HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-26-74 I PLANNIAtG Ct~4MISSION METING S~PT~MBER 26, 19?4 LAKEVrLLE MUNICIPAL HALL AIRLAKI+, At 8s40 P M the meeting was .called to order by Chairman H. Lau. AXl mem- bers ware present and answering rolls Lau, Antolik, Campbell, Haglund, Lutgens, Zaun, and Pikus. Campbell, and Z~aun moved and seconded to approve the minutes of the September 12th meeting as presented and read. Motkon carried. 231, Public hearing for placing and keeping mobile home at Kaparia Av and 20$th Street by applicant David Mostad was read.Mr. Mostad was present and stated there was no neighbor within 6(?4 ft. He wishes the trailer home for his mother so that she may readily be available to medical supplies that she needs. He estimated the time he would need the permit to be l~ years. Zaun made the motion to approve trailer home permit for Mr. Mastad Campbell second. .Motion carried. 232. Public hearing for variance to s3.deyard set-back, t3~ ft}, at 16642 Gannon Av., Valley Park 2nd Addition, far Mr. Richard L. Hanson, was next item. Next neighbors had been notified and there was no ob3ection from them. A diagram of what he would like is filed with these minutes. Lutgens made :motion to approve this variance; Zaun seconded« Motion carried. 233• Mr. RS.chard L. Hanson, Item X232, also was the applicant at a public hearing , same address, for variance to garage-size, (24' x 3Ci}. Lutgens made motion to approve this variance; Campbell se~nded. Motion carried, 234. Tabled public hearing of Sept. 12th, X227, for Mrs. Renee Fuchs' ceramic shop in her hom®, was re-heard. A letter from Herbert W. Meyer, Director of State of Minnesota Funding Codes, regarding exit facilities for ea~,ergencies is on file with these minutes. Mr. and Mrs. Ftitchs now wish to locate the ceramics operation in an upstairs room, Chief J. Maxek was contacted and in his opinion this was O.,g. if the exits as described in Bldg Code latter, dated 8/30/74, were available. Zaun made motion to grant conditional use permit, provided it was done on first floor, with a time limit of one year--also doorway which complies with state building code, between that room and the kitchen. Lutgens seconded. Motion carried. ~lichs' ware also in- formed that if there was a sign, a permit would be needed for it, also. 23,5. Mr. ,gggura, who had accompanied Mr. Callahan last meeting, was present to review land subdivision in der Park, Qrchard Lake. (This was item ~23fl.) Thsy have. now sought advice from W/s and Park & Rec Committees. w/s advised the to speak with engineer about what w/s plans are for this development and Parks would want a cash donation in lieu of land. Planner Starr~s opinions: see definite problems of develop- went, but it could be done.--should see some topography--city would demand an adequately functioning system, no matter where it was located." Starr was also concerned with erosion, while building was done. Percolation tests should be made. If building is done without subdivision, gum-.Callahan should have hearing for variance for bui.l.dng below grads. wilding Inspector Ackerman conmaented on minutes of special meeting held . Sept. 18th. He spoke on ti~ae expirations of special/conditional use permits, site plan building measur~nents 'changes, and budget reports. There ors no conditional use permits which have expired at the present time, except one, which will be heard Oct. lath--and he explained this situation. Council, at times, does change build3xig plans. The Building Inspector does not do reporting an the budget, or is not the person responsible.. _ t . _ , _ . G,~o. L. Starr, ?resented detailed report on HRA plan for Lakeville. Ccapfss of his letter and report are filed with-these minutes. At Zaunf s request, eQpies of fixe safety nfnr~ati4n will. go City Admirtis- trator, Chief 1~arek, Cc>~anc~.]. members, etc.-..asking fQr their comments, Minutes w3.].l be read to Council on Oet. ?th by 7aun, on the 1,5th by Campbell. A~ntc~lik- 2aun motion to ad j4urn. elation carried. Time 1Q ; ~0 ~'.M. Respectfully submitted, John Antolik, ~cretaxy mek suMMARY LAKEVILLE PLANNING CONIMISSI0141 MEETING THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 197+ 231. Public hearing far the placing and keeping mobile home at Kaparia Av and 205th St. for Mr. David Mostad. Mr. Mostad stated he needed the home for approximate time length of 1~ years. Motion approved, seconded, carried, 232. Public hearing for variance to sideyard set-back of 3~ ft at 16642 Gannon Av., Valley Park 2nd Addition, for Mr, Richard L. Hanson. Variance a proved. 233• Public hearing for variance as to garage-size.,. (24'by 30'), far Mr. Hanson, same address as Item No. 232. Variance approved. 234. Tabled public hearing from Sept.. 12th, No. 227, was re-opened. Thiswas for conditional use permit for Mrs. Renee Fuchs at her home in Valley Park, to have ceramics crafts. Approved conditional use permit for period of one year, provided it is on the first floor of the home and. that the doorway between this room and the kitchen meets the specifications of thestate building code.. 235. Further advice, (Item No. 23(3) and discussion with Mr. Eggum, who, with Mr. P. . Callahan wishes to subdivide land in Deer Park at f3rchard Lake for construction of three homes. Two of these homes could be built without subdividing. However, if this is done, Mr. Eggum was advised he would still need to apply for a v~ranee to build below-grade. Building Inspector "Buss" Ackerman gave comments on notes of Special Meeting held on September 18th, between Planning Commission and City Administrator. 236. Report and letter from Planner R. Lee Starr regarding plan for Housing Re-develop- ment Authority at Lakeville. Copies of these are filed with these minutes. Fire safety information obtained by Zaun on fire ordinance is to be sent to Chief Marek, Administrator Hogan, Members of Council, etc., asking for their comments.