers. Motion carried. 171. Public hearing of David Fritz for variance to sideyard set-back for garage at 11212 166th St, Lakeville Hills, was heard. This is a 4 ft variance.. Measurements are 20 ft x 22 ft and garage will ba attached to his "tuck under" that is there now. The garage will be used for his personal use and storage. Haglund made motion to approve .variance for sideyard :et-baeak at 11212 166th. St. Pikes seconded. Motion carried. 172. Application. of John T. Kellington, public hearing, for variance to build garags over 600 sq ft at 162nd and Judicial Rd in Orchard Gardens was heard. This garage will be a 24 ft x 26 ft addition to an existing garage 20 ft x • 24 ft. His reason far building was a storage problem--far his own personal use. Zaun motioned to approve Kellington application for vas~iance to build garage over 600 sq ft. Pikes seconded. Motion carried.. 173. Public hearing to consider .the application of :Independent School Dist 9194 for speei~rl use permit for underground tank (2000 gal) at 8670 210th St (~Lstrict Office), was heard. This tank is to be located on the south side of the new maintenance building at this addras.s. Lutgans and Campbell moved and seconded to approve special. use permit. Motion carried. 174. Pciblic hearing to consider application of NW Service Station Equipaent for speoial use permit for underground tank {4000 gal). at 167th St and Cedar Av, Valley Park, was heard. Pikes made the motion to approve this special use permit. Campbell seconded. Motion carried. 1fi5. Gephart's Inc. was the applicant at a public hearing to apply for re..zoning for an addition to fl~?rniture warehouse and sales building located in Yung's Addition on 208th St. They wiah to re-zon® frcun R3C to B 4. They wish to add 1,50 ft to the building, straight to the East, Planner Lee Starr presented his analysis and summary, a copy is filed with these minutes,--also his written recommendation. Mr. Larry Austad presented five pages of petitions, (on file with these min- etas), in protest of a warehouse addition. Protests were: (1) unsightly, (2) concerned with safety of school children because of trucks loading and • unloading, (3) traffic problems, and (4) depreciation iri value. of homes in the area, and change the master plan that was originated to wide Lakeville development. Thee petitions are stid to have ninety signatures. MINUTF;,S OF PLANNING COMNfISSTON MEETTNf1r Mai 3a 1974 PAGE 2 Attorney L. F3entson spoke in behalf of Gephart's Tnc. Fie stated that the reconnnendations made by Planner Starr would be follgwed by t3ephart ~,s, if re-zoning was granted. Dr. O'Brien said that he was in a position to watch ..amount of raffia on 208th St. He objects to the present street being used as a loading dock. Miss M. Sorensea~ does not want a ~5 f"t barrier in front of her residence, and spoke-.how her father worked so diligently to beautify Lakeville and she and her sister have spent most of their lives here, .:always: working for its better~aealt. Mrs. M. Kewitsch stated that she and her husband bought an older hawse which they have spent quits a lot of mone~r restoring and they,.ob~ect to "blocking of the view". Mr. L. Qephart said that the present building is approxitrr,ately 350 ft i.n :length. He also said that rrseani.is wi.l.l, in the future, go down and come in from he east. Campbell made motion. "based on-Start's recommendation, we approve re-zoning fr~n R-3C to B-4.~ Antolik seconded. Roll call, Lau? Faye", Lutgens, "aye", 7aun, "no", Pikes, Hayes, Haglund,. "no". Campbal.l, "aye", and Antolik, "aye". 5 to 2 in favor of re-zoning. Motion carried. 176. Pikes made motion to approve building plan as pres®nted. Campbell-secmnded. Roll :call resulted isi same split vote as above--5 to 2 in favor. Motion ,carried. Rsa.~ns for voting "no" on both motions were;. • Haglund..continued "spot" zoning, and the traffic proble~as dun --deviates from comprehensive plan, and traffic problems, particu- lady concerning childresn going to and fra~n school. 17T• Public hearing was held to consider application of Greater Mpls EFirl Scout Council for`pi~cing and. keeping: mobile home ~ mi7.e north of 1fi5th.st on Ipava Av, SM-~ of NW Sec 6, T114,'R20. Antolik made motion to approve their,s.PPlication for mobile .home (permit'wi11 expire Jan 1, 1976)• Zaun secsanded. Motion carried. 178... Mr. Ft. Raines who's address is Judicial Rd, approximately l mile north of Orchard Lake, appeared before taommission to ask approval of moving a 'barn from Bassett's Addition to his .location. Haglund made motion to approve a - moving perarit for Mr. Raines. Iutgens seconded. Motion carried. 174• Minnesota Hwy/r~e~resentatives applied for a bui.iding permit to erect a 30 ft x 100 ,ft storage shelter to store 100 yards of calcium chloride. Their location is the Hg function of Iiwy 5o and 35W. Lutgens and Zaun moved and seconded approval of building perfni.t.' Motion carried'. Trinity Evangelical Free Church representatives appeared with building. plans. They are going to apply for a public hearing for variance and conditional use peraait as 'soon as possible as they are ar~x3GOUs to let bids and build.. H®cause of teas days publication notice, they were told that. this would be the second meet.. ing iri June-..if they applied r'j-ght away. They were also told their building pions • looked O.H., but to eliminate ten-car parking space. 1$0.' Mr. D. Dunham, who does have variance for belpw:grade building:. at 215th St and Hwy 70. appeared seeking approval of building pex~it.»_thie tune a larger building than was, shown before. Lutgens motioned to approve this 'building plan. Zaunseconded. Motion carried. MTN17TE5 4F PLANNING COHF+iIS5I4N HEARIDiG MAY 3~, X974 PAGE 3 17iseussic~n of new ordinances '~'j4 -.and. mil, ~,c~pies of which had dust been received), tank place.. These-have to do with dunk cars and ~axbage collectors, 43.scussion of what to promote concerning abandoned buildings. Material received by members tonight is to be studied and commented on at the next meeting. -year Capital Improvement Pro~ram,:~preiiminary report due. July 1st), was discussed. Haglund thought a special meeting on this might be in ,order. Planner Lee Starr was asked to get some recommendations on municipal buildings ready far Commission. He felt that health and safety should receive the first consideration. Members are asked tobrim their ideas on improved roads to next meeting. Haglund will read P C minutes at .Council meeting June 14th. 181. Lut~ens made motion that "anyone who has public haarin~, or application, coming. in front of P1.annin~ Commission., must be pr®sent at the hearing. Zaun secande~d. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn meeting by Haglund, seconded by Antoiik. Motion carried. Time; 11 P M ectfully submtt~i, John.Antolik, Secretary MF.K SUMMARY MTNiJTFS OF PZANNING C~SMISSION Max 30, 1974 i?Q. Building permit was approved for National Pcilymersaddition at Air- lake. 171. David Frig application for variance to sideyard setback for garage at 11212 166th St, Lakeville Hi11s, (variance of 4 ft), was approved. 172• John 2. Kellington application for variance t© build garage over 600 ft at 162nd St and Judicial Rd in Orchard Gardens was approved. 173• Indepea~dent School Dist X194 application for special-use permit for 2000 gal underground tank at 8674 210th St, District Office, was approved. 174. NW 3er'vi.ce Station Equipaent application for special use permit for ?x€700 gal underground tank at 167th 5t and Cedar Av, Valley Park, was approved. 175•. Public hearing far re-zoning from R3C to B 4, of Gephart~s, Tnc, for. an addition of 15(3 ft to present warehouse on 208th St was approved by split vote, ,~..2. (Reasons and details are g3.ven in complete minutes.) 176• Building plan, as presented by L. Gephart, was approved by same split vote as Item. 175• (Reasons and details are also given in complete minutes.} 177• Application of Greater Mpls Girl .Scout Council to place and-keep a mobile home ~ mile north of 175th st an Ipava Av was approved. 178• Moving permit for R. Raine,~( to move a barn from Bassettti s Addition to Judicial Rd north of Orchard i,ake, was approved. 179. Building permit for Minn Hwy Dept to erect a shelter for l00 yards of caiciuna chloride was.. approved. Their location is NE function of Hwy 5a and 35W. 284. Approval of building permit was given to Mr. Benny Dunhann. This will be iacated near 215th St and Co Rd 70. 181. pAnyone who has public hearing,. or application., coming in front of Planning Commission, must be present at the hearin~,a was a motion that was made, seconded, and carried. f'