HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-10-74 PLANNING COMA+BSSION MEETING MINUTES THURSDAY OCTOBER 10, 197 ~II~~iI~EVILLE MUNICIPAL HALL AIRLAKE PARK The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P M by Chairman H. Lau. Members answering roll were: Lau, Lutgens, Haglund, Campbell, and Zaun; absent were Pikes and Antolik. The minutes of the meeting held September 26th were read. Lutgens and Campbell moved and seconded to approve these minutes. Motion carried. 237. Public hearing of Instant Homes, Inc. for conditional use .permit for outside storage of mobile homes, renewable permit, on 171st St and Service Lane, Hwy 50 and 35W, West side of 35W, was heard. Minutes of meetings held June 28 and July. 12, 1973 were reviewed. It was believed that a plan of Instant Homes.' at that time showed shrubbery plantings, landscaping, etc., in addition to the proposed placement of homes for showing. This hearing was tabled on a motion of Lau, seconded by Haglund, ~}dta~~©p~~n~n$~~n. is examined by the Caanmission. Motion carried. Land content 238. Public hearing. of applicant Jim Gannon for conditional use permit to install an .underground tank of 8,000 gal. on Lots 1, 2, and 3, corner of 210th St and Holyok® Av was read. Mr. Gannon was not present. It has become the policy of the Planning Commission not to approve permits until discussing it with the applicant. Motion to table this hearing until next meeting was made by Zaun, seconded by Lutgens. Motion carried. Both Items No. 237 and No. 238 will be re-opened at the next meeting of the Planning Commissi€~n which will be Thursday,.October 26th. ~39• A letter dated September 30, 197~F from Planner Lee Starr to the Administrator, Mr. Hogan, and copy to Henry Lau, was discussed. The letter concerns increase of ~5 per hour, fram4 X20.00 to $25.00 per hour, for technical advisory assistance. This pro- posed increase will become-effective January 1, 1975, if approved. Zaun made motion, seconded by Haglund, to "recommend to Council that they consider Lee Stan's increase of X5.00 per hour." Motion carried. It .was planned by H. Lau to meet with D. Zaun, with M. Klotz. to take notes,.. and draw up a rough-draft of proposed fire safety code for Lakeville--then present it to other interested parties, J. Marek, Chief, and R. Hogan, Administrator, etc., for their added ec:anments . 2$0~ "although the Planning Ccanmission endorses the idea concept of a downtown renewal pro3ect, at this time the Planning Commission feels it is not necessary to establish a Housing Redevelopment Authority, either municipal, county, or metropolitan level, for the downtown renewal project", motion by Zaun. Reasons given for this .opinion were: 1. Planner Lee Stan's doubts about Lakeville being able to qualify,. 2. Plan would be quite costly. We are not in a position to do this at this time. Further-- 1. Geographical limits, as to city blocks, are not defined well--no written documents that can be analyzed and approved. 2. No formal written proposals made to the Planning Co~unission. Planning Coma~ission requests this be done before any determination can be made on the downtown renewal. Discussion of budget that had been proposed to Council the preeeding Monday evening followed. Lau expressed concern about allocation to Fire Department and will discuss is with Administrator. J. Haglund will read Planning Commission minutes at the October 21st Council meeting. Motion to adjourn the ing by Lutgens, seconded by Zaun. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, j mek