HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-15-74 ? 1 MINUTES OF PLANNING CCMMTSSTON MEETZNOr THURSDAY AUGUST 1,~, 1974 • LAKEYILLE MUNICIPAL BtTILDING Chairman Lau called the meeting to order at 8x00 P M, All members present and answering roll: Haglund, Campbell, Antolik, Lau, Lutgens, Zaun, and Pikes. Lutgens and ?aun moved and seconded that the minutes of meeting held on July 25th be accepted as read. Motion carried. Haglund and Pikes moved and seconded that the minutes of the special meeting held an August 2nd be accepted as read. Motion carried. 208. Public hearing to a~nsider the application of Roselle A. Nelson to a ep rate pre-school in F~.1C xonin at 8#40 W 247th St, Park fiarrac~Addn, was held. Ffrs:'~""Te -scin saha~~was suggested that she ~ca~ er school a~children's center" rather than "pre-school". Sh® plans on hold~.ng sehoal 4 A.M.'s a week-.probably Mon. through Thurs.--2~ hours each morning, for the number of children the authorities will allow, which is probably 6. The question erase whether or not this permit could be granted without a variance also, according. to City Ordinance. The proposed school had the support of the entire Commission, Mrs. Nelson also had her neighbor's approval and fire protection approval, but the legality of granting the permit without the variance was the stumbling block. Lau made motion to con_ tie this hearing until August 29th with variance for ~0 feet being considered at that time. Lutgens seconds . - Motion~~rr~ • 209. Final hearing on Woo~i~ Plat of National Ca ital Corporation was heard. ca ion of plat s at part of of the N of Sec. 9, T17.4, R20W'-- which is in north central Lakeville. Mr. Bob Laddesaw was present to answer any questions concerning the plat. Haglund motioned to a ove final Woodbury plat. Campbell seconded. Motion carried. 210. Wren Inc. , represe~zted by John and ~ Wran, requested approval of ra s uildin Type of building construction was a problem to some o~~emMr. Tom Amundson, who proposes to build the building, was present and spoke in behalf of it. The Wren's said the building will be screened and there will bean 8-ft. fence, conta~.ning the screening, around this building with strands of barbwire at top. Haglund made motion to a rove bui].din ep ~it aprovid~i the proper land i.s there and d®cora- tiv~ toorth Lutgens seconded. Motion carried. 211. royal ~ bu~„'~, g~ for new building at gj,~j,~,~g was sought by Mr. Gary McKenzi®, architect with Saxton Co. The building will be just under ,0,000 sq. ft.--10~ will be office space and 90~ will be warehouse. This building will be a distribution warehouse of manufactured items with multiple tenantry built on $ acres. Mr. McKenzie's question of road access was answered by advising ham to talk with engineer before canning before the Council. 1~en asked by Haglund about a landscape plan, Mr. McKenzie said there was such a plan 9xt process and the building would be landscaped. Campbell made motion to ~rg~r building plan... Lau seconded. Lau with- drew his second in order for Campbell to amend his mot%n to includ® "with proper landscaping". Lau again seconded. Motion g~iSi• i PAGE l ~ 4 LAKEVILLE PLA~~VING COMMISSIQN MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 1~, 1974 PAGE 2 • 212. A,~~P~ of bu,~ildix~ig plan was .sought by dir. R. Lewis. Iia proposes to build Poar Richard°s Restaurant" on 3~w service~ane and Co Rd 7p. It was n d thaw h e warms n"ot a plan for parking. There was no doubt but that it could be sufficient, but he was asked to include this before presenting the plan to Council. Zaun made motion to approve building plan. Pikus seconded, then withdrew his second ixl order that Zaun might amend his motion to add "provide suff~ icient ~kin~+'. I~ikus seconded. Motion carr„~~ied, 213. Aox~raval of bu_,ild3.na ~1an was asked bs Wendell Christensen far his property at Argonne Farms. Mr. Christensen would like to have the doors face south instead of to the east. Haglund made motion to approve build.. ing plan, sub ect to the re-~o,~,decision, Pikus seconded. Motion e`ar_ tied. B~rookview Park preliminary plat hearing, which had beenn tabled July 2~th meeting, was re-apene~d. This is Broakview Park let Addition of what was considered to be a PUD by bath developer, Mr. Carl Dale, and the Commission, Mr. ,Dale ex- plained the plan of development and said that the suggestions of County Engineer Gabioux as to road egress to Cedar Av. had been followed. ?n this first develop- ment of the pra~rty which contains sows 249 acres, there will be 167 lots. The development is proposed for the most southerly approximate 84 acres of the fatal area. Four members of Park and Rec Co~rmnittee were isi attendance and told of their problems of accepting Outlat "Cn as park land, Lamont--"Outlot "Ca is park land and, on the basis of what we have heard so far, that land is n©t land we can use for park land. LeRoy--'~ 'C' is not desireable because of high water level, the pond is not going to be developed right away, and we can not be assured that this • would take care of the problem." Erickson-_"What about parking facilitiesY What families will move here? The mothers t~3.th mall children would not care to send children this far. " Haglund said he would like some clarification from P and R members, am you want land for parks or Bash danation7" Reply was that it depended an number of residents and famil.ie$ concerned. Question of whether or not thistas a PUD was brought up by Public Works Director Jim Robinette. Had there bean finalapproval't Planner Lee Starr found in his notes where Broakview Park had been approved in cx~ncept by Council in December 1973• When asked his opinions, Planner Starr said that the lay-out of the roads followed the contour of the land well."Aside from park concerns, have you considerred this? Rather than develop the ceitire area egd da with wet basements, etc., ,go to a modified. method and develop an high .spots only? Would you consider cluster arrangements7" who Engineer Friga~had met with Park & Rec membe~ earlier in the evening, had explained the blue areas on the soil cronservatian` $i~tlat eC" and area to the east of it are part of land through this entire watershed area which is ear- marked for trail systems, rather than building development, isx order to control the water problem. When boring 3xi this blue area earlier, $rigaard had found the water level at two feet. • Dale--"Where do you stop?" Iri answer to Planner Start's questions, "We think we can make it work.„ PAGE 2 LAKEV7.L'LE I~LAr'~NNIl3G CC~ITSSI(~N MEF,TI~Q MI`~UTES AUGiIST 1~, 1974 PAGE 3 . Lau--"pre you (Dale), willing to go into a develapanent eantract4" Dale-_"Yes. Would welcome it." Erickson--That type of families do ycu expect will live here7" Dale--"Families of high-income 1eve1. Families with fewer children are what we are expecting." He went on to say that building had bey allowed in ditches across the street. Eri.ekson replied that "her understanding of park land is not a ditch." LeRoy wished to know, "does park land have to be designated before a development contract is drawn'~N Robinette spoke, "as Director of Public Works,- there are some things I would like to point out. There are 167 homes here. A road might someday cases out on Dodd; on the west, a road might someday come out on Highview. Meanwhil®, if one entrance gets blocked, it w~auld be impossible to enter this area. Zt is necessary to work out the matter of streets." Starr pointed out that a median at Cedar Av access would help. Mr. Dale pointed out that the first phase of development they are eon- sidering is approximately 4~ lots--all lying east of (ireatsight Av. on their plat. Erickson said that in the past it had worked out satisfactorily for lots to be held in escrow until develognent reached certain goals. P & R are suggesting ,holding Lots 1 through ? in ffiock 8, and Lots 1 through 13 in Block ? in this fashion. • 214. Pikus move to a > grove prsl3minarY of Br, ao~kv3~ew Park plat, prov~.dng the applicant agrees to A develo ent con tact of Ph_ ass I and lots as ~tgge~eted by P & R are h~ in e~sez~ow. Campbell seconded.. Motion cam. 215. Zaun made motion that developed of F~ookview Park enter into a deyaolc,~omes;~t contract for enti~rs approx3~mate acres. Lau se dcon~ed. Motion oar ie . 216. Buildin p1ar~ a~praval was asked by Mr. R. Gruboesh for T. C. D~.str3,butors at lake. This will be an extension of present building where they handle Fedders heating ex~uiparent. The proposed building will be of concrete black and faced with bricks or exposed aggregate to make it attractive. Haglund made motion to a~,prave building plan, Lau seconded. Motion cam. Mr« Jolu's Murtfeldt, who is interested in buying home and $ acres at ~unetion of Dodd and Cedar Avenu®s, was asking advice and information. Fie would like to establish a wild-flower nursery, both to grow and sell, at this location. Fi® also plans on having horses; the barn is there. Most propagation would be ri law lying beds, per- haps five or six. The biggest ~t of building would be a shelter with slatted roof for growing smme plants. Part of the selling operation would be plants that are already grown and held for re-sale. There would probably be a 3-year-growing period for plants of his own. Lau advised against this operation, believeing a possible loss of conditional use permit would result in a loss of his investment. Other members had no objections. Lutgens will read the minutes at the next Council meeting which is on September 3rd. • Capital Improvesaent Program was next item of business. Planner Starr began by explaining map of mayor and minor roads of County development. Motion to adjourn meeting by Haglund, seconded by Antolik. Motion .carried. Respectfully submitted, Secretary mek SUMMARY PLANNING Ct~'iMISSION AiETING AUGUST 1$, 19'74 All members present and answering roll. Minutes of July 2,5th read and accepted, also minutes of spacial meeting August 2nd. 208. Public hearing, applicant Mrs. Roselle A. Nelson, to operate pra»school , in Rl-c zoning in Park Terrace. Hearing is~continuad until August 29th because i~+ba].iaved a variance is needed. 209. Fina___l hearing on i~odburst Plat of National Capital Corporation was heard. Ap,~z~c?vad. 210. _ royal of Wren;„Inc, build permit request, Nprovided proper land is there and decorative front to the north'. 211. ~1 ~rova1 of building e~ rmit at Airlaka, asked by Mr. Gary McKan~ia, archit ca t with ~ Co. Approval si to in,_,c~ude oar landscaping. 212. royal of building plan for Mr. R. L„~ for "Poor Richard's,Rsstauranty to ba on 3SW service lane and Co Rd '70--provided they ~~hbw suff,~, 3.cient ap rkin~ on plan. 213. Ap~y 1 of building flan of Wendell C~r~.stensan, sub act to ram decision by Council, was given. • 214. Continuation of pra~liminarv Brookyiaw Park plat hearing--e~p_„_royal, proms the applicant agrees to davelounent contract of Rasa and lots era held in escrow es suggested by Park & Re 3.ttaa. 215. Racanm~dation that develo r of Bro_~ a_,_w Park meter into a flav,~alo xn.ent con.. for en_ fire 2 acres of project, carried. 216. A~a~rova_,,,1 of buildin ..plan extension for T. C. Distributors at ,~rlaka. Information and advice offered to Air. John Murtfaldt who would like to begin wild-flower nursery on Dodd and Cedar corner. '4~rk done on Capital Improvement Program.