HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-25-74 ~IINUT~S o~ ~Hg RLANNZ~t~ co~~zsszart - ~ LAK1iVILLE MUNICIPAL ~JILDl01a 'THUR3AAX JULY 2.~, 174 ~ , . Chairman Lau aa~lled the meeting to Qrder at x=04 P M. All meuube~ra were p7reserit; Lau, Antoli?c,' Lutgens~, Haglund: Zaixn, Campbell., and Pikus, The minutes of July 11th were read, Last paragraph should. read, 'eth~re will be~.two legal, heiarings for July 5th--not three". Antolk and .Campbell move3d and seconded to approve they minutes with this carrecticn. Motion parried. 24~. Pub>r~a ?~ea~ing of Wendhll E, Christens,~n, .Lot ~2, Argonne. Farms, Seek.. _ l2 T114, R21W. was heard. This was ~'applicatio» to re..zone from R,1C to wJendell-and his son wish to have alandscaping business and construct a building between their-home and Hwy SQ• Part of their land is the ac,rrect zoning far this, but not all. Thane will be no outside storage. Mr, and Mrs. O. Speiker,.neighbors, were present a»d stated they have no objeQtions.'• Mr. Christensen s3aid the building wou7.d be primarily used to stare'two,tractors and a dump truck.. Lau made motion to approve Christensen re-zoning from'R~1C to &.4. :Haglund 2nd.. X,au, ~ Anto~.i.k,. Campbell, .Haglund, .and Pikus voted "aye"'; `Lutgens 'and Zaun voted feno'+. Motion carried 5_2. Lutgens and Laufi both gave the saame reason for voting "no~'_-each would rathex see the whole area re. coned to atx~aighten'sectionline,. which would include Christensen property. Mr. Chriartansen was asked to bring more detailed building plan to next meetl»8. August 1,5th. ~ _ 204. Public hearing oP 9rookview Park, Inc, for preliminary plat approval, of S~ of Sec'4, was heard. Mr. Bob Gottstader, civil engineer,. .and ~Sr. Stan Kolstad were present, It is the southernmost $0 acres, bounded by lb7th St and Cedar Av_that is being considered at .this time. These will.. be single..family residential lots_~lots not to be sold until Mater and ae3wer are available. Materials from planner Le3a Starr.. nod also :from Mr. Norman J. Nellen, • Aistri.ct Conservationist with ,U, S. Soul Canse~vatiQn ~Serviae were read ~~,nd:discusse3d. M~nraers were told tha'~ P ~ R members are. touring this'. area on Wed. , July 31at..if any.. would cares to also ,join them. Lutge3ne moved to ;table the hearing until Auguai~ l+~th meeting,, to enable further consideration .before reaah~.ng a decision. lean seconded. Motion to table this .matter carried, 2Q5, Mr, ~erna,rd Heafsoht~lte, Bernyo, -,Ina., was present, asking `approval cif a building permit. Ha.s new laaati.Qn will be between 3;5~ and. Hwy ,65 on 15th St. The property contains l0 acres-the 2 acres he plans to build ern, plus a acres he has on contract far deed. The. location is above-grade and is prpperly zoned, Th® question arose whether or not the ruling of ownermhip pf 3 acres if there is not water/sewer present. applies here-.-before buildng* Campbell. made motion to approve building permit. 7~un seconded. Voting. ~'aye~' were Antolik, Campbell., ?ikus, and Zaun. 'Voting "no" wer® Lau. ~jag7uid, and Lutgens. ; Reason given to deny was the sa<T,es the legality of allowing a bu>lding to be bu~.2t art only twc3 sates, clear title., Without water; sewer.) Motion to approve Hofschulte building permit passed 4-3. Mr. and Mrs, Lavern Nelson were present. Mrs. Nelson was inquiring the ~ae~li»~ of the Commission about her thought to begin a toaching program in her haeae an 20~'th St W ,for pre=schoolera. She would like to do `this two mornings a week, and, if the humbex was sufficient, possf.bly Four mornings a week. She would ~tamply Frith s1.1 eta a and fire marshall regulations and be licensed. ' She was told the Cons-. mission wou1 probably be in favor of a pre..school, but to approach her'ne~i hbors panai.aer their thoughts, g to 206. Lutgena made motion, Zaun° seCOnde~d', to .ask far a public hearing to straighten the se:etion lines regarding zoning at ArgQ`ne °P'arms',' all in Sec 12--ai.l to become &4,..-bc?uraded on the. north by 17th Street, on the east by u1.2~~ and n7p, on the south by "13". The property t~a__the west of thin triangular-shaped piece is already zoned 3-4. Motion .carried. ~arapbe311, will read tna minute~a on August nth at the Caune=ia. meeting. Mat#.Qn tc adourA,...the meeting at 10s45;k'.M. by Antolik, seconded by zau Matean carried.. es tau u ttad ohxs An~olik, 8leare~taxy mak MINUTES OF THE PLANNING Ct~iISSION LAKEVILLE MUNICIPAL BUILDING THURSDAY JULY 7~j, 197 Chairman Lau called the meeting to order at 8:00 P M. All members were presents Lau, Antolik, Lutgens, Haglund, Zaun, Campbell, and Pikes. The minutes of July 11th were read.. Last paragraph should read, "theta will be two legal hearings for July 2,~th--nat three". Antolik and Campbell moved. and seconded to approve the minutes-_with this correction. Motion ~arrisd. 203. Public hearing of Wendell E. Christensen, Lot 32, Argonne Farms, Sec. 12, Til4, R21W, was heard. This was an application to re-zone from Rr1C to B-4. Wendell and his son wish to have a landscaping business and construct a ~xilding between their home and Hwy Part of their land is the correct Zoning for this, but not a3.7.. There will be no outside storage.. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Speiker, neighbors, were present and stated they have no ob~setons. Mr. Christensen said the building would be primarily used to stare two tractors and a dump truck. Lau made motion to .approve. Christensen re-zoning fra~a R-1C to B-4. Haglund 2nd.. Lau, Antolik, Campbell, Haglund, and Pikes voted Faye" Lutgens and 7aun voted "no Motion carried 5..2. Lutgens and Zaun both gave the same reason 'for voting "no"--each would.. rather see the whole area re- Zon~d to straighten section line, which would include Christensen property. Mr. Christensen was asked to ..bring mor® detailed building plan to next meeting, August 15th. • 204.. Public hearing of Brookview Park, Inc. for preliminary plat approval, 5~ of SF,~ of Sec 4, was heard. Mr. Bob Gottstader, civil engineer, and Mr. Stan Kalstad were present. It i.s the southernmost $0 acres, bounded by 16th St and Cedar Av that is being consider~i at this time. These will be single-family residential lots-,lots not to be sold until water and sewer are available. Materials from Planner Lee Starr nod also from Mr. Norman J. Nellen, District Conservationist with. U. S. Soil Conservation Service were read and discussed.. Me~abers were told that P & R members are touring this area on Wed., July 31st--if any would care to also loin them. Lutgens moved to tabl~a the hearing until August 15th meeting, to enable further consideration before reaching a decision...?aun seconded. Motion to table this matter carried. 205. Mr. Bernard Hofschulte, Bernco, Inc., was present, askingapproval of a building permit. His new location will be between 35W and Hwy 65 on 215th St. The property contains 10 acres--the 2 acres he plans to build on, plus 8 acres he has on contract for dead. The location is above-grade and is properly Zoned« The question arose whether or not the ruling of o~mership of 3 acres if there is not waterf sewer present applies here--before building. Campbell-made motion to approve building permit. Zaun seconded. Voting "aye" wars Antolik, Campbell, Pikes, and Zaun. Voting "no" were Lau, Haglxnd, and Lutgens. (Reason given to deny was the lames the legality of allowing a building to be built on only two acres, clear this, without water/sewer.) Motion to approve Hofschulte building permit passed 4-3. Mr, and Mrs. Lavern Nelson were present. Mrs. Nelson was inquiring the feeling of the Commission about her thought to begin a teaching program in her hc~e on 20'~th 5t W for pre-schoolers. She would like to do this two mornings a week, and, if the number was sufficient, possibly four mornings a week. St1e would comply with all sfate and fire marshall regulations and be licensed. She was 'told the Com- mission would probably be in favor of apre-school, but to approach her neighbors to consider their thoughts. d Y MINtTTFS o~ Tx~ rrrx~ coMMZSSTax JtTLY z5. 1974 PACrFd z 206. Lut~ens made motion, Zaun seconded, to ask for a public hearing to straighten the section. lines rag~rding zoning at Argonne Farms, all in Sac 12--all to become 8..4,=-~aawcaded on the north by 175th Street, on the east by "12" and ~7~, on the south by "i3". The property to the west of this triangular-shaped piece is already zoned B=4. .Motion carried. Campbell wi11 read the minutes on August 5th at the Council meeting. Motion to adoum the meet3.ng at 1x:45 P.M. by Antolik, seconded by Zaun. Motion Qarried. Respectfully suk~itted, John Antolk, Secretary mek • y • MATING OF LAKE"VILLE F~LANNING C{~iMISSIt}N JULY 25, 1974 2U3• E. Christensen public hearing application to rs-zone frn~ R-1C to B.4 Lot ~2, Argonne Farms. Approval ,5-2. Mr. Christensen was asked to bring more-detailed building plan, to Aug. l,~th meeting before building approval. 244. ~aokview Park, Inc. preliminary plat approval was tabled. 205• Bernd, Inc. application for building permit was approval 4-3. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Nelson discussed plans for beginning prs-school in their home on 247th St W. It was suggested they find out the feelings of their neighbors. 206. Commission is asking for a public hearings} to straighten section lines • on zoning map of 5ectian 12, (Argonne Farms). There is, roughly, a tri- angular piece of land that is zoned R-lC, while all the rest is zoned B-4, •