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MINUTES OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING Ct~SMISSION MEETING PAGE 1 THURSDAY JULY 11, 197+ LAKEVTLLE MUNICIPAL BUILDING Meeting was called to order at $ P M by Chairman Lana. Answeringroll call were Lau, Lutgens, Antolik, and Campbell. Absent ware Haglund,. Zaun and Pikus. Minutes of meeting held June 27th were read, Campbell and Lutge~ns moved and seconded to approv® the minutes. Motion carried. 199. Public hearing for variance to side-yard set back, 2 feet, at 718$ 168th St W, i.n Valley Park, for Gary V. Gronfor was heard. This will be used f©r construction of a 22~ x 24~ garage.--attached. Campbell and Lutgens mav~i and seconded to grant approval of this variance. Motion carried.. 200. Approval motion by Lut~ens, seconded by Campbell, of public hearing application for .conditional use permit to operate restaurant with on-.sale liquor, Richard E. Lewis, on approximately 7 scree of land, SE ~ of SW ~ of SW ~ of SW Sec 2Z, T114, R21. Motion carried.. A restaurant with 370 seating capaoty is planned, costing $300,000. There will be a special meeting with Council on .22nd of July, concerning new liquor regulations. .201. Itea< X193, tabled public hearing of Vernon D. Steberg, 2027,5 Holyoke Av, applioation for special use-permit for underground tank storage of gasoline, (,5~0 gal), was heard.. Materials from Mn State Fire Marshall have be®n received-and studied--also K. Lutgens had spoken with him. Rules of construction of such tanks in residenf3a]. areas are extensive. Mr. Steberg replied that his pump is electric. .Campbell motioned to approve this particular special use permit since. it is ixi the ground and is being used. Antolik seconded. Motion carried. 202. Item X194, tabled ~blic hearing of James McNearney, 202nd St .and Hamburg Av, special use permit for underground tank stara~e of gasoline, ($$0 gal), was heard. -Same .situation and reasoning as in Iteaa X201 above. Campbell made motion to approve this particular special use permit. Lau seconded. Motion carried. Some time in the near future will necessarily have to be devoted to regulations for swimming pools and underground storage tanks, when the Commissicm members are all present, with the Building Inspector. Fire C~iief Joe Marek was .present. Discussion. and planning with him as to future sites of fire stations, needed equipment and when, manpower, etc., was extensive. He is to receive copies of minutes from now on so as to be more infoxmed. At this time it is known that there will be at least three legal hearings at next regular meeting, July 2,5th--preliminary plat approval of Brookview Park, re-zone. from R 1C to B 4, .Lot 32 of Argonne Fates far W~dell E. Christe¢~sen, and Bern~a, Inc. building. site. Antolik and Lutgens-made and seconded motion to adjourn the meeting. Times s30 P M. esp t su tted, hn Antolik, Secretary. M~