HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-12-74 LAKEVILLE PLA~iA1Itd G C~NII sSION THURSDAY SEpT~MBEft 12, 1974 LAKEVILLE MUNICIPAL BUILDINt3 • Chairman Lau called the meeting to order at $;00 P.M. Members answering roil were Lau, Campbell, Antolik, Haglund, Zaun, and Pikus_-Lutge~ns was absent. Minutes of the August 29th meeting were read. Zaun wished to be sure the legal descriptions for the re-~oni.ng of land at Item ~21Q were ~rrect. Antolik and Pikus moved and seconded to approve these minutes. Motion carried. 226. Public hearing, Dakota Restaurants, Inc., (Chart House). for conditional use permit to operate restaurant with on-sale liquor, at Orchard Lake, was heard. Mr. "Cap'n" Ammon appeared representing Chart House. Haglund and Antolik motioned and seconded to grant approval of this permit. Motion carried. 22?• Applicant Renate M. T~Lichs appeared to ask conditional use permit to operate ceramic shop in home at 6670 169th St., galley Park. She stated that there is no kiln-use with tear product--it is something like plaster of Paris, then wrapped in foil, then painted with a paint that can be cleaned, (brushes}. with water. Campbell made motion to table this matter until inspection can be made by Iel`ire Chief Marek and we havehis opinion. Zaun seconded. Motion carried. Latter is to be drafted for "amiss" Ackerman to give to Chief Marek concerning this matter. Motion carried. 22$. Variance to build below-grade, (1 to 2 feet), in KingsWOOd Estates, Orchard Lake, was item of public hearing for Charles H. Tracy. This. will be located 125 ft. from the road, and the building will ba located on the highest point--according to kir. Tracy. Haglund and Campbell moved and seconded the motion to approve the variance. Motion carried. • Mr. Tra of Item 22$ cy ~ above, also asked for a public hearing for variance to garage-si$e--three-car garage--on his property at Kingswood Estates, Orchard Laka. Haglund ana Zaun moved and seconded to grant approval of this variance. Motion carried. .230.. As tapir for consideration and advice, Mr, Pat Callahan appeared concerning property he is intarest~,in purchasing to the north of Lea Riv~rs+ home at Orchard Lake. This property is almost entirely below grade, extremely steep incline. Lau suggested that Planner Starr might look at it and several Commission ~ae~abers wish to view the property, too, bafare offering suggestions. Mr. Callahan was else advised to sea both WiS Committee and P ~ R Committee. Further discussion on fire safety action that should be taken 3xi Lakeville was next item. Zaun has asked City Administrator for help iri this matter. Matter was tabled until further study and consideration could be givan this topic. $8,$00 budget for 1975 was discussed. It is the one that will be proposed to Council, Thank you letter is to ba written to school officials for their help-- and school personnel--in putting together extra copies of "Soils Books". There will ba a meeting of Planning Commission and City Ac~ainistrator Kogan on 5epteeiber 1$th, Wednesday, from 7 P M until 9 P M, to meet Mr. Hogan. • KRA program was diseuss~. Motion to adjourn the sting at 11 P M was made by 7aun, seconded by Antolik. Motion carried. Respectfully suk~nitted, - ~ ~'ohn Antolik, Secretary mek a ~ SUMMARY • PLANNING CC~iMI SSTON MEETIN G THURSDAY, SEPT~iBER 32, 1974 226. Chart House conditional use permit to operate restaurant with on-sale liquor at Orchard Lake was approved. 227. Tabled was application far conditional use permit to operate ceramic shop in her home by Renee M. Fuchs, 6670 169th St., Valley Park. 228. Approval of variance to build below-grade at Kingswood Estates was given to Charles H. Tracy. This will be a variance of 1 to 2 feet and is 22~ feet from the road. 229. .Public hearing was also held, and Mr. Charles H. Tracy of Item X228, was also granted approval for variance to garage size, (3-.car garage). 230. Advice was asked from Commissioners by Mr. Pat Callahan about developing a below grade piece of property lying directly north of Le® Rivers home at Orchard Lake. Mr. Callahan was advised to see W/S Committee and P & R Committee-..also matter will be discussed with Planner Starr. Several Commission members wish to view the site, also. Other matters discussed were; fire safety action, conditional use permits . for home operators, $8,800 budget for 197, and copies of "Soils Bcoks~~, and HRA program. There is a meeting planned for the evaning of September 18th to meet Mr. Hogan, new City Administrator. •