HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-02-74 ;f LAKEVILLE PLA~iAiING COMMISSION RgSULTs Rezoning application was passed by a SPECIAL MEETTNQ~: split vote of 3 to 2. AUE3tTST 2, 1974 ~.rr 7~ Chairman, H. Lau called the meeting to order at 8 P.M. Members present ware Antolik, Lau,' Lutgens, Pikus, and Haglund. The purpose of the meeting, applicat3.on of Gephart's, Inc. to rezone from R-3c to H-4, to erect furniture sales bldg on Outlot "A" of Yung Addition, was read. Attorney A. Leonard Bentson stated the differences between this appliaa= Lion and the one which had bean presented earlier. The main differe~zce was "!cut off 62-feet, so the street could run right on through. Mr. Larry Austad presented four pages of patitians signed by citizens to disallow the rezoning. These petitions era filed with these minutes. Mearbers of the.. audience ware to be allowed five minutes each to make - state~nants far or against the gropoaad rezoning. Mr. Clint Cross-"description of streets was wrong--no ~falnut Street. Also 44.4 ft. would appear to be railroad property. Downstreet should run the commercial-industrial, but here it is all houses;. you want to build away fran what is now commercial, not toward it. The present building does not-conform to fire codas and constitutes fir® hazards. It is on railroad track property on which no taxes are paid. It is on main track of drool childr~?. " Mr. Brendan O'~ien-.."concerned because of traffic on street and school children an street,. mainly. Also, whether people in neighborhood era going: to lose. .money. Wi11, Gepharts lose money on his personal property7" Mr. Greg Johnson wished to know the eucact location of .this development. "Does this. go all the way to Hollins Avenue?" Mr. Wright--"if approved, a lot of stipulations should be worded into it. A lot of promises were made at time present building was built that have not.,been kept.u Mr. G. Baau~naster--People who live here were glad to sea old buildings go, Hc~ would rather not live in a downtown area--let'rs not go any further into residential`araa. He believes you should consider the number of residents affected;"the tax income to the Village isnit going to be that great." Mr. John Marak-_"can you put dollars and cents values on cha.ldrsn7n Mr. John Enggren--He was in favor of the warehouse, he had lived in the area for years. Between Gepharts and ,&lggrans he believed. an approximate number of 1S4 e~nployaes were concerned. He believed everyone living in Lakeville should be concerned with the welfare of good t~siness`here. The warehouse is part of Lakevilla~s expansion plan as shown ,ixi recent printexi report... and in the newspapers. Mr. Wright--"put up a building that will compliment the building..not a pole barn;" Miss M. Sorensen--wished to stress decency, courtesy, and kindness in simple terms. "worried about fare. Would there be a sprinkler system? Dne had been pramis~i whew other building was 1~ilt, but there was none,. 'Loss of her house would be sizable to i her." She believed she and her neighbors should ba shown some considerati.crn. "Ibn't :bring downtown Lakeville to my house." ~ AUGUST 2, 1Q74 SPECIAL PLA1dNI:NG CAMNIISSIpAT ME,El'ING GEPHART' S PAGT 2 .y, • Mrs, L. Aronson--was concerned about traffic and parking. She stated that there was always a number of ears parked now i.n front of Marek~s. What would it ba like with a larger buildingY Mr. G. Anderson--"What are puns for parking7" Mr, Benton thanked people-for .their remarks. Sprinklers had. been thought of and they. would be installed.. About park3.ng--there would. be no employees on-street parking« Parking problem 'would be handled by professional truck drivers. This whole area was co~aercial. The building would be'built on Gephart property, no railroad property. John Wren had been granted a permit far outside storage recently and has applied fora `&,itler building.,.. also. Mr. Clint Cross--~ "what size of building?" Mr. Benison--"would conform. to all'decisons asked." K. Lutgens wanted to, know how much of the'furnture~comes in by rail. Mr. L. Gephart answered 2$ cars through the middle of June:.. H. La~t,~read Planner Lee Start's recommendatiorss for this property--aT.so "parking~f ~~ui~d,--3,n this letter. Mr. C. Cross suggested tennis courts here, R. Pikes made motion, "based on planner's recamsaendations, I move we approve .application far rezoning of Gephart's, zno." . Lau seconded. ..Roils ,Haglund,:"no"; Antolik, "yes"; Lau,. "yes", Lutgens, !"no",Pikes, "yes" Resulting in vote of approval, 3..2. "NOS reasons were; Haglund--traffic problem and safety problems concerned. ,~l,so should not zone into residc~tial area. Lutgens-..voted."no" due to dangerous traffic. Lau, Antolik, and Pikes voted "yes primarily :because planner could notfind a better use of `this property. Mr. L. Kitson remarked that. at this meeta.ng "everyone had respecteai each .other's opinions and that was good." Lutgens and Pikes made and seconded motion tQ adourn« Motion .carried. Times 9:35 p.M. Re tfully ~.tted, ~ ohn Antol3.k, Secretary MEK