HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-29-74 LAKEVILLE PLANNING Ct3M~IISSIOI~ LAKEVILLE MUNICIPAL ~JTLDING • T~TRSDAY AUGUST 29, 197 Meeting was called to ardor at 8x00 FM by Chairman Lau. Members present: Antolik, Lutgens, Zaun, Pikes, Campbell, and Lau; Haglund absent. Each member had been provided with minutes of August lath meeting at Least ten days previously, sa reading of lengthy minutes was dispensed with and summary was read. Correction of Item X210 to read "John and Pat Wren" was made. Lutgens and Campbell moved and seconded approval of AuEust lath minutes. Motion carried. 217. Public hearing for. variance side-yard setback as to drainage easement by First Federal Savings & Loan Assn,, at .Forest Hi11s was heard. Legal description should be Lot B1ack 2, Forest dills, in place of 81.ock Correction so made. Lutgens made motion to approve this side_yard setback variance. Antolik seconded. Motion carried. 218. Approval of application of Elizabeth M. Seely to operate home for boys at 17299 Flagstaff Avenue was given by a to 1 vote. This was a renewal of a special use permit which time limit of ones.year had expired. 7aun made motion to grant Mrs. Seely special use permit for another one-year time period. Pikes seconded. Lau cast a vote for denial, e~splaining that he felt Mrs. Seely had not complied with things she had been asked to do at her first application, mostly matter of • a trailer and unsightly condition of other items. Mrs. Seely explained the trailer had been. her motherf's and estate had not been settled; also machinery had dust been received which would be used to remedy the other situation. Approval of special use permit .with time limit of one year was granted-_,~ to 1 vote. 219. Public hearing was held to consider the rezoning from R IC to B 4 of "a11 that portion of the SE~ of See 12, TI14N, H2IW, which is presently zoned R 1C•p This hearing was instigated by the Planning Commission in order to straighten zoning section lines. Nc one appeared against the proposed re-zoning. Lutgens made motion to approve the rezoning. Pikes seconded. M©tion carried. 22©. Approval at ;public hearing for variance to garage size to, ;oouglas A. Tarbet at 996$ Oak Share, Oafs Shares Addition, was given. Campbell made motion and Antolik seconded. Motion carried;. 221. Public hearing approval for variance as to garage-size over 600 sq. ft. was given to Richard J. Gadbois, Orchard Take-_Sec. 2, NWT of S,E. Mr. Gadbois had torn down an old structure and was proceeding to build a new one not realizing that a permit was required to do this. Lutgens motioned, Antolik seconded. Motion carried. 222. Signing of hardshell for & G ~ilders~ Lakeridge Plat was next item. Mr. Gene Jacobsem was present. Zaun motioned pin light of the fact that the Council has already approved this, we will sign it as an advisory board.p Campbell admended the motion to say pG ~ G has complied with all recommendations that they have been asked to do.p Pikes seconded. Motion carried. FZANNIPtG t~?MMISSIaN AUGUST 29, 1974 PAGE 2 223• Matter of public hearing of Mrs. ,Roselle Nelson for s ecial s p u e permit for child learning center, which had been tabled, was~~~~e. Mrs. Nelson stated her plans at this tune are for b children a per weak. Ths first session will bs from 9 AM to lla3a AM; the second session wilt be frost 12 noon to 2:3a Lutgens made motion to grant approval for child learning eenter special use permit for ens year, pro- viding theta will be no mars than six children at any one class and time lag between classes will net be shorter than thirty minutes. Pikes ascended. Maticn carried. 224. Budget was discussed. Lau and Starr will work on this together and put on paper what they think is needed. 225• A map of items to cover in 5-year capital improvetnsnt program which had. been drawn by Planner ~3tarr at request of D. Zaun was Shawn ana e~cp3ainsd as to priorities. It included plan for fire station near Apple Yallsy, and plans far read improvements at Lake Marian on ,Tung Trail; west share and south share of f3rchard Lake-.. 172nd Street to Hwy 175th Street; 185th Street;.l92nd Street; and 167th Street. Pikes made motion to approve this plan for capital improvement program. Lutgana seconded. Motion carried. D. Zaun presented copies of fire safety policies that Bloomington uses. Each member is going to study then before next meeting, September l2th. • Ration to adjourn the meeting at lOslS by Antolik, seconded bY' Zaun. Motion carried. pe Pu1.2y suited, ~ ~ John Antolik, Secretary msk • PAGE 2 SC~9MA~tY ~NING C0M~t2SSION THURSllAY AUG~IST 29, 1974 217. Variance side-yard setback conditional use public hearing far First federal Savings & Loan Assn., at Forest Hills, was approved, following correction of 81.ock number. 218. Approval for term of one-year for Elizabeth M. Seely to operate a home f©r i~ys at 17299 FZ.agstaff ,A,venue was heard. (Granted) 219• Re-zoningapproved from R l.C to B 4 at Argonne Farms, includes all lots necessary to straighten section Line. 220.. Granted variance as to garage-sips at 9868 pak Shores to Douglas A. Tarbet, 221. Granted variance as to garage-size over 600 sq, ft to Richard J. Gadbois at Orchard Lake, an 168th St. 222. Hardshel.l for Lakeridge Plat was signeal -yin light of the fact that the Council has already approved it, we will sign it as an .advisory board, since G & G Aiilders have complied with all recommendations. 223• Continuation of hearing Item Na. of Mrs. R. Nelson to have a child learning center in .her home in Lakeville was heard. • Permit was approved, with stipulations as to number of students at one class, hours, days, and time between classes. Students shall not exceed 6 at one time; hours are 9 ,AM to 11;30 Am and 12 Noon 20 2a30 PM; time lag between classes not to be shorter than 30 minutes. This permit was granted for a one_year time period. 22~. Lau. and Stair will plan a budget for upcoming year. 22~. Map of Lakeville, drawn by Planner Starr, showing"priority read improvements and fire station location, was explained. This program was approved as our 5-year program of capital imprave~nsnts, D. 7aun presented copies of fire. safety policies operating in City of H'1.oomington. Each member is going to study then before next meeting, Septeaber 12th. •