HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-13-74 { MrNUTBS aF THE LAKEVrLLi~ PLANNIldti C~lMISSraN ~1E 13~ 1974 PAGN 1 Meeting was called to order by Chairman Lau with all measbers answering roll call. Lutgens and Haglund motioned and seconded approval of May 30th minutes as read. Motion carried. 1$2. Public hearing for variance to side yard set backs, (enlargement of garage}, Schaaitty & Sons &is Co. applicant, at SW ~ of N E Sec 32, Til~+, R2a--contains .Q43 A, was heard. Mr. John Schweich explained that a variance was needed to ext~d the width of the garage, such addition being to the north--in order to accoodat® the length of present buses. This extension will be Zaun and Lutgens moved and seconded motion to approve this variance. Motion carried. 183.. Building permit approval motion was made by Zaun for Schmitty & Sons, Inc., at above Tte<a #182. Pikes seconded. Motion carried. 1$t~, Public hearing for variance to build garage over 600 sq ft at 6610 .169th S't iri Valley Park by Robert E. .Nelson, was heard. The garage- will be 24' x 32'. Mr. Nelson does not have a garage. This will be an attached garage and will extend 12~ beyond his. house. Pikes motioned to approve the variance. Campbell seconded. Motion approved. 18g. Public hearing for special use permit for underground tank, (50a ga1), at 194th St & Hwy 50, applicant Stanley Overby, was heard. This is located at Appaloosa Farms. Mr. Overby is located on 3 A of land-- . ~ the tank.. i$ located about 2g~.from corner of garage, wi11 be .for gasoline .storage, and will have an electric pump. He needs the gasoline to supply his trucks. The tank is in the gmund, at present, but not .covered up. Mr, Overby stated he was unaware he needed a special use permit when he installed the tank. The tank is located approximately l0at from the street. Lau made motion to approve special use permit for underground tank and Haglund seconded it. Motion carried, _ Two men were in for discussion of their interests this evening-- A--Mr. Carl R. Dale, planning consultant, for plan known as Brookview and also f©r Acorn Heights and nearby large parcel of land, and B--Mr. Warner i~yntti who lives on Foliage Av 3n Valley Park wished to discuss re-zoning so that he might possibly build two-family type hone on his property. A. Brookview is located on Cedar Av near Hwy and is owned by Mr. Stan Kolstad. Before cooing in with a preliminary plat, Mr. Dale wanted an expression of thought about his solution to water drainage problem that exists. He has two solutions to control water storage problems 1--ponding of water with dike running through center- where there would not be a constant presence of water, and 2__dig a similar pond, it, too, would have the dike, but. water would be present all the time. This solution would be more expensive to construct, but would have more ascetic value. When asked his opinion on holding ponds, Mr. Starr sa3.d that a pond that • has some water in it all the time is to be preferred to one which is dry part. of the time. Mr. Starr, however, did not like the two close accesses onto Cedar Av as sho~m, He wond®red if there was any way the two could be incorporated into one, large, .lane entrance. The alternative. he thought, would be to PACrE 2 JUNE 13. 1974 move one double entrance further to the north and so allow wider distance between the two entrances. Of the two, though,- Mr. Starr thought the one, 4-lane entrance would be better. Mr. Dale was advised to get Soils Conservation approval and see County ~hgineer before bringing in preliminary plan. Hs was also informed when next meeting of Park and Rec would be held and name and number of Chairman Len Nelson,. should he want to be on their agenda, Mr. Dale was also wishing to discuss property located PdE corner. of Orchard Trail. (MinnReg Rd}, and 3,5W_..part of this is known as Acorn iieigrits. Mr. Dale represents the land owners interests. Mr. Dale was informed of the enviroxuner?tal impact study that is being conducted, which would include any development.here, also. B. Mr. W. Myntti was inforn?ed that, although he might obtain his neighbors approval, there could be no double-house building he was planning. becaus® it had the problscn of spot zoning n. 186. Haglund moved to recommend to Council that there be a moratorium on under. ground gasoline tanks in residential areas, with the exception of gasoline stations, until Commission can re-define ordnance. Lau seconded.. Carried. Mr. R. Lee Starr, Planner. gave his suggestions on fire stations and their locations, in future Lakeville, which wi3.], be considered in the capital i~provements program.. {printed suggestions are filed with these minutes.) J. Haglund has plans for road and street improvements for capital im rove_ P ment'prngram. He will keep them until such time the Commission draws up their ideas on form they will submit. Lutgens and Haglund moved and. seconded motion to ad,~ourn the meeting. Motion carried. Tiinet 11=30 PM. ctfull submitted, John Antolik, Secretary M~ • StMMARY LAIC'FVILLE PLANNIb1G Cf~IMISSIOBt MF,ETTNt3 dUNF 13, 1974 182. Public hearing for variance to sdeyard set-,beaks, {enlargement of bus garage), for Schmitty and Sons, Inc., north of LHS. Approval granted... 1$3. Approval of building permit for Schrai.tty and Sons, Inc. bus garage addition. 184. Approval of garage over 600 aq ft et b610 169th Sh in Valley Park,. Ric~bert S. Nelson , owner. 18~. Approval of special use permit for underground tank, {,5(?O ga1), at 194th St and Hwy ,SO, For applicant Stanley Overby. Mr. Carl Dale, planner, interviewed the Commission on his ideas both for ~ookview, Cedar Av and Hwy 46~--and also for Acorn Heights and parcel of land nearby, located at Orchard Trail and Hwy 3$W, Ng corner. He was informed of Soil Conservation approval and,County Engineer approval--also the environmental impact study would involve the Acorn Heights, etc., development. Mr. W. Myntti, Valley Park, was told his plan for re-zoning in order to construct double-home, was not feasih't.e because of "spot zoning p. • 1$6. Rec:amm~dation to Council that there be a moratoritun, on underground gasoline tanks 3n residential .areas, with the exception of gasoline stations, until Com~cission can re-define ordnance. Fire stations and their suggested locations, improved roads and streets. --suggestions for capital improvement program.--were outlined by Planner Starr and J. Haglund, respectively.